386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

obviously no risk of prosecution for a blue election worker to do it in a Fanni Willis jurisdiction........

The entire election in GA was conducted by the republican party and the votes there were counted 3 fucking times with the same result. If there was fraud there the person commiting it could go to a federal prison, what is the incentive to do such a thing? They could not do it anyway. It's asinine to think someone would. It's like robbing a bank that you know has no money in it.
You can't erase it because there isn't any.

In 2020 there was a Republican President and a Republican Senate*. In Georgia, there was a Republican Governor and a Republican State legislator. In both cases, only fucking morons think the Democrats could get away with election fraud. It's been almost four years and there's no evidence of fraud altering the election as admitted by several Republican leaders including Trump's VP, AG and other officials.

*There'd have been a Republican House if Trump hadn't torpedoed those House Republicans who didn't toe the line.
Another Biden miracle in the offing??? I think this time, the response for Trump will overwhelm any attempts to cheat.

Nobody registers to vote without a valid SSN number, you can't do it. Nobody registers to vote multiple times with the same number, you can't do it. Nobody makes up a SSN number when registering, the system will not allow someone to register with a fake number, you can't do it. SSN numbers issued to non-citizens are flagged as such in the system and they will not become registered voters, they can't do it.

You can say wow, looks like a lot of people registering in TX but that is evidence of fucking nothing.
There is no need for election fraud
when perfectly valid elections can and do destroy the soul of the nation
all on their own.

The shocking stupidity of the American electorate may very well be this nation's one unscalable obstacle.

Nearly half of the voters are devolved mutants,
and thanks to our fakakta constitution,
that often translates into more than half of the electoral votes.
It depends on a technicality. The envelope is usually considered part of the ballot legally, and the ballot is considered incomplete without the envelope. It is not legally a ballot without the special envelope.

That being said, it is a separate piece of paper from where the votes are indicated.

Anyway, it is done like that for a good reason. The envelope is where the signature and other identifying information is. That way, they can be sure that it is from a real voter, without who was voted for going into the record.

If millions of people voted illegally, you would be able to find a few of them. We have heard years of promises, with no one being found. So where is this evidence?

You would find more than a few, you would find all of them. When counting votes the persons name in that precinct (and their SSN number in the database) is basically checked off. If they voted twice when the vote is checked off the database flags it as a second vote for the same person and it isn't allowed. If it's a fake vote when counted the database flags it as no such person with a valid SSN number and it isn't allowed.

No, the persons counting votes never see any SSN numbers and they aren't printed on the ballots, they are confidential. But when you register you must do so with a valid number and from that point forward your name and precinct are tied together in a database with your number. No two ballots will ever successfully count two votes from the same or a fake person, it can't happen.
Redefinition fallacy, Sock. You don't get to redefine words.

A democracy is government by popular vote. There is no constitution, and there are no representatives.
A republic is government by law (such as a constitution). It has representatives, given only the authority described by the constitution and elected by the procedures outlined in that constitution.

A democracy is not a republic, Sock. There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'.

Don't try to hide behind the constitution you despise.

Sorry asshole but regardless of whether or not you use the popular vote or our electoral system it is still a govt by the peoples vote. To say we don't use the "popular vote" so we don't have a democracy is fucking asinine.

The word democracy comes from the Greek words "demos", meaning people, and "kratos" meaning power; so democracy can be thought of as "power of the people": a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
What is a fake registered voter? When you register to vote your name is tied to your number and if someone else tries to register with your number the duplicate number immediately says "no can do, the number has already been used". If you try and register with a fake number that number immediately says "no can do, no such number". Only one person can register with one SSN. If someone makes 10,000 fraudulent mail in ballots when they verify the names with their numbers they will have countless ballots with either fake SSN numbers or numbers that have already been used, they will be caught.

