1 In Every 99 Adult Americans Now Behind Bars

I guess I am not as up on my drug laws as I thought-- all the more reason to change them.

EDIT: noticing the Darla post that I missed before (she really is stalking me now), at least I have the ability to admit when I don't know something.
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And if you don't have enough criminals to feed the prison industry you must manufacture them. That's exactly what we are doing. Before alcohol prohibition we had peace officers. During prohibition we changed to law enforcement officers. Peace officers went after the bad guys. They knew who the bad guys were because peace Officers were part of the community. Keeping the peace was the number one priority.

I live in a place that was as lawless as you can get in America until a couple of years ago. Crankster gangsters relocated here to hide from the drug war. We averaged two murders per year for a decade.

We got a new sheriff. He placed a resident deputy in our community. A young family man with a wonderful wife and family. He cleaned up the mountain in a matter of months. He didn't do it by gathering evidence or busting potheads. He did it by hounding the cranksters. Every where they went he'd show up day or night. He literally hounded them off the mountain.

A peace officer is a member of your community. He knows who the predators are. If you want to really solve drug and crime problems get rid of centralized law enforcement and put a badge in your neighborhood.

We would be better served by spending our money on more peace officers instead of prisons.

and you introduced me to this deputy when I visited ya...nice guy...now are you calling little bro a former LE or Peace Officer...be honest now...:cof1:
Charged with a felony? Are you sure you don't want to edit that?

I have trouble believing that people are charged with FELONIES for having A JOINT.
No I don't need to edit that. If you're busted in Cal for pot you generally get a citation. If that happens to you, shake that officer's hand and thank him. He could just as easily take you to jail. Now, whether he cites you or takes you to jail, you are going to appear in front of the judge. The judge can fine you or send you to jail. If you have any priors, pot, theft, drunk driving, you can be charged with a felony and off to prison you go.

I will admit that almost all of those who are doing time for simple possession are actually bad guys who copped a plea. But not all of them are. Some are just people who have had multiple arrests for pot and are too damn dumb not to smoke in public.
No I don't need to edit that. If you're busted in Cal for pot you generally get a citation. If that happens to you, shake that officer's hand and thank him. He could just as easily take you to jail. Now, whether he cites you or takes you to jail, you are going to appear in front of the judge. The judge can fine you or send you to jail. If you have any priors, pot, theft, drunk driving, you can be charged with a felony and off to prison you go.

I will admit that almost all of those who are doing time for simple possession are actually bad guys who copped a plea. But not all of them are. Some are just people who have had multiple arrests for pot and are too damn dumb not to smoke in public.

I apologise...if you continue reading the thread, you will notice that I admitted to not knowing much about drug laws (which I am still against).
and you introduced me to this deputy when I visited ya...nice guy...now are you calling little bro a former LE or Peace Officer...be honest now...:cof1:

You're on the peace side even if you were a G-Man. And thank providence that there are many like you! You've got these guys buffaloed. When I see them dogpile you I get to laughing so hard I have to get offline for awhile. If they actually knew you....

Now, you tell me. Would you rather be the badge in town or a grunt on the LAPD?.....Pay being equal?
Thats so true...

No I don't need to edit that. If you're busted in Cal for pot you generally get a citation. If that happens to you, shake that officer's hand and thank him. He could just as easily take you to jail. Now, whether he cites you or takes you to jail, you are going to appear in front of the judge. The judge can fine you or send you to jail. If you have any priors, pot, theft, drunk driving, you can be charged with a felony and off to prison you go.

I will admit that almost all of those who are doing time for simple possession are actually bad guys who copped a plea. But not all of them are. Some are just people who have had multiple arrests for pot and are too damn dumb not to smoke in public.

People always focus on the bad seed apples in LE(Peace Officers)...

I remember while working the border South of Yuma Arizona back in the late 70's...My partner and I stopped a suspicious vehicle leaving the river area...the vehicle had 3 college students who were shaking...and Icould not stop laughing as one wet his pants...well to make along story short...after the 'legal search' of the vehicle...we found a bag with approximately 1lb of MJ...they started crying...I and my partner felt bad...so we went back to our vehicle to discuss what we should do...we decided to scare the hell outta them!

I played the good cop and my partner the bad cop...he said let's shoot em...damn, now we had all three with wet pants...I said nah too much paper work...we then asked them where they got the money for the purchase...they said a bunch at school chipped in for a party...we asked them what they were studying...they said First year Med students..we said:well this will surely put a end to this career choice...they started crying again...we asked them what their friends would do if they returned without the MJ...they said they would cry too...

