2 nations that tried

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you have such a naive viewpoint about how an 'uprising' is going to go. it's sad you can't see anything other than your 'pleasant reality'.

Reality. That's the key word. Uprising against what? Some crazy idea you have in your head? Maybe your life is crap but most people are relatively content. They know what an uprising does. They see the pictures on TV. Are they going to want to see their house blown up or burnt to the ground and living like a fugitive?

How old are you, anyway?
so let's be very clear on what you support....innocent people dying at the hands of government is completely ok to you, simply because you mistrust non government people.

Mistakes happen. Without government/law enforcement I'd have a much greater chance of being killed by some wacko.
Oh, please. Your visions of grandeur are ludicrous. The great majority of these so-called revolutionaries/freedom fighters get together for a good chat and then go home and turn on the TV and have a delicious dinner. Central heat/air. A nice clean bed.

Don't count on them, STY. They're like internet warriors. Ready to kill until it's supper time. Then, time out. :lol:
yeah, because you're the one in the innercircle that has all the info. I couldn't POSSIBLY know what i'm talking about in that regard LOL
Reality. That's the key word. Uprising against what? Some crazy idea you have in your head? Maybe your life is crap but most people are relatively content. They know what an uprising does. They see the pictures on TV. Are they going to want to see their house blown up or burnt to the ground and living like a fugitive?
believe it or not, there are millions of people out there who are not full of cowardice like yourself. millions of people actually believe in the constitution and the founders ideas. many of those are also former military and have combat experience as well as training and knowledge of military hardware. again, your naivete in this regard is going to set you up for a serious wake up call.

How old are you, anyway?
Didn't we outgun the Iraqi's? How about the Afghans? Did the russkies outgun the Afghans? How did that work out for the russkies?

As someone else here noted there was nothing for the Russkies to fight for. And that's exactly why your rebels won't be fighting. They aren't going to win a bigger house or a new car or a better job. I suggest you check your naivety. When you yell, "Let's go!" your rebel friends will be going home for dinner. :lol:
As someone else here noted there was nothing for the Russkies to fight for. And that's exactly why your rebels won't be fighting. They aren't going to win a bigger house or a new car or a better job. I suggest you check your naivety. When you yell, "Let's go!" your rebel friends will be going home for dinner. :lol:

You will never understand freedom. That is fine. I am not forcing you to. Why can't you just leave me in peace? How am I bothering you?

What are you afraid of? That I will come shoot up your house?
Here is a thought experiment for ya. Before this tragedy, who woulda thought that Lanza's mom was a prepper? She lived in a million dollar home, probably voted Obama yet here she was preparing for the worst

There are more of us than you think.

What you fear is not that we are self sufficient, but that you won't be able to be. We highlight your vulnerability and that scares you.

You would prefer to be a slave. I do not. I am not trying to force you to live my lifestyle. You are trying to force me to live yours. Who exactly is the tyrant?

I pose no threat to you as long as you leave me alone. The reaso I am peaceful is because I am armed to the teeth. If you want to take on my mountain compound you best bring some shit with ya. It's gonna be a long day. But, if you leave me alone, you have no worries.

As long as you pay your taxes and obey the laws of the land, no problem. When you start acting like you're about the law the hammer is going to come down so hard your teeth will rattle.

As for Lanza's mom here we have a woman who knew her son had a mental problem and still encouraged him to play with guns. Obviously mental illness was not confined to her son.

Ever wonder what her ex-husband went through living with two nutters (again, acknowledgement to Bijou for that word), his wife and his son? God bless the poor man. At least he got out in time.
yeah, because you're the one in the innercircle that has all the info. I couldn't POSSIBLY know what i'm talking about in that regard LOL

Unfortunately, no you don't. What you're in is nothing more than some suicide cult. You best get out while you have the chance. You wouldn't want to get out too late for the authorities to note and have them still believe you're part of the "gang". If you hear a knock on the door I suggest you immediately lie down on the floor, arms and leg spread. You just may survive.
talk about not having a clue. do you really believe that the federal government would drop a nuke in dallas? whether you wish they would or not?

I think that scenario is more feasible than a ragtag army of macho Barney Fifes overturning our government and the most powerful military in the world.

Tell us...why did you leave the Marines?

10 to 1 your crazy ass was booted out.
believe it or not, there are millions of people out there who are not full of cowardice like yourself. millions of people actually believe in the constitution and the founders ideas. many of those are also former military and have combat experience as well as training and knowledge of military hardware. again, your naivete in this regard is going to set you up for a serious wake up call.


