638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

yes. the bittersweet of the letting go.

but....if you die before you die, you don't die when you die.

but you already know.


This is amazingly and sadly not a rewarding experience.

Could you possibly dumb things down for me....I am rather wasted and have had a challenging few days...That is to say I am fried!


This is amazingly and sadly not a rewarding experience.

Could you possibly dumb things down for me....I am rather wasted and have had a challenging few days...That is to say I am fried!


lol. we need to get fucked up together, preferably in a sharp object free environment.
That would likely be a mutually rewarding experience.

Do we each provide our own sluts?

Shall we swap?

U Decide!


A hillbilly knocks on the door of his new neighbor’s house.

"Howdy neighbor", he says. "In honor of you movin' in to the holler, I'm gonna throw a party. There's gonna be a whole lot of drinkin', a whole lot of dancin' and a whole lot of screwin'."

"Sounds like fun", the neighbor says..."what can I bring?"

Hillbilly replies, "You can bring anything you want; just gonna be you and me."

A hillbilly knocks on the door of his new neighbor’s house.

"Howdy neighbor", he says. "In honor of you movin' in to the holler, I'm gonna throw a party. There's gonna be a whole lot of drinkin', a whole lot of dancin' and a whole lot of screwin'."

"Sounds like fun", the neighbor says..."what can I bring?"

Hillbilly replies, "You can bring anything you want; just gonna be you and me."

At this point you are too cerebral for me.

I am after all just a simple man.

Masonic cum festival.

You will end up on a psych ward for trying to slit your wrists....again.

I sure do so love me some Lana:



Till the last breath.

She's awesome.

Besides, who doesn't love Harley's, Biker Babes and shotguns?