1 Brutal Thing Needs To Happen To GOP

What lies?

Bragging about beating people up and shooting them? Those quotes don't have an inkling of violence, other than killing destructive rodents
You're the bloodthirsty misanthrope who wants to make shooting Trump supporters a national pastime. If that's not a red flag, there isn't one.
But then everyone knows you're all talk and just a lying pussy. Come on coward, lock and load. The invitation to shoot me is open. Bring it on, I like a challenge...

You keep this "red flag" bullshit up because you're scared shitless of me

I'll leave that decision up to the prosecutor and justice system, Arbie. You've made lots of violent threats and support assaulting elderly people. Note that the law doesn't distinguish the age of the assaulter. Your actions are premeditated and with intent. You've confessed to violent crimes and terrorism in your shooting of a neighbor's cat. You've supported the violence of Trumpers.

You aren't completely stupid. It's one thing to say those things on the Internet, but if you ever acted upon them, they all become evidence against you. It'd be prison for you. This is why you refused to show up when invited by me.

What lies?

Bragging about beating people up and shooting them? Those quotes don't have an inkling of violence, other than killing destructive rodents
You're the bloodthirsty misanthrope who wants to make shooting Trump supporters a national pastime. If that's not a red flag, there isn't one.
But then everyone knows you're all talk and just a lying pussy. Come on coward, lock and load. The invitation to shoot me is open. Bring it on, I like a challenge...

You keep this "red flag" bullshit up because you're scared shitless of me

Yes indeed....his "resume" isn't being shared anywhere for many reasons..... you don't ever have to worry about him... nor does anyone else in real life...
Yes indeed....his "resume" isn't being shared anywhere for many reasons..... you don't ever have to worry about him... nor does anyone else in real life...

Another thread is mine! LOL

Arbie is exactly what he accuses others of being: a coward and a liar.
Texas has an elderly abuse law, dumbass. I'd be happy to let you hit me in public then see you go to prison, chickenshit. That's why you wouldn't drive an hour to see me.

Besides, Internet Tough Guys like you rarely know how to punch. Your dozens of posts are premeditation. All you have to is touch me, I fall down and wait for the police to haul your ass off. "Revenge is a dish best served cold". :rofl2:


This is why you refused to show up, dumbass. You talk tough but you rightfully fear a felony conviction. No guns for you! LOL

Arbie is exactly what he accuses others of being: a coward and a liar.

That, from someone who "claims" to be a Marine and a Naval Aviator. Your cowardly accusations fall on deaf ears.
That, from someone who "claims" to be a Marine and a Naval Aviator. Your cowardly accusations fall on deaf ears.
As I stated before, neither of those... or anything else he claims to be... would ever post what he does... especially not publicly 100 times a day...
That, from someone who "claims" to be a Marine and a Naval Aviator. Your cowardly accusations fall on deaf ears.

You're just proving yourself to be an idiot, Arbie. Which is better revenge? Punching someone in the face or sending them to prison and collecting compensation for pain and suffering in court?

You're just proving yourself to be an idiot, Arbie. Which is better revenge? Punching someone in the face or sending them to prison and collecting compensation for pain and suffering in court?


You keep on proving you're a lying coward. There's really no need, everyone knows you're a lying coward.
You keep on proving you're a lying coward. There's really no need, everyone knows you're a lying coward.
Thanks for the evidence, Arbie. The more examples of hatred you post are more evidence of your premeditation. Truly a Red Flag.


Thanks for the "everyone" claim. It proves you have mental issues too when you think you can read minds. Another Red Flag.
It's ok to viscerally hate one another, people.
We were constructed to do that, obviously.

Some believe that hatred withers away the hater more than the hated.

Even if that's so, suppressing natural hatred will do the same,
so we're going to wither no matter what.

The internet is, above all other things, an easy place to vent hatred.

I'm sure that Al Gore invented it for this very reason,
and not for the Bezos prick to become a near-trillionaire. :)
Thanks for the evidence, Arbie. The more examples of hatred you post are more evidence of your premeditation. Truly a Red Flag.

Thanks for the "everyone" claim. It proves you have mental issues too when you think you can read minds. Another Red Flag.

Come on, coward. You're the one who wants to make killing Americans a national pastime, not me. Lets get it on...
My win is automatic when the "certificate" comes out and the SCRIPT gets a nod...:laugh:
Another thread is mine.
I am a retired teacher...:)
I'm a retired teacher..;)
I am a retired teacher...:)
I am a retired teacher...:)

I taught for 30 years... how long did you teach?

I am a retired teacher...:)
I'm a retired teacher..;)
I am a retired teacher...:)
I am a retired teacher...:)
The red flag keeps waving. LOL

You're the one who wants to make killing Americans a national pastime, not me.
As I said, your lies and cowardly accusations fall on deaf ears.
Unlike you, I have a life, time to continue living it. You? You can continue to make an ass of yourself on an internet forum :laugh:
You're the one who wants to make killing Americans a national pastime, not me.

As I said, your lies and cowardly accusations fall on deaf ears.

Unlike you, I have a life, time to continue living it. You? You can continue to make an ass of yourself on an internet forum :laugh:
Every time you tell a lie, you dishonor yourself, Arbie. You should have more self-respect, son.

Your posts are here for Law Enforcement to download. You've confessed to domestic terrorism. What alleged lie or accusation are you running from, Arbie?

If you have a life, Arbie, why do you want to throw it away by assaulting elderly Americans? Prison for 5-10 years will take you away from your family.