638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello evince,


I’m going to look and see if there is anyone there I have met in the past there

Thank you for doing such a patriotic thing!

Everyone should look over those photos. It would be best for the nation if every one of those violent insurrectionists is apprehended.

Many of the ones who have not yet been arrested are the most violent ones who caused the most injuries and damage.

The pictures are online. Anybody can look at them.
Hello evince,


I didn’t recognize anyone

Thanks for looking. And just keep that reference handy for when pictures of violent perps are put online. If they would attack the Capitol, they would probably commit other violence. There is no time limit on tracking them down.
1-6 meets the definition of insurrection. It is a violent action taken by a large group of people against the rulers of a country in order to remove them from power.
That is exactly what the Trumpys were doing. They were trying to stop the government from doing its duty and certifying the electoral college votes. They believed if they could stop that, they could get Trump back in the office he lost badly. It was an insurrection.
Funny they are all middle to old age bearded men

They won't do well in prison. If they survive their sentences, they'll be broken men when finally leave prison. No pensions, most of their money now in the pockets of fucking lawyers. The best they can hope for is a minimum wage job through their 50s and 60s then dying in a trailer park shithole...like Bobbie.
Nobody. I expect the tards in that House committee to find nothing new after the Senate did a study, the FBI did one, the Capitol police did one. It's just Pelosi's way of trying to keep this 'scandal' on life support rather than let it run its course. None of those arrested will be charged with "insurrection" or treason. Most will plea deal out for minor charges.

Your "expectations" are colored by your far-right Trumpian slant. These people are going to jail for the crime of following Trump's orders which were to be involved in a violent insurrection. Some actually used that as an excuse saying "it's OK Trump sent me". It is not OK.
The investigation is working on the politicians who were complicit in the Trump insurrection. They are going to be in trouble too.
Hello Nordberg,

1-6 meets the definition of insurrection. It is a violent action taken by a large group of people against the rulers of a country in order to remove them from power.
That is exactly what the Trumpys were doing. They were trying to stop the government from doing its duty and certifying the electoral college votes. They believed if they could stop that, they could get Trump back in the office he lost badly. It was an insurrection.

It absolutely meets the definition of an insurrection. That is without doubt. There is no grey area on that.


Full Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Keep comparing those photos, friends...

"In the chaos outside the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, some demonstrators mistook a news photographer dressed in black for an antifa activist.

"Get out of here!" they screamed.

Twice, they dragged him down stairs. They pushed and shoved him toward a low terrace wall. There, they threw him over.

The 90-second incident was captured on video, and that video was posted on Instagram.

The FBI put images from the video on its “Most Wanted” U.S. Capitol Violence webpage and asked for the public's help. On April 2, a tip came in about photo No. 195.

The tip led to the arrest Aug. 19 of an Oklahoma man — Benjamen Scott Burlew, 41, of Miami."

Internet sleuths led to arrest of Oklahoma man in US Capitol assault, FBI says

"The tip April 2 came from "a group of internet sleuths" who use social media, YouTube videos and other online content to assist in the identification of suspects, the FBI said.

Some of these volunteer investigators created websites like seditionhunters.org.

The sleuths told the FBI that the subject in photo No. 195 appeared in a video on the YouTube channel of Citizen Media News.

In the Jan. 6 video, the subject rubbed his face in discomfort and complained about getting sprayed with an irritant for the "third time today," the FBI agent reported.

Later in the video, he was asked, “What’s your name?” He responded, "Ben Burlew.” He was then asked, “Where are you from?” He responded, “Oklahoma.”

Based on that, the FBI agent next compared Burlew's Oklahoma driver's license photo to images from the Jan. 6 videos. The agent reported they were consistent."
Keep comparing those photos, friends.......

....Some of these volunteer investigators created websites like seditionhunters.org.

The sleuths told the FBI that the subject in photo No. 195 appeared in a video on the YouTube channel of Citizen Media News.

