1 In Every 99 Adult Americans Now Behind Bars

So now we are talking about numbers instead of percentages? Because if so I would have to point out that we probably have a larger population than Canada and Australia combined (not sure about Europe, as last I checked it was a continent, not a country).

I thought the numbers would be a little easier for you to understand. I used Europe so I wouldn't have to list each country. My typing finger has a problem with commas.
We are manufacturing criminals faster than our population is growing.

You ignored my question. I'll ask again...how many ex cons do we have on the street?
What percentage, I know you like them so, of the general population has served time behind bars?
So now we are talking about numbers instead of percentages? Because if so I would have to point out that we probably have a larger population than Canada and Australia combined (not sure about Europe, as last I checked it was a continent, not a country).

Europe, Canada, and Australia together have a population of around 400 million, the United States 300 million, but I would be surprised if they had more than 500,000 or so prisoners all put together. In most developed countries, they have 100-200 people in prison per 100,000. In Japan they only have 40. We have 700, but it's stabilizing.
Adopting the laws of Europe wouldn't necessarily be ideal. But I'm sure we could easily reduce the amount of people in prison to about 300/100,000 by making some common sense adjustments to the law. It wouldn't raise crime rates, either, if we strictly concentrated on non-violent offense. In fact, it would probably reduce it, since we wouldn't be turning non-violent felons into violent ones.
I thought the numbers would be a little easier for you to understand. I used Europe so I wouldn't have to list each country. My typing finger has a problem with commas.
We are manufacturing criminals faster than our population is growing.

You ignored my question. I'll ask again...how many ex cons do we have on the street?
What percentage, I know you like them so, of the general population has served time behind bars?

We are not manufacturing criminals-- you forget that prisons exist because of the existence of criminals, not the other way around.
We are not manufacturing criminals-- you forget that prisons exist because of the existence of criminals, not the other way around.

And if you don't have enough criminals to feed the prison industry you must manufacture them. That's exactly what we are doing. Before alcohol prohibition we had peace officers. During prohibition we changed to law enforcement officers. Peace officers went after the bad guys. They knew who the bad guys were because peace Officers were part of the community. Keeping the peace was the number one priority.

I live in a place that was as lawless as you can get in America until a couple of years ago. Crankster gangsters relocated here to hide from the drug war. We averaged two murders per year for a decade.

We got a new sheriff. He placed a resident deputy in our community. A young family man with a wonderful wife and family. He cleaned up the mountain in a matter of months. He didn't do it by gathering evidence or busting potheads. He did it by hounding the cranksters. Every where they went he'd show up day or night. He literally hounded them off the mountain.

A peace officer is a member of your community. He knows who the predators are. If you want to really solve drug and crime problems get rid of centralized law enforcement and put a badge in your neighborhood.

We would be better served by spending our money on more peace officers instead of prisons.
You are telling me that our prisons are so empty that we are creating prisoners? It seems to me I always hear about the problem of prison crowding.
Oh, and trying to say that law enforcement was better prior to Prohibition is just silly.

Law enforcement has always been law enforcement--- in modern times, however, the enforcement has actually been for the state, rather than whomever was paying off the cops (the good ol' days, apparently).
Oh, and trying to say that law enforcement was better prior to Prohibition is just silly.

Law enforcement has always been law enforcement--- in modern times, however, the enforcement has actually been for the state, rather than whomever was paying off the cops (the good ol' days, apparently).

Jeeze you're dense!
Why don't you visit Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php
You just might learn something.
I seriously didn't know Gonzo was this stupid. Is he a college student?

You're kidding, you didn't? You're the last to find out about everything around here Top. It did take you almost a year to figure out Onceler was Lorax, now that I think about it. Maybe we should have a JPP newsletter. I can write the headlines:

"Lorax joins JPP as Onceler - Topspin stunned".

"Gonzo the biggest moron on two boards!"
does the 3 strikes drug law in Fl apply to getting caught smoking a doobie ? Just curious.

I think that in all states but California three strikes applies to only violent/serious felonies. But in California they passed a law a few years back that stated that three strikes can't apply to drug possession charges; however, it isn't retroactive, so there are still many people serving a 25 year to life sentence for smoking a joint.