You're 46!!! Good God, man. What the fvck happened to you? Is your life so miserable you prefer destruction and death?

And all this talk about cowardice. Such nonsense. Again, uprising against what, exactly? What has the government done to you? What injustice are you suffering? You're willing to fight and die because you have to walk through a scanner at the airport? Is that it?
You will never understand freedom. That is fine. I am not forcing you to. Why can't you just leave me in peace? How am I bothering you?

What are you afraid of? That I will come shoot up your house?

People who live in a country abide by the rules of that country. It's like having people in your home. As part of society you have duties and responsibilities. Be a man and stop shirking your obligations.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

A militia is always subject to federal, state, or local government control. A "private" militia or army not under government control could be considered illegal and in rebellion, and as a result subject to harsh punishment. (See Macnutt, Karen L., Militias, Women and Guns Magazine, March, 1995.)

Some argue that since the militias are "owned," or under the command of the states, that the states are free to disarm their militia if they so choose, and therefore of course no individual right to keep arms exists. The Militia is not "owned," rather it is controlled, organized, et. cetera, by governments.


What part of this don't you gun nuts understand? It's pretty clear. You can have your squirrel rifle and you can have your 10 gauge but the days of assault rifles are numbered.

"In order to create a self-supporting and effective government, Treasury Secretary Hamilton knew he needed to find a steady source of revenue. He proposed an excise tax on whiskey produced in the United States, and Congress instituted the levy in 1791. In general, the citizens of that time felt negatively toward the idea of taxation. The farmers of western Pennsylvania, many of whom distilled whiskey and profited from its sale, proved outright hostile to the idea.

In July of 1794, a force of disaffected whiskey rebels attacked and destroyed the home of a tax inspector. The rebellion grew in numbers, if not in actions, and threatened to spread to other states. Hamilton knew that the presence of a large and potentially hostile force in Pennsylvania could not be tolerated. If the government were to survive, it would have to show itself capable of keeping control.

Hamilton advocated the use of military force; President George Washington instead put state militias on the ready and sent in negotiators. When talks proved fruitless, Washington acquiesced to Hamilton's view. A force of 13,000 militia troops, led by Hamilton and Virginia governor Henry Lee, marched into western Pennsylvania.

By the time the federal force arrived, the rebellion had collapsed and most of the rebels had fled. Two men were convicted of treason and later pardoned by Washington. Alexander Hamilton was elated. The fledgling federal government had proven it could keep order -- a necessity if the U.S. was to avoid instability. But many, in particular Thomas Jefferson, thought that this resort to military force was a dangerous mistake. It convinced them that Hamilton was a dangerous man."

If you try to create your own army in this country you are labeled a rebel and IMO a traitor. You can 'play' soldier in the woods all you want but don't for a moment think you have any real power, except as terrorists, and don't think you can take on a real militia let alone the U.S. military.

Thats the difference between a 'well regulated militia' and a band of rabble terrorists.
I think that scenario is more feasible than a ragtag army of macho Barney Fifes overturning our government and the most powerful military in the world.
then you're hopelessly stupid to boot.

Tell us...why did you leave the Marines?

10 to 1 your crazy ass was booted out.
because I questioned authority. I wasn't a robot. the military hates people that like to think for themselves and make their own decisions.
You're 46!!! Good God, man. What the fvck happened to you? Is your life so miserable you prefer destruction and death?

And all this talk about cowardice. Such nonsense. Again, uprising against what, exactly? What has the government done to you? What injustice are you suffering? You're willing to fight and die because you have to walk through a scanner at the airport? Is that it?
no, you traitorous bitch. not JUST because of scanners. YOU wouldn't understand anything like true freedom and liberty though, since you prefer oppression and tyranny through lethal government force. YOU would have been one of the first ones killed by the founders.
People who live in a country abide by the rules of that country. It's like having people in your home. As part of society you have duties and responsibilities. Be a man and stop shirking your obligations.
so if the rules of this country were changed to no longer allow public trials by jury, but were immediate executions on the spot by police officers on the street, you're ok with that? after all, government makes mistakes and we just have to abide by them.
HAving an armed citizenry worked well before we had a WELL armed standing army.

In modern times, it would not matter how many guns the private citizens have, the government has so many more it would be negligable.

Damn, I wonder who Israel isn't fighting...or Syria....or the afghans....or the Vietnamese....or the chechyans... must all be lies from the conservative media.