638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Call it whatever you like.

It's been called a false flag operation by antifa. (that one didn't stick, so I guess it's been dropped.)

It's been called a tourist visit. (resoundingly rebuffed.)

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody wanted to call it a picnic.

The right is very creative with labeling.

I guess it works that way when there is so much focus on image.

And so little on substance.

Void argument fallacy.
I guess if one feels the cause is lost on trying to blame it on BLM or antifa the fall back position is to argue about whether it is legal to call it an insurrection.

Well, we know it's legal. 1st Amendment.

But does it meet the definition?


The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.

A rising up; uprising.

The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.

There was no insurrection. Violence is illegal. It is not protected by the 1st amendment or any other amendment. Denial of the Constitution of the United States. Antifa and BLM were the ones attacking people, fighting against the cops, and vandalizing the Capitol building.
I give up, #10. How many?

Is it because they're all in jail now and it has nothing to do with Trump's plot to overthrow the nation and crown himself President-for-Life?

They are not in jail. Trump has no plot to overthrow the government. Democrats DID overthrow the government later.
Proud Boy Anthony Sargent from St Augustine FL:

"Anthony Sargent

Arrested or charged on: Sept. 21, 2021
Home state: Florida


Destruction of government property, entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in any restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in any restricted building or grounds; violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildlings

What happened

Sargent was identified by the FBI as a Proud Boy, who once dubbed himself in a Twitter account profile as an "Ancient City Proud Boy Constitutionalist unapologetic no mask." Sargent was identified in videos taken of rioters trying to break through the outer doors and the inner doors of the Capitol's north entrance, and appeared to be wearing a radio on the pocket of his jeans. The rioters caused an estimated $1,000 in damage to the north doors, the FBI stated in charging documents. Agents conducted surveillance on Sargent in St. Augustine, attempting to match him to images obtained at the Capitol."
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Another Violent One Faces Charges

"Michael Eckerman

Age: 37
Arrested or charged on: Sept. 20, 2021
Home state: Kansas


Assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers;
civil disorder; obstruction of an official proceeding; disorderly conduct in the Capitol building; entering and remaining in a restricted building; entering and remaining on the floor of Congress; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds.

What happened

Eckerman pushed his way to the front of a crowd and shoved an officer back several feet, causing the officer to fall down a small set of stairs, the Department of Justice stated in a news release about his arrest. The incident allowed rioters to move farther into the Capitol, and Eckerman made it to Statuary Hall where he pushed through another set of officers and yelled for several minutes. Eckerman was captured on police body camera video yelling at officers. He was accompanied by two companions, who went with him into the Rayburn reception room inside the House of Representatives, the FBI stated. Tipsters revealed his identity to the FBI. Inside the Capitol, Eckerman posed for a photo, wearing a tactical vest, Trump hat and a neon glove in front of a large painting of George Washington."
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There was no insurrection. Violence is illegal. It is not protected by the 1st amendment or any other amendment. Denial of the Constitution of the United States. Antifa and BLM were the ones attacking people, fighting against the cops, and vandalizing the Capitol building.

You cannot be that stupid, can you? My fault, you can and are. Your comments are ludicrous. Almost all rights abandoned the Antifa BLM charge because it was simply not true. When those charged were brought to court, not one of them was Antifa or BLM. They were Infowars. Parler deep rights who believe the lie, like you apparently do.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I hope some of the people who show up tomorrow can lead to identification of more of the insurrectionists. And then more arrests.

I'm sure a lot of very adept people will be photographing and videoing everything that happens tomorrow, and that evidence will be compared to what is already on file.

Good luck, protestors!

You might be matched to observers at local hotel lobbies and parking lots. I hope you brought a change of clothes so you can appear differently later on when you travel...

There are no insurrectionists in this image.
You cannot be that stupid, can you?
Hey...it's YOUR hallucination.
My fault, you can and are. Your comments are ludicrous.
You are responsible for my comments?????
Almost all rights abandoned the Antifa BLM charge because it was simply not true.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Ominiscience fallacy.
When those charged were brought to court, not one of them was Antifa or BLM.
Antifa and BLM are usually not brought to court. They are let go to riot again.
They were Infowars. Parler deep rights who believe the lie, like you apparently do.
What lies? Void argument fallacy. What is 'deep rights'? You're gonna have to learn English.
Hello Nordberg,

You cannot be that stupid, can you? My fault, you can and are. Your comments are ludicrous. Almost all rights abandoned the Antifa BLM charge because it was simply not true. When those charged were brought to court, not one of them was Antifa or BLM. They were Infowars. Parler deep rights who believe the lie, like you apparently do.

Right you are. Not a single one of any of those arrested has been identified as BLM or antifa. Many have been identified as Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, Boogaloo Boys, and other far right supporters of Donald Trump. See post #125 for the arrest record of a Proud Boy.

Here's another one. Trump supporter, charged with violence at the capitol on January 6th:

"Kelley McFadden O'Brien

Arrested or charged on: Aug. 18, 2021
Home state: Pennsylvania


Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; engaging in physical violence in the grounds or Capitol building

What happened

"You must pick a side. Good or evil. Have no fear. Tump will still be our president. Trust his plan. He plays 4D chess while they play checkers," O'Brien posted on her Facebook page on January 7, after deleting videos she'd posted of the Capitol riot, according to federal charging documents. But, someone took screenshots and forwarded them to the FBI. In a post on Jan. 6, she stated: "I'm out. I'm safe. Someone may have trashed a certain speaker of the houses office. But I will never tell who." "
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Here's another Trump supporter charged with violence:

"David Nicholas Dempsey

Age: 34
Arrested or charged on: Aug. 26, 2021
Home state: California


Obstruction of an official proceeding; assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers using a dangerous weapon; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; entering or remaining; disorderly and disruptive conduct; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; and act of phsical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

What happened

Dempsey is captured in multiple videos attacking police on Jan. 6. In some of the vidoes he wore different outfits, but is mainly seen wearing a black shirt, dark helmet, goggles and an American flag gaiter that covered his face, leading to the nickname #FlagGaiterCopHater by online sleuths.

In a YouTube video obtained by the FBI, Dempsey is shown giving a speech in front of "a gallows fitted out with a noose." According to charging documents, Dempsey said that Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi don't need to go to jail, but instead hang from the gallows.The documents describe another Youtube video and Capitol surveillance footage that show Dempsey recieving what seems to be tear gas from a person in the crowd. He sprays the line of officers and also uses various objects and weapons such as a crutch and metal pole to assault officers.

During the investigation, the FBI discovered that Dempsey was previously arrested in October 2019, accused of using bear spray on anti-Trump protesters in Santa Monica, CA. "

"Although Dempsey wore several different outfits during the riot, agents, with the help of open source websites like seditionhunters.org, focused on his hair in a low man bun, black shirt, dark helmet, goggles, and an American flag gaiter covering most of his face, authorities said. Investigators also noted a distinct yellow cord bracelet, which he wore in other photos, including images where he flashes a white power hand sign."
Here is another far right suspect arrested and charged with violence at the Capitol. This one wore an Infowars shirt while traveling to the Capitol from CA.

"Jeffrey Scott Brown

Age: 54
Arrested or charged on: Aug. 26, 2021
Home state: California


Inflicting bodily injury on certain officers; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; entering and remaining in a resticted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; impeding passage through the Capitol grounds or buildings; and act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

What happened

In days leading up to Jan.6, Brown participated in a group chat titled DC Brigade on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app. On Jan.5 he sent a selfie wearing an Infowars t-shirt at the airport with the caption "Boarding LAX." In charging documents the FBI stated a person who has known Brown for about 5 years helped confirm his identity and that Brown is seen in multiple videos participating in assualts on law enforcement. In Capitol security camera footage, Brown is seen among the crowd in a tunnel leading to the Lower West Terrace. After someone in the crowd passed him a can of pepper spray, Brown points the can toward the police defensive line and sprays for several seconds.

In a YouTube video obtained by law enforcement titled “Scenes of Chaos Captured Inside US Capitol as Crowd Challenges Police,” Brown is seen at the front of the crowd pushing against officers attempting to restrict access. According to the documents, the video also shows a Metro PD officer with blood in his mouth as he is pressed between the crowd and a line of officers."
You cannot be that stupid, can you? My fault, you can and are. Your comments are ludicrous. Almost all rights abandoned the Antifa BLM charge because it was simply not true. When those charged were brought to court, not one of them was Antifa or BLM. They were Infowars. Parler deep rights who believe the lie, like you apparently do.

Insanity isn't the same as stupidity although the results are often the same: Erroneous conclusions about reality.

Sybil lives in his own little world....probably with walls of rubber and doors that lock from the outside. I'm surprised they let him have access to a computer for a few hours a day.
Here is another far right suspect arrested and charged with violence at the Capitol. This one wore an Infowars shirt while traveling to the Capitol from CA.

"Jeffrey Scott Brown

Age: 54
Arrested or charged on: Aug. 26, 2021
Home state: California


Inflicting bodily injury on certain officers; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; entering and remaining in a resticted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; impeding passage through the Capitol grounds or buildings; and act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.....

All those stupid anti-American bastards are going down. Especially the violent ones. Fortunately, all JPP RW nutjobs are chickenshits who never leave their basements.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

All those stupid anti-American bastards are going down. Especially the violent ones. Fortunately, all JPP RW nutjobs are chickenshits who never leave their basements.