It is not possible for someone to vote twice without it being caught. It is not possible for a bunch of fraudulent mail in ballots to be manufactured without it being caught. Every precinct knows how many voters are registered in that precinct and if the total number of votes exceeds the number in the precinct it will obviously be caught. Anyone who actually thinks it would be easy to commit voter fraud and have thousands of extra votes counted is a fucking imbecile, it can't happen.

Verifying signatures would be impossible, we would still be working on the millions of 2020 signature verifications, my own signature would not match mine from 10 years ago. What is to prevent me from signing 100 ballots? What is to prevent me from showing a picture ID 100 times? Every registered voter is in a database with their valid SSN. Every registered voter can vote once and only once or it will be caught.

The only logical way to have fraud would be for someone to rob the post office and steal 100's or thousands of ballots before they were sent out, vote on them and then sign the name thats on the envelope and mail it in. Except when 100's or thousands of people come forward saying where the fuck is my ballot, it will be caught.

It truly is amazing that so many people are stupid enough to believe that asshole and think thousands or millions of fraudulent votes could be cast without it being caught.

We’re beating our heads against the wall with these morons, aren’t we?
You fucks post those X tweets, but have no fucking idea what those numbers mean. You just rely on some other ignorant fuck to tell you. And they are equally as ignorant. Or liars.

Well, then tell us what's true and what's not, ignorant fuck...
What is a fake registered voter? When you register to vote your name is tied to your number and if someone else tries to register with your number the duplicate number immediately says "no can do, the number has already been used". If you try and register with a fake number that number immediately says "no can do, no such number". Only one person can register with one SSN. If someone makes 10,000 fraudulent mail in ballots when they verify the names with their numbers they will have countless ballots with either fake SSN numbers or numbers that have already been used, they will be caught.

It is not possible for someone to vote twice without it being caught. It is not possible for a bunch of fraudulent mail in ballots to be manufactured without it being caught. Every precinct knows how many voters are registered in that precinct and if the total number of votes exceeds the number in the precinct it will obviously be caught. Anyone who actually thinks it would be easy to commit voter fraud and have thousands of extra votes counted is a fucking imbecile, it can't happen.

Verifying signatures would be impossible, we would still be working on the millions of 2020 signature verifications, my own signature would not match mine from 10 years ago. What is to prevent me from signing 100 ballots? What is to prevent me from showing a picture ID 100 times? Every registered voter is in a database with their valid SSN. Every registered voter can vote once and only once or it will be caught.

The only logical way to have fraud would be for someone to rob the post office and steal 100's or thousands of ballots before they were sent out, vote on them and then sign the name thats on the envelope and mail it in. Except when 100's or thousands of people come forward saying where the fuck is my ballot, it will be caught.

It truly is amazing that so many people are stupid enough to believe that asshole and think thousands or millions of fraudulent votes could be cast without it being caught.

in summary.....it never happens because no one has been caught, it would be impossible because we look to make sure it doesn't happen, but it would be impossible to look because it would be too much work, so why should we look........and you people think you are smart enough to run a country......

the most logical way to have fraud would be 1) identify people who never vote 2) create a fake registration using their name and SS#, 3) get an absentee ballot for that registration 4) drop them by the box load in unsupervised boxes at 3 am......

you only needed 47,000 of them spread over four states to put your candidate in the Oval Office, not millions of them......
A man said? WTF, Pinkie? I know you're a foreigner, but Georgia has a Republican Governor, a Republican Senate and a Republican House. No sane American would think they'd let the Democrats get away with fraud.

and yet Fulton County is 85% Demmycrat and they are the only ones who have provided the info that "everything was ok before we destroyed the evidence that could have proved it"......
It is mathematically impossible to rig a national election.

Operatives would be needed in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And no one could say anything, ever.

Think about that. Maybe read what Ben Franklin said about 3 people keeping a secret.

not true......the 47,000 votes that put Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump were all cast in four blue counties in four swing states......in all four unsupervised drop boxes were used........I haven't seen a breakdown by precinct but it is feasible to do it with just four precincts, one in each state.....as for a secret?....it isn't
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