386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

Fixed this to be factual. You're welcome you insufferable moron. :laugh:

Nope. That's incorrect.

NEITHER wants democracy.

Democrats and RINOs want oligarchy or dictatorship, call it 'democracy' (it isn't). They do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. They try to hide behind the constitutions they despise to appear 'legitimate'.

Trump and his followers want a republic, using the constitutions already in place.
It depends on a technicality.
No technicality. You are AGAIN trying to redefine words.
The envelope is usually considered part of the ballot legally, and the ballot is considered incomplete without the envelope. It is not legally a ballot without the special envelope.
An envelope is not a ballot, Sock.
So where is this evidence?
I and others have already shown it to you, Sock. Argument of the Stone fallacy. You cannot make the evidence just disappear, Sock.
The only time I have used a photo ID in the last year was a couple of places require everyone to supply a valid ID before they serve alcohol, no matter the age of the person. Other than that, I have never used my photo ID for anything. It seems it's so essential that you never need it.
I don't need a photo ID to deposit a check. I don't need a photo ID to buy any item other than alcohol no matter how I pay.

How many times in the last week did you have to present a photo ID since you claim it is essential.
So are you telling me that a photo ID is not
a necessity?
Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.


I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.

2018 Dems 212 Republicans 199
2020 Dems 222 Republicans 212

Obama 2008 - 69,498,516
Obama 2012 - 65,915,796
Trump 2016 - 62,985,106
Biden 2020 - 81,283,098
Trump 2020 - 74,222,958

Vote Count 2008: 131,473,705
Vote Count 2012: 129,237,642 Decrease by 2,236,063
Vote Count 2016: 137,143,218
Vote Count 2020: 158,584,425

Should we call the 2020 turnout the Biden Miracle??? He beat Obama's RECORD turnout by FIVE percentage points. A Candidate that couldn't remember where he was, generated little excitement and whose only campaign plan was "anyone BUT Trump?"

There is also:
* Election laws changed ex post facto during the election.
* Election laws changed in an unauthorized way or by unauthorized personnel.
* Election laws changed to not be in conformance with the requirements of the Constitution of the United States, the constitution of that State, or both.
* Mathematical improbability of all votes coming in for Biden after hours.
* Counting after hours with no observers present.
* Security camera footage showing election workers filling out ballots after hours and running them through the machine multiple times.
* Security camera footage of election workers unpacking ballots after hours.
* Sworn affidavits by both Republicans and Democrats testifying of fraudulent procedures.
* Elections run by a candidate of that election (conflict of interest).
* Sworn affidavits of voters showing up to vote only to find 'they already voted'.
* More voters registered than exist of voting age in a county for many counties.
* Votes cast by dead people.
* The use of paid 'voters', busing them from place to place to vote more than once.
* The use of 'mules', or people that 'collect' (invent?) ballots from others and submit them en masse.
* Records of large numbers of ballots destroyed DURING THE ELECTION, in one case attempting to ship them out of the country (they were stopped at the border).
* Demonstrated faults in Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines, allowing for the possibility of tampering either by physical access to the machine or over a network.
* Use of the Covid Hoax to prevent people from voting in accordance with their own State constitution.
* Certification of votes by unauthorized personnel, including certification before counting is completed (or even significantly started!).
* Seven States that never chose their electors, but 'electors' were chosen for them by unauthorized personnel (including Mike Pence).
* Voting counts going DOWN for a candidate during counting (?).

ALL of these stand as evidence of massive election fraud by Democrats during the 2020 and 2022 elections. They are already trying it for the 2024 election cycle:

* Attempts to ban political candidates from the ballot by unauthorized personnel and without due process.
* Attempts to persecute political candidates on trumped (har!) up charges, using heavily biased judges, prosecutors, and grand juries.
* Attempts to reimplement an 'election virus' to try to restart another Covid like Hoax (that failed).

The Democrats are doing everything they can to cause yet another election fault, like they did in 2020 and 2022.
Democrat election fraud has been going on for decades, but it was insufficient to cause an election fault (until 2020 and 2022).

...and Democrats still deny there is any evidence (!).
The only time I have used a photo ID in the last year was a couple of places require everyone to supply a valid ID before they serve alcohol, no matter the age of the person. Other than that, I have never used my photo ID for anything. It seems it's so essential that you never need it.
I don't need a photo ID to deposit a check. I don't need a photo ID to buy any item other than alcohol no matter how I pay.

How many times in the last week did you have to present a photo ID since you claim it is essential.

You need photo ID to deposit a check, since you need it to open the account in the first place, Sock. Quite a few merchants will require photo ID if you pay by check. Most hotels and motels require photo ID to check in. Most businesses of any size have employee badges that are photo ID. Cruise ships require photo ID to board (or reboard after an excursion ashore). Casinos and bars may require photo ID to collect winnings or even to buy a drink. Photo ID is required in many jurisdictions to register to vote or to vote. A photo ID is used for driver's licenses. To board a commercial aircraft, you are required to present photo ID.
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I've already done so, Sock.

SSN is not used to register to vote, Sock. Anyone can easily synthesize a 'valid' SSN like number.

He is not a Democrat, Sock.

No such restriction would prevent anyone from voting, Sock.

There is no democracy Sock. The United States was never a democracy.

It is constitutional, Sock. You cannot hide behind the document you despise.

Damn few. There are no controls.

Exactly. That's the problem.

All of those things do not matter when there is no signature verification like in GA.s Fulton county.
All of those things do not matter when there is no signature verification like in GA.s Fulton county.

An audit of signature on 15,000 absentee ballot ENVELOPES in Fulton County revealed ZERO fraudulent votes. NOT ONE. ZILCH. NADA.
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Fulton county has been proven to be corrupt. What they say means less than you do.

Fulton County didn’t conduct the audit, stupid fuck.

There have been several on this forum who have taken turns being the Stupidest Motherfucker. Right now, you are number one.
Fulton County didn’t conduct the audit, stupid fuck.

There have been several on this forum who have taken turns being the Stupidest Motherfucker. Right now, you are number one.

They might as well have. They let Dominion and V&V run it. There was no way they would find fraud. Besides no signature verification means there ws really no legal winner. Doesn't it?
They might as well have. They let Dominion and V&V run it. There was no way they would find fraud. Besides no signature verification means there ws really no legal winner. Doesn't it?

They didn’t “might as well have”, stupid fuck. Fulton Country DIDN’T conduct the audit.

The audit DID do signature verification. 15,000 of them. ZERO instances of fraud.

You continue to carry the mantle of Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum very well.
They didn’t “might as well have”, stupid fuck. Fulton Country DIDN’T conduct the audit.

The audit DID do signature verification. 15,000 of them. ZERO instances of fraud.

You continue to carry the mantle of Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum very well.

Under oath a man said they did not verify signatures. Has that man been arrested for perjury yet? I will never wear that mantle while you are here.