In the Jan. 6 video, the subject rubbed his face in discomfort and complained about getting sprayed with an irritant for the "third time today," the FBI agent reported.

Later in the video, he was asked, “What’s your name?” He responded, "Ben Burlew.” He was then asked, “Where are you from?” He responded, “Oklahoma.”

Based on that, the FBI agent next compared Burlew's Oklahoma driver's license photo to images from the Jan. 6 videos. The agent reported they were consistent."
Violent assholes will certainly do time. He'll be pushing 45 by the time of his trial and closer to 55 when he gets out of prison. Then he'll be sued for the harm he caused.

Another Trumper who'll be sleeping in a cardboard box in retirement. :laugh:

The FBI put images from the video on its “Most Wanted” U.S. Capitol Violence webpage and asked for the public's help. On April 2, a tip came in about photo No. 195.

The tip led to the arrest Aug. 19 of an Oklahoma man — Benjamen Scott Burlew, 41, of Miami.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Violent assholes will certainly do time. He'll be pushing 45 by the time of his trial and closer to 55 when he gets out of prison. Then he'll be sued for the harm he caused.

Another Trumper who'll be sleeping in a cardboard box in retirement. :laugh:

That's why I like to, every time I see a photo of some violent thug posted, I like to go to that FBI Capitol Violence Wanted page and see if there are any matches.

After all, if somebody is going to have to answer for his actions, let's make sure he answers for all of them, eh?
Violent Insurrectionist, and danger to the public, must remain in lockdown:

"A federal judge has revoked the release of an Orange County man accused of attacking police officers during the Jan. 6 riot in Washington D.C.

In agreeing to a request by prosecutors to keep Jeffrey Scott Brown behind bars pending trial, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras cited Brown’s “egregious actions at the Capitol,” along with a loud, one-man protest staged by Brown inside a Costco in Tustin against the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.

A magistrate judge initially ordered Brown’s release from custody. But on Friday, Judge Contreras in a written order ruled that Brown poses a threat to public safety and should remain in federal lockup.

Previously released video footage showed a man prosecutors have identified as Brown spraying pepper spray at an officer whose gas mask bad been ripped off by another rioter. Prosecutors say the footage also shows Brown in the thick of a skirmish between officer and rioters at the Lower West Terrace entrance to the Capitol, using his body to press the crowd forward.

A search of Brown’s Santa Ana home and vehicle after his arrest turned up multiple cans of pepper spray, a taser, a machete, a baseball bat with the words “Tire Striker” on the side, a bow and arrows, and a receipt for bear spray, ammunition and zip ties,” according to prosecutors.

The judge noted that Brown appears to have taken part in prior planning before traveling to the capitol, allegedly taking part in a messaging group of “able-bodied individuals” who were coming to Washington D.C. “ready and wiling to fight.” He also wrote that Brown “carried pepper spray during the riot and almost certainly used it against law enforcement.”

“Brown’s conduct was severe even by Capitol rioter standards,” Contreras wrote.

The judge also cited cell phone video taken by customers at the Costco that shows Brown standing on a table full of clothes in the middle of the store and yelling about the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. A YouTube video of the rant cited in the judge’s order indicates the incident took place at a Costco in Tustin in December.

“Brown’s Costco protest confirms he is willing to cause mayhem and disrupt order even outside the context of a mob,” the judge wrote. “He disagreed with his state’s COVID protocols, so he made his views known by climbing on a table, yelling at shoppers with a bullhorn and refusing to cease when store personnel asked him to.”

“Law enforcement had to put a stop to the protest,” the judge added. “Clearly, Brown is someone who acts on his beliefs.” "

Judge revokes release of California man accused of attacking police at Capitol riot
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That's why I like to, every time I see a photo of some violent thug posted, I like to go to that FBI Capitol Violence Wanted page and see if there are any matches.

After all, if somebody is going to have to answer for his actions, let's make sure he answers for all of them, eh?

