303k jobs added in March

But... but.... but....
Trump isn't responsible for anything that goes bad with the economy.
Biden is responsible for anything that goes bad with the economy.

Shouldn't we have a responsible President?
That means Biden is the only possible choice.

Biden doesn't know what year it is.

DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression, Sock. It is still in progress.
Biden himself is directly responsible for the spike in oil prices, until a court threw out his executive order.
34 trans athletes competed in universities last year. Some were not very good. This is just another emotional blowup by Repubs. There are 230,000 female athletes. It is not a huge problem. Trans lives lives of abuse and being lonely. Let's hold them down some more.

Trans brought their own problems upon them, Sock. DEMOCRATS encourage it.

Inflation is not down. The dollar has devalued by 34% since Biden was installed.
Inflation is not an increase in wealth, Sock.
All they have is emotion and emotional offence to anything they are told to be offended over. Easter and Transgender day fell on the same date this year, wahhhhhhh!

Transgender day is not a holiday, Sock. It was created by DEMOCRATS. It was designed to correspond with Easter to put down Christians.
Nearly four years ago, Trump practically guaranteed that if Americans dared to elect Biden there would be an unprecedented economic depression of apocalyptic proportions
There IS an economic depression right now (and there has been one since most governors shut down their economies in the name of COVID).
“Biden is correct asking if people are better off today than four years ago:
Okay. Let's use that figure. In 2020, DEMOCRATS were shutting the economy and destroying businesses, starting the current economic depression.
In 2024, the dollar has been devalued by 34% from 2020.
“The economy lost 2.9 million jobs.”
"The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%”.
“The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up.”
“The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.”
“The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.”
“The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.”
Due to DEMOCRATS. The current debt by the government is now $34.6 trillion. Just servicing the debt is now the 4th largest expenditure in the federal budget.
The current unfunded liabilities of government is now at $214.3 trillion.
Personal unsecured debt has climbed also, as people are strapped more than ever to pay for their needs and try to turn to credit cards, currently at $1.4 trillion.
Sources: US Treasury, Federal Reserve.
“Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.”
Caused by DEMOCRATS, particularly Obama.
“The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.”
Caused by criminals, supported by DEMOCRATS.
Which is why 303,000 jobs is a big deal
Fake News.
That's not what Trump and his cultists and acolytes confidently predicted 3.5 years ago.
Yes it is, Sock.
They predicted an unprecedented and catastrophic economic depression.... because Biden.
It's here, Sock.
Not that peanut butter and baby diapers would cost more.
That's part of the economic depression, Sock.

The dollar has devalued 34% since Biden was installed. Source: US Treasury, Federal Reserve.
34 trans athletes competed in universities last year.
How many "trans people" (there is no such thing) competed on the boys team?

There are 230,000 female athletes.
The number is irrelevant.

It is not a huge problem.
It's a problem when men athletes are playing sports against women athletes, especially physical sports. Women aren't safe in such circumstances, and the team with the most men will almost always win. In single person sports, the men will almost always beat the women. It's simple biology. Plus, what woman wants to strip naked in front of a man? She's not safe. I thought that liberals were all about "standing up for women"? ;)

Obviously not. Obviously, that's yet ANOTHER thing that conservatives ACTUALLY do and liberals attempt to steal credit for while actually doing the opposite.

Trans lives lives of abuse and being lonely. Let's hold them down some more.
YOU are the one who is holding down such people by normalizing their confusion/mental issues.