1 Brutal Thing Needs To Happen To GOP

Your jealousy of me is unwarranted. You should be proud of your own accomplishments, Arbie, not jealous of the accomplishments of others, son.

Jealous of you? Of what accomplishments? Being a coward? Spending all day every day on an internet political forum making a lying ass of yourself? Well, if you consider those accomplishments...
Jealous of you? Of what accomplishments? Being a coward? Spending all day every day on an internet political forum making a lying ass of yourself? Well, if you consider those accomplishments...
As you can see he does...lol... quite the impressive "resume" :rolleyes:
As you can see he does...lol... quite the impressive "resume" :rolleyes:

I have just under 41,000 posts in 6 years. The coward has just under 123,000 (and that doesn't include all the deleted) posts in 3 years. Yep, quite the impressive "professional" resume :laugh:
I have just under 41,000 posts in 6 years. The coward has just under 123,000 (and that doesn't include all the deleted) posts in 3 years. Yep, quite the impressive "professional" resume :laugh:

Another thread is mine. LOL

Yes, Arbie. You prove it with your lies and threats of violence.

You're the one with the bloodthirsty fascination for killing Trump supporters. Come on, get off the internet and lock and load. Lets go. Start the killin' coward.
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I have just under 41,000 posts in 6 years. The coward has just under 123,000 (and that doesn't include all the deleted) posts in 3 years. Yep, quite the impressive "professional" resume :laugh:
That was easy... good thing there's no one who needs to look at that "resume" in real life... what's posted here would surely Blacklist anyone from working with people..
You're the one with the bloodthirsty fascination of killing Trump supporters. Come on, get off the internet and lock and load. Lets go. Start the killin' coward.
I'd ask you for proof to back up your lies, but you always disappear when I do. Sad.

You're the one who keeps bragging about beating people up and shooting them, Arbie. You're a walking Red Flag.

The North/South Civil War is long over. The enemy today is in our midst.
And you're a liberal idiot. Cats are evil.

13 reasons why cats are just plain evil

"Cats are not fluffy balls of goodness, they are murdering, evil monsters..."



The only good cat is a dead one.
That was easy... good thing there's no one who needs to look at that "resume" in real life... what's posted here would surely Blacklist anyone from working with people..

...or flying an airplane or helicopter.
...or flying an airplane or helicopter.
Exactly... no one would ever jeopardize ...or celebrate... a job working with actual human beings ..whether it was volunteer or paid.... by posting what he does...never...ever...
I'd ask you for proof to back up your lies, but you always disappear when I do. Sad.

You're the one who keeps bragging about beating people up and shooting them, Arbie. You're a walking Red Flag.

What lies?

Bragging about beating people up and shooting them? Those quotes don't have an inkling of violence, other than killing destructive rodents
You're the bloodthirsty misanthrope who wants to make shooting Trump supporters a national pastime. If that's not a red flag, there isn't one.
But then everyone knows you're all talk and just a lying pussy. Come on coward, lock and load. The invitation to shoot me is open. Bring it on, I like a challenge...

You keep this "red flag" bullshit up because you're scared shitless of me
tougher in person, your loser ass was too chickenshit to show, piece of shit that you are
Texas has an elderly abuse law, dumbass. I'd be happy to let you hit me in public then see you go to prison, chickenshit. That's why you wouldn't drive an hour to see me.

Besides, Internet Tough Guys like you rarely know how to punch. Your dozens of posts are premeditation. All you have to is touch me, I fall down and wait for the police to haul your ass off. "Revenge is a dish best served cold". :rofl2:

Penalties for Assault on the Elderly in Texas
Recklessly or negligently causing bodily injury to an elderly person in Texas can result in a state jail felony offense. Penalties for this can include two years of prison and fines of up to $10,000.

Intentional or knowing bodily injury to an elderly individual may lead to third-degree felony charges. Which can subject you to a sentence of up to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Certain actions can increase the severity of charges. For example, working at a care facility or a nursing home can elevate the charges. In such cases, the charges may be classified as second- or first-degree felonies. Conviction of these higher-degree felonies may result in lengthy imprisonment and substantial fines.

This is why you refused to show up, dumbass. You talk tough but you rightfully fear a felony conviction. No guns for you! LOL