386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

If there were massive voter fraud it would be simple to identify it.

If you try and register with a fake social security number it won't work. Before you are officially registered they will confirm that your number is valid and that it does not already belong to someone who has already used it to register. One valid SSN gets only one registered voter. How do you show a photo ID and register more than once with a single SSN?

In order to register to vote you must provide a valid social security number and that number is confirmed as valid and can only be used once to register a voter. You can't make up numbers to register and you can't use the number more than once or it won't work.
When a state registers 100,000 voters they know there cannot be more than 100,000 votes and no social security number can vote more than once so you cannot possibly have thousands of illegal votes, it can't happen.

Now if you have a candidate that will prey on a fucking ignorant electorate such as yourself and tell them there are thousands of illegal votes you end up with dumbshits saying "I think everyone needs a photo ID" when it is totally unneccessary and would only force many perfectly legal voters to not be able to vote and that is undemocratic and unconstitutional. Some states use totally mail in voting and more will go that way so how the fuck do you show your photo ID on your mail in ballot?

Everyone does need a photo ID...
Everyone needs a photo ID.. not just for voting...Do you disagree? Good morning by the way...;)

Good morning, TOP.
I suppose one might need a photo for a passport or driver's license,
although even there, my first Massachusetts driver's license in the early sixties predated the photo type.

My first photo ID was my college ID card which I still have
so I can marvel at how time can turn something so attractive into something as grotesque as I am now.

Photo ID for SS cards is a ridiculous idea.
None of us look like our baby pictures, so it wouldn't help the poll workers at all.:)
Good morning, TOP.
I suppose one might need a photo for a passport or driver's license,
although even there, my first Massachusetts driver's license in the early sixties predated the photo type.

My first photo ID was my college ID card which I still have
so I can marvel at how time can turn something so attractive into something as grotesque as I am now.

Photo ID for SS cards is a ridiculous idea.
None of us look like our baby pictures, so it wouldn't help the poll workers at all.:)

Everyone needs a photo ID... For many many reasons.... That's just reality...
Every one needs a photo ID... For many many reasons....

You obviously have a better imagination than I, TOP,
as I'm not coming up with anything.

I don't even understand how photography works in this post chemical film era.
I've never even tried to take a photo with my phone.

If I'm ordering a pizza, the shop never requires ID.
Pizza, voting...it's all the same thing.
Especially with the candidates that we're offered these days.
Everyone does need a photo ID...

It seems like something we should try to do. Let's start offering people free federal photo IDs, like other countries do. It may cost a few billion, but we are a large prosperous country.

It makes no sense to tie voting to driving.
You obviously have a better imagination than I, TOP,
as I'm not coming up with anything.

I don't even understand how photography works in this post chemical film era.
I've never even tried to take a photo with my phone.

If I'm ordering a pizza, the shop never requires ID.
Pizza, voting...it's all the same thing.
Especially with the candidates that we're offered these days.

"Pizza, voting...it's all the same thing."

Only a brain dead old man like Nifty could post something like this.

Go back to bed, old man.
It seems like something we should try to do. Let's start offering people free federal photo IDs, like other countries do. It may cost a few billion, but we are a large prosperous country.

It makes no sense to tie voting to driving.

A Driver's license isn't the only valid I.D. I don't see anyone who wants to get an I.D being turned down...https://www.wlwt.com/article/new-oh... between $10-19 to,required can be found here. We have helped then I get them... We also help with voter registration...There Are tons of services available out there... Through schools churches libraries senior centers, etc...
You obviously have a better imagination than I, TOP,
as I'm not coming up with anything.

I don't even understand how photography works in this post chemical film era.
I've never even tried to take a photo with my phone.

If I'm ordering a pizza, the shop never requires ID.
Pizza, voting...it's all the same thing.
Especially with the candidates that we're offered these days.

Seriously? I can think of dozens of things you need an ID for...
They verified that every vote came from a registered voter and no registered voters voted multiple times. What would be the point in verifying a fucking signature?

obviously to make sure you didn't vote for a fake registered voter......you are either clueless or worried someone will discover your voter fraud.....
A 20% increase in democratic votes in a red district when the republican is Trump? Not at all, I would expect when you have someone as dangerous as Trump running that many will vote democratic even if they are republican.
not my question.....would you blue cunts be jerking your knees if there was a 20% increase in Republican voters?......
An audit of 15,000 mail in ballots found ZERO instances of fraud. NOT ONE.


Newsweek, reporting on evidence presented of shortcomings in the Fulton County election process, comments by saying there has never been evidence submitted of shortcomings in the Fulton County election process.....
Mark Wingate, who served on the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections, gave testimony on Monday during the DC disbarment trial of Trump's former Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark.

During that testimony, he was asked why he voted against certifying the 2020 election twice. He claimed there were missing custody documents, no surveillance tapes of drop boxes and a string of other errors.

There is no evidence there was election fraud in the 2020 elections and multiple investigations upheld the results. Newsweek contacted Willis by LinkedIn to comment on this story.
It says a lot about Night that I am trying to figure out if he is delusional or trying to find a technicality.

The technicality is that the ballot does not get signed, but rather the envelope the ballot is in. The delusional part is he thinks there is no signature. Governments love signatures, and try to get you to do that as much as possible.

If anyone really believes these new voters are fraudulent, feel free to investigate them. The voter rolls are public, so it is easy to prove they are fraudulent voters.

An envelope is not a ballot, Sock.
You cannot erase the evidence of election fraud by Democrats.
You fucks post those X tweets, but have no fucking idea what those numbers mean. You just rely on some other ignorant fuck to tell you. And they are equally as ignorant. Or liars.

What 'X tweets'? Twitter is gone. Apparently you never got the memo, Sock.

Another Biden miracle in the offing??? I think this time, the response for Trump will overwhelm any attempts to cheat.