We told them to open the bag and send it to the wind as the desert needed more weeds...they followed our instructions and we told them to hit the road and not look back..and that if we saw them again...they would be very unhappy campers!

About a year later I received a letter from one of the students thanking me and telling me this was the last time he ever did pot...and was on his way to being a MD!

The moral to this story is not all cops are hard asses...and can distinguish between hard core criminals and kids making a big mistake!
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I apologise...if you continue reading the thread, you will notice that I admitted to not knowing much about drug laws (which I am still against).

You have nothing to apologize for.
We're adults here having fun. You may not know much about drug laws but you know enough to err on the side of liberty and that's a good thing.

Oh, I never get offended so feel free to lambaste me anytime you disagree. I'm even known to mix a little BS in with the truth just too perk things up a bit. It always amazes me when I get away with it!

You're on the peace side even if you were a G-Man. And thank providence that there are many like you! You've got these guys buffaloed. When I see them dogpile you I get to laughing so hard I have to get offline for awhile. If they actually knew you....

Now, you tell me. Would you rather be the badge in town or a grunt on the LAPD?.....Pay being equal?

To answer your question...I did the Reserve Deputy...freebee thingee up here for about a year...got the old corrupt sheriff outta office... now we have a good one...Jolene works for the SO now...working on her degree...the kid is in her last year of HS and is taking college Criminal Justice classes on the side..and they pay her $19.00 per hour pt time...and will give her a scholarship...all the deputies love her! Answer your question?
People always focus on the bad seed apples in LE(Peace Officers)...

I remember while working the border South of Yuma Arizona back in the late 70's...My partner and I stopped a suspicious vehicle leaving the river area...the vehicle had 3 college students who were shaking...and Icould not stop laughing as one wet his pants...well to make along story short...after the 'legal search' of the vehicle...we found a bag with approximately 1lb of MJ...they started crying...I and my partner felt bad...so we went back to our vehicle to discuss what we should do...we decided to scare the hell outta them!

I played the good cop and my partner the bad cop...he said let's shoot em...damn, now we had all three with wet pants...I said nah too much paper work...we then asked them where they got the money for the purchase...they said a bunch at school chipped in for a party...we asked them what they were studying...they said First year Med students..we said:well this will surely put a end to this career choice...they started crying again...we asked them what their friends would do if they returned without the MJ...they said they would cry too...

We told them to open the bag and send it to the wind as the desert needed more weeds...they followed our instructions and we told them to hit the road and not look back..and that if we saw them again...they would be very unhappy campers!

About a year later I received a letter from one of the students thanking me and telling me this was the last time he ever did pot...and was on his way to being a MD!

The moral to this story is not all cops are hard asses...and can distinguish between hard core criminals and kids making a big mistake!

Yeah, you were always good at recognizing the reality of a situation. Very few cops are hard asses. The handful that are give the rest of you guys a bad name and that's sad when you think about it.
To answer your question...I did the Reserve Deputy...freebee thingee up here for about a year...got the old corrupt sheriff outta office... now we have a good one...Jolene works for the SO now...working on her degree...the kid is in her last year of HS and is taking college Criminal Justice classes on the side..and they pay her $19.00 per hour pt time...and will give her a scholarship...all the deputies love her! Answer your question?

Yep. Tells me you should have been a sheriff from the beginning....but no, you had to go for the big bucks!
What a sweetheart Jolene is!
I'd feel better if she were going to be a lawyer instead of a cop. Things are getting too damn violent now. She's too classy for that rough and tumble shit!
Yep. Tells me you should have been a sheriff from the beginning....but no, you had to go for the big bucks!
What a sweetheart Jolene is!
I'd feel better if she were going to be a lawyer instead of a cop. Things are getting too damn violent now. She's too classy for that rough and tumble shit!

Better not tell her that...she hates lawyers...and she wants to move on to the FBI after a short career with the SO...they have started recruiting her already...and ya have only saw the sweetside of Jolene..,.she kicked a girls ass at school...the girl made a dumb move and attacked her...thinking because she was so cute and girlie she could not fight...low and behold the girl was taken to the ER by the deputies and cited for assault..but she got the short end of the stick.....justice is always so cool!:cof1:
Someone forget to tell her that boxing is our family's favorite sport?

Dad& Uncle Walt were pretty bad...however Jolene got a few moves I and the deputies taught her...and she does have a green belt in Karate...she just never mentioned it in school...the idiot girl attacked her from behind because a cute guy at school liked Jolene...the other girl had a crush on him and wanted to take Jolene outta the picture...bad move she went to the ER and Jolene got the guy in the end!:cof1: