303k jobs added in March

It is one month. Other months have seen significant gains in manufacturing employment. And more importantly, with automation it is amazing when an advanced economy can hold the line on manufacturing employment.

The Trumpers will never see anything positive in this administration
The Trumpers will never see anything positive in this administration

It is funny to hear them say everything that happened when trump was president is not his fault, and everything that happens when Biden is President is not his credit. If the president has no effect, why bother caring who is elected?
leftist debate tactic #17: ignore the OP and original point of the reply you were debating and start new tangent

Your the one who brought up the tangent/bizarre claim that Democrats wanted to keep women barefoot and pregnant. Then you started talking about trans people. Anything but talking about the fact that we are creating jobs quicker than people to fill those jobs. The economy is doing too well.
Your the one who brought up the tangent/bizarre claim that Democrats wanted to keep women barefoot and pregnant. Then you started talking about trans people. Anything but talking about the fact that we are creating jobs quicker than people to fill those jobs. The economy is doing too well.

Fox host got so bruised by the numbers she started screaming that too many jobs will ruin the economy

I wonder how big her checks from Putin are?
Fox host got so bruised by the numbers she started screaming that too many jobs will ruin the economy

I wonder how big her checks from Putin are?

I will never forget the full on mourning FoxNews did when America finally got Bin Laden. They would rather we did not win against terrorism, while a Black was President.
#1 sector was health care.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
In March, employment in government increased by 71,000, higher than the average monthly gain of
54,000 over the prior 12 months. Over the month, employment increased in local government (+49,000)
and federal government (+9,000).


Blockbuster job growth continues to power the U.S. economy, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting 303,000 payrolls added in March.

Usually, such strong growth might signal that inflation could pick up. If employers see more demand for goods and services, they need to hire more workers — and if there aren’t enough workers, they have to increase pay, which increases the overall cost of running the business.

But while annual price growth, at more than 3%, remains above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target, it is still well below the 9% peak seen in the summer of 2022.

Economists increasingly believe that the post-pandemic surge in immigration is a key reason the economy has been able to grow steadily without pushing inflation higher, as the new arrivals have helped employers fill roles at levels of pay that have kept a lid on overall price growth.

In a note to clients published Friday, titled “Why we have both strong growth and lower inflation,” Goldman Sachs chief U.S. economist David Mericle said rising immigration had boosted labor force growth. As a result, the strong demand that consumers continue to exhibit elsewhere is unlikely to raise prices by much, “if at all,” he said.

The link in your citation takes one to this:

“ Sectors seeing the largest job gains included hospitals, restaurants, local governments, large warehouse retailers, and specialty trade contractors. Manufacturing added zero jobs on net.

As I said, the greatest gain was in health care.

The BLS says 72k health care workers many of who are nursing home workers. (shitty job. LITERALLY) and 71 k government workers. Manufacturing adding zero new jobs on net is bad.
The BLS says 72k health care workers many of who are nursing home workers. (shitty job. LITERALLY) and 71 k government workers. Manufacturing adding zero new jobs on net is bad.

Yep, as I said, health care was the #1 sector.

English is your second language, isn’t it?
The BLS says 72k health care workers many of who are nursing home workers. (shitty job. LITERALLY) and 71 k government workers. Manufacturing adding zero new jobs on net is bad.

Ambulatory health care #1
Hospitals #2
Care facilities #3

You really are shitty at looking up facts, aren’t you?