638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Actually, Obamacare only covered about 4 to 6 million new subscriptions, of which about 90% were expanded Medicaid. The bulk of Obamacare subscribers were people who previously had individual health insurance plans and were forced to switch to an Obamacare plan. They weren't new subscribers in the sense that they got health insurance where they previously didn't have any.

My second statement was an observation, and not a fallacy other than being a sweeping generalization. On the other hand, yours too is a fallacy. More government may be inevitable, but it doesn't have to be. Parkenson's Law covers this and its reasons--almost all negative too I might add.

Parkinson's Law is the idea that bureaucrats or administrators are bound to multiply. The basis for Parkinson's Law was the observation that, in bureaucratic organizations, the number of administrators continues to increase even when the organization, as measured by its output or the size of its labor force, is declining.

A larger government is totally inevitable. The more ways that capitalism comes up with to rip people off, the more intricate our government must become to protect the citizens from greed.

You probably think the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a big waste of money.

"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is an independent agency under the Federal Reserve System. It was created in 2010 to protect and educate consumers about their dealings with financial services and markets. Its goal is to ensure that federal laws governing financial matters are enforced consistently and that consumers receive fair and competitive access to all financial products.

The CFPB is part of the Dodd-Frank Act that came about as a response to questionable practices in the lending and investment industries leading up to the Great Recession of 2008. It was the first federal agency to focus specifically on consumer rights and consumer financial protection."

"In its first seven years of existence, the CFPB helped over 29 million consumers gain $11.9 billion in relief."

Most of that financial relief was provided from consumers who got ripped off before Trump.

"Nov. 25, 2017, but has yet to appoint a permanent director. Mulvaney was one of the bureau’s biggest critics during his time as a Congressman and while being director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget.

He said he plans to make deep cuts in the CFPB’s budget. Put simply, the Trump administration does not like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and seeks to downgrade its authority."

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
if the suspects are shooting at or otherwise endangering the cops or innocent civilians, then Yes it is the cops job to shoot them. Why do you libs always side with the criminals?

Agreed. Kill all terrorists.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

A larger government is totally inevitable. The more ways that capitalism comes up with to rip people off, the more intricate our government must become to protect the citizens from greed.

You probably think the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a big waste of money.

"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is an independent agency under the Federal Reserve System. It was created in 2010 to protect and educate consumers about their dealings with financial services and markets. Its goal is to ensure that federal laws governing financial matters are enforced consistently and that consumers receive fair and competitive access to all financial products.

The CFPB is part of the Dodd-Frank Act that came about as a response to questionable practices in the lending and investment industries leading up to the Great Recession of 2008. It was the first federal agency to focus specifically on consumer rights and consumer financial protection."

"In its first seven years of existence, the CFPB helped over 29 million consumers gain $11.9 billion in relief."

Most of that financial relief was provided from consumers who got ripped off before Trump.

"Nov. 25, 2017, but has yet to appoint a permanent director. Mulvaney was one of the bureau’s biggest critics during his time as a Congressman and while being director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget.

He said he plans to make deep cuts in the CFPB’s budget. Put simply, the Trump administration does not like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and seeks to downgrade its authority."

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

it's like totally not inevitable.

in fact, in our situation of state capture (fascism), where the government has become totally controlled by big business and perpetuates those interests with the threat of force, larger government is a bad idea, and achieves the opposite of what you claim to want.
I'm not the DOJ, son. Let it play out in court. You're the one calling people traitors without evidence.

You're delusional about Trump. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid, son. It's rotting your brain.

LOL, you described yourself. the evidence against Milley is clear and available. There is nothing on Bannon except crap dreamed up by the liars and haters in the left wing media.

Was energy independence delusional? Was the lowest unemployment rates in years delusional? Was a strong growing economy delusional?

How are those Biden gas prices working out for you?
LOL, you described yourself. the evidence against Milley is clear and available. There is nothing on Bannon except crap dreamed up by the liars and haters in the left wing media.

Was energy independence delusional? Was the lowest unemployment rates in years delusional? Was a strong growing economy delusional?

How are those Biden gas prices working out for you?

What's the evidence against Milley and how it is different than on Bannon?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed. Kill all terrorists.


That was a sad moment for America.

Nobody had to die that day. Trump lied to his crowd. The election was not stolen at all. It was the most secure election in our history.

Trump's lies got her killed.

Those people thought they were really saving America.

They were not saving anything. They accomplished nothing that day. America is still here and we are going strong, even though the insurrectionists failed to stop the election certification.

What a wasted life. She died for nothing.

Talk about the worst loser ever. Trump needed to simply accept that he lost.

He did this nation a great disservice by lying about his fair and square election loss.
What's the evidence against Milley and how it is different than on Bannon?

His treasonous conversation with the Chinese general is available, it was transcribed and recorded. He committed a treasonous actions are well documented, he tried to nullify the commander in chief and organize a military coup.

all you have on Bannon is what the lying media has pumped into your head full of mush.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That was a sad moment for America.

