386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

Under oath a man said they did not verify signatures. Has that man been arrested for perjury yet? I will never wear that mantle while you are here.

The fact is, signatures are verified TWICE in Georgia for absentee ballots. The first, to request one. The second, when the envelope is returned.

There is no signature verification on the ballot, because the ballot itself is not signed.

You continue to buy the bullshit, which is why you’re the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum.
They didn’t “might as well have”, stupid fuck. Fulton Country DIDN’T conduct the audit.

The audit DID do signature verification. 15,000 of them. ZERO instances of fraud.

You continue to carry the mantle of Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum very well.

No such audit, Sock. Envelopes are not ballots either.
You were fooled by a fake video.

you are lying out of your ass.......the video is video......watch it, ignore it, your choice....but don't for a minute believe no one thinks it isn't election stealing........even you realize it, you just don't give a fuck.......because your fuckwit is in the Oval Office......
It is mathematically impossible to rig a national election.

Operatives would be needed in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And no one could say anything, ever.

Think about that. Maybe read what Ben Franklin said about 3 people keeping a secret.
The fact is, signatures are verified TWICE in Georgia for absentee ballots. The first, to request one. The second, when the envelope is returned.

There is no signature verification on the ballot, because the ballot itself is not signed.

You continue to buy the bullshit, which is why you’re the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum.

That is not what under oath testimony says. And the signatures they should check are on the envelopes and they DID NOT you idiot.

How is it possible that in an advanced Western nation, in the 21st century, adults can register to vote without official Photo ID?

That' fucking madness - it's an open invitation to massive electoral fraud.

And there is absolutely no excuse for it - no excuse for not being able to obtain official Photo ID. Right?

Actually, since you don't need official Photo ID to register to vote in the US, I might even travel to the states myself, from Australia, for the Nov 5th election this year. I could rock into a swing state registration office, put on a Yankee accent - sayin': "Howdy - Doody, Y'Al !" and present a scrap of crumpled paper that says I'm "Johnny Reb" from,"Tuscon, Arizona", and get myself registered to vote Trump.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
How is it possible that in an advanced Western nation, in the 21st century, adults can register to vote without official Photo ID?

That' fucking madness - it's an open invitation to massive electoral fraud.

And there is absolutely no excuse for it - no excuse for not being able to obtain official Photo ID. Right?

Actually, since you don't need official Photo ID to register to vote in the US, I might even travel to the states myself, from Australia, for the Nov 5th election this year. I could rock into a swing state registration office, put on a Yankee accent - sayin': "Howdy - Doody, Y'Al !" and present a scrap of crumpled paper that says I'm "Johnny Reb" from,"Tuscon, Arizona", and get myself registered to vote Trump.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Then be arrested for voter fraud. Please try that in Texas, dog man. :laugh:



The illegal voting charge against Curry is a second-degree felony and carries a penalty of 2-20 years in prison.
Good Morning;) Everyone should have a photo ID... Think of all the reasons you need one...;)
That is not what under oath testimony says. And the signatures they should check are on the envelopes and they DID NOT you idiot.

What some conspiracy nut says has little validity. An audit of 15000 ballots showing ZERO instances of fraud does.

Hence, Biden is President.
Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.


I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.

2018 Dems 212 Republicans 199
2020 Dems 222 Republicans 212

Obama 2008 - 69,498,516
Obama 2012 - 65,915,796
Trump 2016 - 62,985,106
Biden 2020 - 81,283,098
Trump 2020 - 74,222,958

Vote Count 2008: 131,473,705
Vote Count 2012: 129,237,642 Decrease by 2,236,063
Vote Count 2016: 137,143,218
Vote Count 2020: 158,584,425

Should we call the 2020 turnout the Biden Miracle??? He beat Obama's RECORD turnout by FIVE percentage points. A Candidate that couldn't remember where he was, generated little excitement and whose only campaign plan was "anyone BUT Trump?"

It is easy to understand why Biden beat Trump by such numbers. Trump is a juvenile moron and he proved that in his first term. People were not out voting for Biden, they were out to vote against your fucking moron and they will do it again this election.
Why Do you have a
Problem with verifying signatures? To vote here you have to show a photo ID and have your signature verified... It takes about a minute...

To verify 70 million signatures would take months if not years and there is no need. It is easy to verify that a vote came from a registered voter with a valid social security number AND that only one vote came from that person and number. If someone voted using your name and number it would be caught immediately. Every vote comes from one SSN and only one SSN. And nobody verifies signatures when voting, you are full of shit.
Someone please tell Pedo Don that Texas has a Republican Govenor, Senate and House, while Arizona has a Republican Senate and House. He seems to think they are run by Democrats
Under oath a man said they did not verify signatures. Has that man been arrested for perjury yet? I will never wear that mantle while you are here.
A man said? WTF, Pinkie? I know you're a foreigner, but Georgia has a Republican Governor, a Republican Senate and a Republican House. No sane American would think they'd let the Democrats get away with fraud.
To verify 70 million signatures would take months if not years and there is no need. It is easy to verify that a vote came from a registered voter with a valid social security number AND that only one vote came from that person and number. If someone voted using your name and number it would be caught immediately. Every vote comes from one SSN and only one SSN. And nobody verifies signatures when voting, you are full of shit.

They check our ID and signature every time we vote...
They check our ID and signature every time we vote...

So why is Pedo Don and the MAGAts shitting their Depends over these "registered" voters?

Note the link below where MAGAts took Pedo Don's advice and voted twice. LOL

A team of Associated Press reporters spent months reviewing every possible voter fraud case in six battleground states disputed by former President Donald Trump, and they found "fewer than 475 — a number that would have made no difference in the 2020 presidential election," AP reports. The disputed ballots identified in more than 300 local election offices amounted to just 0.15 percent of President Biden's margin of victory in the six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

"The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not," AP reports. "The cases are bipartisan. Some of those charged with fraud are registered Republicans or told investigators they were supporters of Trump." In fact, every specific case written up in the AP report involved a Trump supporter voting twice or casing a ballot illegally.
obviously to make sure you didn't vote for a fake registered voter......you are either clueless or worried someone will discover your voter fraud.....

What is a fake registered voter? When you register to vote your name is tied to your number and if someone else tries to register with your number the duplicate number immediately says "no can do, the number has already been used". If you try and register with a fake number that number immediately says "no can do, no such number". Only one person can register with one SSN. If someone makes 10,000 fraudulent mail in ballots when they verify the names with their numbers they will have countless ballots with either fake SSN numbers or numbers that have already been used, they will be caught.

It is not possible for someone to vote twice without it being caught. It is not possible for a bunch of fraudulent mail in ballots to be manufactured without it being caught. Every precinct knows how many voters are registered in that precinct and if the total number of votes exceeds the number in the precinct it will obviously be caught. Anyone who actually thinks it would be easy to commit voter fraud and have thousands of extra votes counted is a fucking imbecile, it can't happen.

Verifying signatures would be impossible, we would still be working on the millions of 2020 signature verifications, my own signature would not match mine from 10 years ago. What is to prevent me from signing 100 ballots? What is to prevent me from showing a picture ID 100 times? Every registered voter is in a database with their valid SSN. Every registered voter can vote once and only once or it will be caught.

The only logical way to have fraud would be for someone to rob the post office and steal 100's or thousands of ballots before they were sent out, vote on them and then sign the name thats on the envelope and mail it in. Except when 100's or thousands of people come forward saying where the fuck is my ballot, it will be caught.

It truly is amazing that so many people are stupid enough to believe that asshole and think thousands or millions of fraudulent votes could be cast without it being caught.