I sure each will be run through a full fingerprint, face match, DNA check before being released...just like every other terrorist.
Violent Insurrectionist, and danger to the public, must remain in lockdown:

"A federal judge has revoked the release of an Orange County man accused of attacking police officers during the Jan. 6 riot in Washington D.C.

In agreeing to a request by prosecutors to keep Jeffrey Scott Brown behind bars pending trial, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras cited Brown’s “egregious actions at the Capitol,” along with a loud, one-man protest staged by Brown inside a Costco in Tustin against the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.

A magistrate judge initially ordered Brown’s release from custody. But on Friday, Judge Contreras in a written order ruled that Brown poses a threat to public safety and should remain in federal lockup.

Previously released video footage showed a man prosecutors have identified as Brown spraying pepper spray at an officer whose gas mask bad been ripped off by another rioter. Prosecutors say the footage also shows Brown in the thick of a skirmish between officer and rioters at the Lower West Terrace entrance to the Capitol, using his body to press the crowd forward.

A search of Brown’s Santa Ana home and vehicle after his arrest turned up multiple cans of pepper spray, a taser, a machete, a baseball bat with the words “Tire Striker” on the side, a bow and arrows, and a receipt for bear spray, ammunition and zip ties,” according to prosecutors.

The judge noted that Brown appears to have taken part in prior planning before traveling to the capitol, allegedly taking part in a messaging group of “able-bodied individuals” who were coming to Washington D.C. “ready and wiling to fight.” He also wrote that Brown “carried pepper spray during the riot and almost certainly used it against law enforcement.”

“Brown’s conduct was severe even by Capitol rioter standards,” Contreras wrote.

The judge also cited cell phone video taken by customers at the Costco that shows Brown standing on a table full of clothes in the middle of the store and yelling about the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. A YouTube video of the rant cited in the judge’s order indicates the incident took place at a Costco in Tustin in December.

“Brown’s Costco protest confirms he is willing to cause mayhem and disrupt order even outside the context of a mob,” the judge wrote. “He disagreed with his state’s COVID protocols, so he made his views known by climbing on a table, yelling at shoppers with a bullhorn and refusing to cease when store personnel asked him to.”

“Law enforcement had to put a stop to the protest,” the judge added. “Clearly, Brown is someone who acts on his beliefs.” "

Judge revokes release of California man accused of attacking police at Capitol riot

My favorite piece of irony in this is that Brown will go to jail not only for doing what Trump told him to do but based on evidence recorded at the Insurrection just as Trump told them all to do. LOL

"We have hundreds of thousands of people here and I just want them to be recognized by the fake news media. Turn your cameras please and show what's really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer. They're not going to take it any longer. Go ahead. Turn your cameras, please."
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I sure each will be run through a full fingerprint, face match, DNA check before being released...just like every other terrorist.

You have more faith in law enforcement than I do. Remember: a lot of LEOs agree with the insurrectionists. Some insurrectionists ARE LEOs.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

You have more faith in law enforcement than I do. Remember: a lot of LEOs agree with the insurrectionists. Some insurrectionists ARE LEOs.

Yes, I do. Overall, it works. You are lumping some dumbfuck Deputy McAbee of Buttfuck, Tennessee or wherever with all LEOs. I doubt prison will go well for him. He's embarrassed his office and duty. The convicts won't like a fatboy deputy among them either.

The good news is he would end up at ADX Florence and not have to worry about being shived. LOL

Any good group needs to function at some level of trust. I trust the FBI and other state agencies will root out corruption and evil wherever they find it.

Hence the importance of saying something if seeing something:

Yes, I do. Overall, it works. You are lumping some dumbfuck Deputy McAbee of Buttfuck, Tennessee or wherever with all LEOs. I doubt prison will go well for him. He's embarrassed his office and duty. The convicts won't like a fatboy deputy among them either.

The good news is he would end up at ADX Florence and not have to worry about being shived. LOL

Any good group needs to function at some level of trust. I trust the FBI and other state agencies will root out corruption and evil wherever they find it.

Hence the importance of saying something if seeing something:


Masonic cum festival.