2 nations that tried

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What's the dodge? The rebels will be dealt with. That's straight forward. Shoot at the government and the government will shoot back.


You're deliberately attempting to avoid a discussion. Why is something possible, and justified no less, in all those areas I mentioned but somehow impossible here?
What armaments won't they have access to? One call for martial law and you and your band of misfits may as well start digging your graves.

Just because the Kanadian Military blindly rolls over and allows your Government to think for them; doesn't mean that the US Military is necessarily going to stand by and allow the US to become like you.
And you have no fucking clue. One well-placed nuke in the middle of Texas would solve the problem right away.

That's true; because the nuclear fallout would settle on Florida and finally put an end to your stupidity.

Make sure you use lube, when you pack your lunch.
Reality. That's the key word. Uprising against what? Some crazy idea you have in your head? Maybe your life is crap but most people are relatively content. They know what an uprising does. They see the pictures on TV. Are they going to want to see their house blown up or burnt to the ground and living like a fugitive?

How old are you, anyway?

What makes you think they want to live on their knees, like the Kanadians.

You're deliberately attempting to avoid a discussion. Why is something possible, and justified no less, in all those areas I mentioned but somehow impossible here?

Apple would jump at the chance to be a collaborator, as long as he got knee pads to go along with the position.

You're deliberately attempting to avoid a discussion. Why is something possible, and justified no less, in all those areas I mentioned but somehow impossible here?

I answered that. It's not justified here. That's the point. The other countries you mentioned had dictators or barbaric laws that the majority of the people disapproved of resulting in more people joining the revolution. That is not the case here as witnessed by the election. What you may refer to as Socialism is what the majority of people want.

ObamaCare. UI extensions. Wealthy people contributing more financially to society. The choice was clear at election time. People didn't want the so-called freedom that the Repubs were offering, little more than the government trying to throw the citizens under the bus.

Simply put you don't have the numbers nor the support. Those week-end warriors run through the bush and bitch and rant and then go home to dinner and a comfortable environment. It's like adolescents playing video games. They're fighting and shooting and crawling through the virtual mud but it all stops when their mother yells, "Supper time".
Just because the Kanadian Military blindly rolls over and allows your Government to think for them; doesn't mean that the US Military is necessarily going to stand by and allow the US to become like you.

Keep dreaming, USF. If/when those week-end warriors start acting out they'll get a kick in the ass they won't forget.
What makes you think they want to live on their knees, like the Kanadians.

Your ignorance of other people is astounding. When you think you're all grown up and decide to be a warrior, go for it. Now that the troops are coming home from overseas they need someone's ass to kick and yours is just as good as any. :)
One more time. The people had a damn good reason or reasons. They didn't have anywhere near the freedoms we have in North America. They had a lot to gain. The governments in those countries, like all governments, hire their friends for the best jobs, etc. The difference between them and us is our governments change so if the Liberals hire their friends and give preference to certain laws the next election changes that and the conservatives favor their friends. It balances out.

Certain groups would never get a break in those countries so, of course, they fought. They had a lot to gain. That is the difference.

Dems/pubs; same shit different piles. Grow up apple.
I'm saying the laws can be changed. I was dumbing it down for you. Vote to change the laws if you don't like them. Just be sure you'll be getting a better deal, a better way of life, when it's all done. That is the point. A lot of the weekend warriors don't want to lose their home and job and family and end up with a good ass-kicking. Now do you understand?
i understand that you avoided answering a direct question so you wouldn't be exposed as a liberal hypocrite. I also understand that you just want everyone to roll over and accept the way of life you deem better for them. not going to happen and you're going to be shocked at how wrong you were.
So do I and the Preamble "states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve."

So, what does the Preamble say? "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Provide. Promote. Two active verbs. Does that read like the government is supposed to sit back and do nothing? The Founding Fathers' intention was to "form a more perfect union", to "insure domestic tranquility". Can one expect domestic tranquility when some people are obscenely wealthy while others suffer and die from a lack of medical care?

Is that so difficult to understand?
you haven't been able to understand it from day one.
Your ignorance of other people is astounding. When you think you're all grown up and decide to be a warrior, go for it. Now that the troops are coming home from overseas they need someone's ass to kick and yours is just as good as any. :)

I support our troops, unlike those like you who feel they're just a necessary evil; but then, you're Kanadian.
i understand that you avoided answering a direct question so you wouldn't be exposed as a liberal hypocrite. I also understand that you just want everyone to roll over and accept the way of life you deem better for them. not going to happen and you're going to be shocked at how wrong you were.

Sure, that's why Obama got re-elected. No body wants ObamaCare. Nobody wants SS. Nobody wants UI extensions. All the folks who voted for Obama just made a mistake on the ballot. :rolleyes: