638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello Dutch Uncle,

"Technically" or "Contractually" is dishonest when used to twist the spirit of an agreement.

The people who jammed this through Congress are the people who should be accountable for the results. Obama owns his part of it.

Obama wanted to address a terrible problem. Healthcare was a mess. And some people couldn't even get healthcare insurance if they had preexisting conditions. Big insurance didn't want to take policies it saw as being money losers.

It was really a problem created by having health insurance run solely for profit.

Many ideas were talked about during the debates. Single payer, government-only, some sort of hybrid.

The reasons health care costs so much were identified:

1. Americans are just not very healthy. We get so sick.
2. Big insurance and big pharma make a LOT of money.
3. The whole system is being run for profit, not results.

The negotiations were difficult, and it looked like nothing could be possible. Republicans pretended to want change, but that was only a ruse. All they really wanted was to prevent Democrats from having success. Republicans wasted a lot of time hoping to run the clock out on Democrats. It almost worked.

Democrats were up against big pharma, big insurance, and Republicans.

Big insurance flexed their muscle: They told Obama to take single payer off the table. If he would do this, they would put big bux into supporting the new plan. If he did not do this, they would put big bux into fighting the new plan. Obama had no choice. He needed more support on his side. He caved and took single payer off the table.

Big insurance got to write the law under constraints laid down by Democrats. Big insurance guaranteed themselves a set profit of 20%.

The very complex plan passed both houses, but really needed House tweaks after what the Senate did to it. Just then, Senator Kennedy died. Democrats did not have enough votes to get the plan through a second time with tweaks. So they had to let it go just the way it was.

And that was the plan Obama signed.

It's too bad that Republicans did not join Democrats and fight for the people against big insurance and big pharma. If that had happened, we could have gotten a far better plan.

It's really Republican's fault for arguing in bad faith, and failing to fight for a better plan for the people.

Democrats were trying to do something for the American people. Republicans were playing politics, as usual.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Obama wanted to address a terrible problem. Healthcare was a mess. And some people couldn't even get healthcare insurance if they had preexisting conditions. Big insurance didn't want to take policies it saw as being money losers.

It was really a problem created by having health insurance run solely for profit.

Many ideas were talked about during the debates. Single payer, government-only, some sort of hybrid.

The reasons health care costs so much were identified:

1. Americans are just not very healthy. We get so sick.
2. Big insurance and big pharma make a LOT of money.
3. The whole system is being run for profit, not results.

The negotiations were difficult, and it looked like nothing could be possible. Republicans pretended to want change, but that was only a ruse. All they really wanted was to prevent Democrats from having success. Republicans wasted a lot of time hoping to run the clock out on Democrats. It almost worked.

Democrats were up against big pharma, big insurance, and Republicans.

Big insurance flexed their muscle: They told Obama to take single payer off the table. If he would do this, they would put big bux into supporting the new plan. If he did not do this, they would put big bux into fighting the new plan. Obama had no choice. He needed more support on his side. He caved and took single payer off the table.

Big insurance got to write the law under constraints laid down by Democrats. Big insurance guaranteed themselves a set profit of 20%.

The very complex plan passed both houses, but really needed House tweaks after what the Senate did to it. Just then, Senator Kennedy died. Democrats did not have enough votes to get the plan through a second time with tweaks. So they had to let it go just the way it was.

And that was the plan Obama signed.

It's too bad that Republicans did not join Democrats and fight for the people against big insurance and big pharma. If that had happened, we could have gotten a far better plan.

It's really Republican's fault for arguing in bad faith, and failing to fight for a better plan for the people.

Democrats were trying to do something for the American people. Republicans were playing politics, as usual.

And, Obama made it worse...

More government isn't the answer to almost any problem.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

And, Obama made it worse...

Obama got what he could get. It was amazing he got anything against such overwhelming odds. 20 million people got health care coverage where they previously had none. A huge success.

More government isn't the answer to almost any problem.

Conservative fallacy. More government is inevitable as the world becomes more complex and the population is increased.

You can't run 2021 USA on the US government of 1776.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Obama got what he could get. It was amazing he got anything against such overwhelming odds. 20 million people got health care coverage where they previously had none. A huge success.

Conservative fallacy. More government is inevitable as the world becomes more complex and the population is increased.

You can't run 2021 USA on the US government of 1776.

Actually, Obamacare only covered about 4 to 6 million new subscriptions, of which about 90% were expanded Medicaid. The bulk of Obamacare subscribers were people who previously had individual health insurance plans and were forced to switch to an Obamacare plan. They weren't new subscribers in the sense that they got health insurance where they previously didn't have any.

My second statement was an observation, and not a fallacy other than being a sweeping generalization. On the other hand, yours too is a fallacy. More government may be inevitable, but it doesn't have to be. Parkenson's Law covers this and its reasons--almost all negative too I might add.

Parkinson's Law is the idea that bureaucrats or administrators are bound to multiply. The basis for Parkinson's Law was the observation that, in bureaucratic organizations, the number of administrators continues to increase even when the organization, as measured by its output or the size of its labor force, is declining.
you're not scary.

start shooting, deep state.

go for it.

I'm not trying to be scary. What kind of moronic fuckwads do you know who want to be scary? Outside of Halloween, that is?

Are you saying let law enforcement do its job? If so, I agree.
I'm guessing he was instrumental in planning the Insurrection to overthrow the United States government.

you are guessing??? earlier you said you wanted him in jail, on a guess? Milley's treason is well documented, he should be court marshalled and jailed for a long time, along with forfeiture of all pay, present and future.

There was no move to overthrow the government on Jan 6. Stop lying about what this was.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Obama wanted to address a terrible problem. Healthcare was a mess. And some people couldn't even get healthcare insurance if they had preexisting conditions. Big insurance didn't want to take policies it saw as being money losers.

It was really a problem created by having health insurance run solely for profit.

Many ideas were talked about during the debates. Single payer, government-only, some sort of hybrid.

The reasons health care costs so much were identified:

1. Americans are just not very healthy. We get so sick.
2. Big insurance and big pharma make a LOT of money.
3. The whole system is being run for profit, not results.

The negotiations were difficult, and it looked like nothing could be possible. Republicans pretended to want change, but that was only a ruse. All they really wanted was to prevent Democrats from having success. Republicans wasted a lot of time hoping to run the clock out on Democrats. It almost worked.

Democrats were up against big pharma, big insurance, and Republicans.

Big insurance flexed their muscle: They told Obama to take single payer off the table. If he would do this, they would put big bux into supporting the new plan. If he did not do this, they would put big bux into fighting the new plan. Obama had no choice. He needed more support on his side. He caved and took single payer off the table.

Big insurance got to write the law under constraints laid down by Democrats. Big insurance guaranteed themselves a set profit of 20%.

The very complex plan passed both houses, but really needed House tweaks after what the Senate did to it. Just then, Senator Kennedy died. Democrats did not have enough votes to get the plan through a second time with tweaks. So they had to let it go just the way it was.

And that was the plan Obama signed.

It's too bad that Republicans did not join Democrats and fight for the people against big insurance and big pharma. If that had happened, we could have gotten a far better plan.

It's really Republican's fault for arguing in bad faith, and failing to fight for a better plan for the people.

Democrats were trying to do something for the American people. Republicans were playing politics, as usual.

total bullshit, healthcare was NOT a mess, it is now because of the kenyan and his foolish attempt to nationalize all medicine.
I'm not trying to be scary. What kind of moronic fuckwads do you know who want to be scary? Outside of Halloween, that is?

Are you saying let law enforcement do its job? If so, I agree.

is it really law enforcements job to shoot suspects?

you suck at thinking, and your job
you, moronic fuckwad.

I love it when you hit your intellectual limit on the second post.

you are guessing??? earlier you said you wanted him in jail, on a guess? Milley's treason is well documented, he should be court marshalled and jailed for a long time, along with forfeiture of all pay, present and future.

There was no move to overthrow the government on Jan 6. Stop lying about what this was.

Yes. Drag his fat ass into court and prosecute him with the evidence found in the WH records.

What treason did Milley commit? Are you saying Milley was part of the attempted coup against the Capitol like Trump and Bannon?
is it really law enforcements job to shoot suspects?

you suck at thinking, and your job

if the suspects are shooting at or otherwise endangering the cops or innocent civilians, then Yes it is the cops job to shoot them. Why do you libs always side with the criminals?
Yes. Drag his fat ass into court and prosecute him with the evidence found in the WH records.

what evidence? have you seen it? has anyone? or are you just reacting to one of the liars on CNN? Face reality, the dems and their media pukes are scared shitless of Trump because if he returns to the whitehouse he will expose all of their corruption and prosecute them. Protecting the deep state corruption is why they are trying desperately to keep Trump from power.
what evidence? have you seen it? has anyone? or are you just reacting to one of the liars on CNN? Face reality, the dems and their media pukes are scared shitless of Trump because if he returns to the whitehouse he will expose all of their corruption and prosecute them. Protecting the deep state corruption is why they are trying desperately to keep Trump from power.

I'm not the DOJ, son. Let it play out in court. You're the one calling people traitors without evidence.

You're delusional about Trump. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid, son. It's rotting your brain.