Nobody had to die that day. Trump lied to his crowd. The election was not stolen at all. It was the most secure election in our history.

Trump's lies got her killed.

Those people thought they were really saving America.

They were not saving anything. America is still here and we are going strong.

Talk about the worst loser ever. Trump needed to simply accept that he lost.

He did this nation a great disservice by lying about his fair and square election loss.

LOL, you are a joke. the swing states did not follow their own constitutionally required voting laws. it was not an election it was a coup, pulled off by the corrupt dems, the lying media, China, and the DC deep state, all of whom were scared shitless of Trump exposing them in a second term.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That was a sad moment for America.

Nobody had to die that day. Trump lied to his crowd. The election was not stolen at all. It was the most secure election in our history.

Trump's lies got her killed.

Those people thought they were really saving America.

They were not saving anything. They accomplished nothing that day. America is still here and we are going strong, even though the insurrectionists failed to stop the election certification.

What a wasted life. She died for nothing.

Talk about the worst loser ever. Trump needed to simply accept that he lost.

He did this nation a great disservice by lying about his fair and square election loss.

you are correct, no one had to die and only Ashli Babbet died, shot for no reason by a black capital cop. reverse the races and what would you left wing assholes be saying about it?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That was a sad moment for America.

Nobody had to die that day. Trump lied to his crowd. The election was not stolen at all. It was the most secure election in our history.

Trump's lies got her killed.

Those people thought they were really saving America.

They were not saving anything. They accomplished nothing that day. America is still here and we are going strong, even though the insurrectionists failed to stop the election certification.

What a wasted life. She died for nothing.

Talk about the worst loser ever. Trump needed to simply accept that he lost.

He did this nation a great disservice by lying about his fair and square election loss.

There should have been a lot more dead. As it is, I have no doubt several will be spending the next 20 years in ADX Florence with the other terrorists.
you are correct, no one had to die and only Ashli Babbet died, shot for no reason by a black capital cop. reverse the races and what would you left wing assholes be saying about it?

Five people died that day over Trump's attempted coup. Get a clue, son. You look stupid when you claim only Babbitt (<--note spelling) died.
There should have been a lot more dead. As it is, I have no doubt several will be spending the next 20 years in ADX Florence with the other terrorists.

maybe one of them can get Milley as a cellmate. Political imprisonment is not something we do in the USA, but you fools advocate for it. We do not put people in solitary for 9 months for vandalism and trespassing (that's all they did on Jan 6)
Five people died that day over Trump's attempted coup. Get a clue, son. You look stupid when you claim only Babbitt (<--note spelling) died.

the only person who died as a direct result of the Jan 6 actions was Ashli, an innocent female veteran. the others died of other causes not related to Jan 6, stop lying about this.
The election results were certified in every state. This was done by more Republicans than Democrats, as Republicans hold more state offices.

The results were challenged. Recounts were held. Nothing changed. Many court challenges were filed. Every one of them was heard and decided and no outcomes were changed. Many of the cases were decided by judges the Trump had appointed.

All legal avenues of challenging the results were tried and they all failed to change the outcome.

Everything was done according to the book.

It was the most scrutinized election in our history. The most secure election ever.

Trump and his followers simply can not accept reality.

It is Trump and his followers who have hurt this nation by refusing to accept reality.

And they are still at it, moving to replace everyone who decided against them.

This is extremely dangerous for our democracy.

This could destroy the USA.

If that happens, it will be Putin's dream come true.

He is the one who has used the internet and social media to cause such division and hatred in America that it is causing all this.

Why should Russia physically attack the USA when he can get us to destroy ourselves by using nothing more than words?

The pen is mightier than the sword.

The American right is being extremely foolish to buy into this hatred thing.

The American left is comprised of fellow Americans.

We need to unite to save our country.

We need to work our differences out together.

The American right and the American left are not enemies. We are fellow citizens.

We've got to find a way to reign this dangerous trend in before Putin gets his wish.
the only person who died as a direct result of the Jan 6 actions was Ashli, an innocent female veteran. the others died of other causes not related to Jan 6, stop lying about this.

Again, son. You look stupid when you claim that to be true. You are also pissing on the graves of the four Americans who also died as a result of Trump's insurrection.
maybe one of them can get Milley as a cellmate. Political imprisonment is not something we do in the USA, but you fools advocate for it. We do not put people in solitary for 9 months for vandalism and trespassing (that's all they did on Jan 6)
What's one more lie spilling from the mouth of a fucking lowlife liar and Trump cocksucker?

I'll wait for the court decisions. Care to bet on the outcome? LOL
Each of us needs to find it within our selves to rise above hatred.

There is never going to be a moment when everyone does that.

That makes it all that much more difficult to do.

Because we know that when we do it, others will not.

But it is worth doing.

Hatred is going to destroy the USA.

If you want to see the USA destroyed, just keep it up with the hatred.

If you want to be part of the solution, you must rise above the hatred.

You must find the wisdom to do the right thing even when others are not.

If you want to save America, stop hating and start thinking clearly.

We have got to deal with our issues together as Americans.