638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Yes, I do. Overall, it works. You are lumping some dumbfuck Deputy McAbee of Buttfuck, Tennessee or wherever with all LEOs. I doubt prison will go well for him. He's embarrassed his office and duty. The convicts won't like a fatboy deputy among them either.

The good news is he would end up at ADX Florence and not have to worry about being shived. LOL

Any good group needs to function at some level of trust. I trust the FBI and other state agencies will root out corruption and evil wherever they find it.

Hence the importance of saying something if seeing something:


That's why I like to compare the photos. I won't see anything if I don't look.
you also suck at psychology.

Why do you think so, Fredo? Clearly you hate yourself so much it's caused you to hate everyone else.

You are arguing with an individual that hates America. He/she/alphabet will only drag you down into a cursing contest.
When a person lies about me, it proves they are a deplorable, dishonest and desperate person.

I suspect you are middle-aged, underemployed and realized in your late 30s that skipping college wasn't your best move. Now you're a Trumper seeking to use violence to obtain White Man's Welfare. That's a loser move, dipshit.

Better if you just try to improve yourself. I was pushing 35 when I went to night classes for my Master's. Certainly you can use some CLEP tests and a few night classes to earn a Bachelor's degree.

The problem is you don't even want to try. Like all the other Welfare Queens, you want to sit on your fucking ass and have someone like Trump give it to you.
Why do you think so, Fredo? Clearly you hate yourself so much it's caused you to hate everyone else.

When a person lies about me, it proves they are a deplorable, dishonest and desperate person.

I suspect you are middle-aged, underemployed and realized in your late 30s that skipping college wasn't your best move. Now you're a Trumper seeking to use violence to obtain White Man's Welfare. That's a loser move, dipshit.

Better if you just try to improve yourself. I was pushing 35 when I went to night classes for my Master's. Certainly you can use some CLEP tests and a few night classes to earn a Bachelor's degree.

The problem is you don't even want to try. Like all the other Welfare Queens, you want to sit on your fucking ass and have someone like Trump give it to you.

I love humanity.

you're a globalist humanity hater.

it's really that simple.
I love humanity.

you're a globalist humanity hater.

it's really that simple.

Any and all JPP members are free to read your posts and mine then decide for themselves who is the lying piece of shit and who is just an arrogant, and still good looking, asshole.
I love humanity.

you're a globalist humanity hater.

it's really that simple.

Correct, and Mr. Tiny penis who loves to spend large amounts of time bloviating about his/her/alphabets education or career is just compensating for a lonely life.
If the FBI photos have an AFO number, that means the individual is being sought for Assault on Federal Officer.

If the FBI photos have an AOM number, that means the individual is being sought for an Assault On the Media.

All of the photos on the FBI wanted list are for violence at the insurrection.

There does not appear to be an FBI photo matching effort to catch people who simply showed up but took no part in any violence.

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

"WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials."

This means it is largely on the shoulders of then President Trump, who assembled the crowd and whipped them up into a fury. He incited an insurrection.
U.S. Capitol Police says 'robust security' planned for Sept 18 rally

""We have a robust security posture planned for September 18th," the U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement. "All available staff will be working.""

It is sad that our country has come to this point that we have to take these kinds of measures never before required because of one party turning violent.

I'm interested in how this plays out. Are the militias really a bunch of fatboy sissypants or are they ready to put their lives on the line and be shot down in the streets?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I'm interested in how this plays out. Are the militias really a bunch of fatboy sissypants or are they ready to put their lives on the line and be shot down in the streets?

I don't think it's coming to that.

Should be interesting, though.

DC Police are going to be more than ready, not interested in any kind of repeat of the insurrection.

Organizers say they don't want any Trump flags or hats.

Protestors are going to be very restrained, knowing they will be well-scrutinized.

Has the potential to turn into a fizzled-out dud of a rally.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I don't think it's coming to that.

Should be interesting, though.

DC Police are going to be more than ready, not interested in any kind of repeat of the insurrection.

Organizers say they don't want any Trump flags or hats.

Protestors are going to be very restrained, knowing they will be well-scrutinized.

Has the potential to turn into a fizzled-out dud of a rally.

That's one vote for "fatboy sissypants".

Agreed the police will be ready but there will be plenty of Trump flags, Nazi flags, Confederate flags, etc. That's free speech.

Agreed most protesters will be civil, but it's the fanatics who will cause trouble; the Qless and, possibly, militia members. It only takes one as James Fields and Stephen Paddock proved.

The rally itself may be typical of DC protests, but like the 1/6 rally, it could provide cover for something else.

I strongly believe this isn't over. That the Trump legacy of blood is still being written and more Americans will be killed in his name. One way or another.

Here's the good news: Facial Recognition software. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Here's a nasty one:

Ex-Special Forces Soldier Lobbed Flagpole Like ‘a Spear’ During Capitol Riot: FBI

"A retired U.S. Army Special Forces soldier is facing charges after allegedly attacking several police officers, including beating one with a flagpole, during the Capitol riots.

Jeffrey McKellop, from Virginia, has been charged with several crimes, including assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers with a deadly weapon, and violent entry. Prosecutors allege that during the Jan. 6 siege, McKellop can be seen fighting with a line of D.C. Metropolitan Police officers trying to stop the mob from entering the Capitol, before throwing bottles and flagpoles, and trying to grab at their riot spray.

McKellop is seen picking up “a flagpole from the ground” and “shov[ing] it into the face” of an D.C. cop before throwing the flagpole at another cop, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Thursday. The flagpole had a “Blue Line National” flag and a thirteen-star “Betsy Ross” flag embossed with the words “Trump. Keep America Great” on it.

“McKellop’s actions caused a laceration to MPD Officer 4’s face,” the complaint notes, adding that he allegedly injured at least three more officers."

"Prosecutors state that McKellop was among the group of MAGA diehards that initially encroached on the Capitol building. Wearing a helmet and gas mask, he is seen in one cop’s body-camera footage “using his hands to push officers back” as the crowd tries to inch closer to the building.

In another video, he’s seen “attempting to grab the riot control spray canister of [an] MPD officer in a lieutenant’s uniform.” After pushing one cop, he briefly moves back, before picking up a bottle and throwing it at the line of cops, the complaint states.

When he breached a line of officers to reach the bottom of scaffolding at the Capitol, McKellop is seen fighting again. After one officer took position under the scaffolding with riot-control spray, McKellop “throws the flagpole, similar in fashion to throwing a spear,” the complaint states."