They've got a lot of nerve to think they were beating up American police officers and destroying the American Capitol property 'for the good of America.'

What fools.

There is an extremely warped view of America shrouded in some serious BS.

I am hoping that day was the culmination of the violent right; that the largest grouping of every violence-prone, anti-social, right-wing, mentally challenged individuals appeared for their big dream day that they have all been hoping for their entire lives. And now they are being rounded up, one by one, and everyone else in the country will learn of their fate, none other than having to face justice in our nation of laws.

Some of them will get away, perhaps for years, looking over their shoulder, always wondering if they will be subsequently identified and apprehended. Hopefully the apprehensions, trials, and sentencing of the hundreds already caught will be a big wake-up call for those who escape. Even if they have violent tendencies, maybe all of this will get their attention and cause them to rethink and back off.

They need to take a really hard look at their lives and try to figure out just where they fit into existing society instead of trying to fight their way into some fascist right wing fantasy they dream of.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

They've got a lot of nerve to think they were beating up American police officers and destroying the American Capitol property 'for the good of America.'

What fools.

There is an extremely warped view of America shrouded in some serious BS.

I am hoping that day was the culmination of the violent right; that the largest grouping of every violence-prone, anti-social, right-wing, mentally challenged individuals appeared for their big dream day that they have all been hoping for their entire lives. And now they are being rounded up, one by one, and everyone else in the country will learn of their fate, none other than having to face justice in our nation of laws.

Some of them will get away, perhaps for years, looking over their shoulder, always wondering if they will be subsequently identified and apprehended. Hopefully the apprehensions, trials, and sentencing of the hundreds already caught will be a big wake-up call for those who escape. Even if they have violent tendencies, maybe all of this will get their attention and cause them to rethink and back off.

They need to take a really hard look at their lives and try to figure out just where they fit into existing society instead of trying to fight their way into some fascist right wing fantasy they dream of.

Fools is correct. Notice how those so far have blamed Trump and pleading for mercy.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Fools is correct. Notice how those so far have blamed Trump and pleading for mercy.

That's the hard thing to figure.

How can Trump NOT be convicted of incitement of insurrection when one by one all the violent fools who perpetrated it are fingering HIM as the reason they did it?

What does Justice need? A big red flashing neon sign over Trump's head?

!!! HE DID IT !!!
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That's the hard thing to figure.

How can Trump NOT be convicted of incitement of insurrection when one by one all the violent fools who perpetrated it are fingering HIM as the reason they did it?

What does Justice need? A big red flashing neon sign over Trump's head?

!!! HE DID IT !!!

Because the Republicans keep obstructing justice. OTOH, that only slows it down. In the end, I think this is a major strategic mistake by the Republicans.

The longer these trials and investigations over Trump's criminal acts are dragged out, the worse it is for the party. The result will be handing the Democrats more power and more control because Americans will be left with two major choices:

Vote for a small group of science-denying, Constitution-hating, Trump Dick Sucking nutjobs.

Vote Democrat.

Off hand, I'll vote libertarian again. Never for a Democratic President, but possibly for a Democratic House Rep and Senators since that may be the only way to kill the Party of Trump inside the Republican Party.
Hello Dutch,

Because the Republicans keep obstructing justice. OTOH, that only slows it down. In the end, I think this is a major strategic mistake by the Republicans.

The longer these trials and investigations over Trump's criminal acts are dragged out, the worse it is for the party. The result will be handing the Democrats more power and more control because Americans will be left with two major choices:

Vote for a small group of science-denying, Constitution-hating, Trump Dick Sucking nutjobs.

Vote Democrat.

Off hand, I'll vote libertarian again. Never for a Democratic President, but possibly for a Democratic House Rep and Senators since that may be the only way to kill the Party of Trump inside the Republican Party.

There is no Republican strategy now. They all have to wait until the talking mouth speaks before they know what to think.

If they get ahead of the talking mouth they'll just have to eat their words.

They know they are all dispensable.

Glad to hear you'd vote for Democrats.

Your State needs more open minded clear thinkers voting.
Hello Dutch,

There is no Republican strategy now. They all have to wait until the talking mouth speaks before they know what to think.

If they get ahead of the talking mouth they'll just have to eat their words.

They know they are all dispensable.

Glad to hear you'd vote for Democrats.

Your State needs more open minded clear thinkers voting.
Only to stop Trumpers in Texas. Not nationally.

As for strategy; their strategy is stonewall, admit nothing, deny everything and make false counter-accusations. So, yes, they have no effective strategy for Election 2022 except pray for a miracle and cheat in all the elections.