638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Sounds overly broad and unsupported.

Can you cite a case where that has happened?

Federal conspiracy laws are basically thought crimes. All you need to make this charge is evidence that two individuals discussed committing a particular crime. If means to carry it out can be proven--and that doesn't take much--then you have everything you need as a persecutor to make the charge.

So, two or more individuals in this case discuss going to Dirty City to hear Trump and hate on Biden, etc., on their cell phones, either voice or text. They then go to DC. Conspiracy is in the bag for a federal persecutor.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Federal conspiracy laws are basically thought crimes. All you need to make this charge is evidence that two individuals discussed committing a particular crime. If means to carry it out can be proven--and that doesn't take much--then you have everything you need as a persecutor to make the charge.

So, two or more individuals in this case discuss going to Dirty City to hear Trump and hate on Biden, etc., on their cell phones, either voice or text. They then go to DC. Conspiracy is in the bag for a federal persecutor.

They did more than discuss it. They planned for violence, gathered weapons and combat equipment, created a plan to get all their gear to Washington, and carried out the plan up to the point when they were suiting up for the day. It was only at the last minute that they chickened out and decided to only go with knives instead of guns, 'because of he camera.' Apparently, they didn't want to create video evidence which could be used against them in court.

That's more than having a discussion.

Now it could be that the feds are amping up the charges to scare them so if they decide to plead out, they will accept years in prison instead of decades.

We will just have to wait until the trials to see.
Hello Flash,

Incitement of riot and incitement of insurrection are different laws.

Trump built the mindset over time. Then he raised it to the level of immediate needed action on the day.

Almost all of the defendants have cited Trump as the reason for their actions on that day.

Building up a mindset is not illegal. What the defendants cite does not create the necessary elements for a crime. The fact that the Justice Department is not investigating him for inciting an insurrection (as far as we know) should tell us they don't think his actions meet the necessary criteria.

If you were his defense attorney you would cite this passage: "His defense lawyers, however, point to a different passage, in which Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." They argue that his words were not a call for actual violence and lawlessness."

That makes it difficult to prove he intended violence.

Some idiot will claim I am defending Trump, but I am just citing the law.
Hello Flash,

Building up a mindset is not illegal.

That's what Charles Manson thought.

What the defendants cite does not create the necessary elements for a crime. The fact that the Justice Department is not investigating him for inciting an insurrection (as far as we know) should tell us they don't think his actions meet the necessary criteria.

What it really tells us is that President Biden wants his own presidency. He does not want to appear vindictive, does not want to have the news be all about how he is going after his predecessor. And he doesn't want that to be the new precedent that each incoming president takes legal action targeting the outgoing president.

If anybody goes after Trump, it is going to have to be States unless there is just too much evidence to ignore. Garland is not going to pursue gathering evidence unless there are bipartisan calls for it.

If you were his defense attorney you would cite this passage: "His defense lawyers, however, point to a different passage, in which Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." They argue that his words were not a call for actual violence and lawlessness."

That makes it difficult to prove he intended violence.

Some idiot will claim I am defending Trump, but I am just citing the law.

I don't think you're defending him. I know where you're coming from. Naturally, Trump is smart and deft enough to cover his tracks. He has become quite adept at that. He doesn't write specific things down, sends no emails, speaks vaguely and always includes statements such as the above that can be used by defense attorneys. The problem is, he contradicts himself and also made statements such as: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country any more."
Hello Flash,

That's what Charles Manson thought.

Mansion wasn't charged with building a mindset. His followers said he told them to kill those people (one was a friend of mine in elementary school).

If anybody goes after Trump, it is going to have to be States unless there is just too much evidence to ignore. Garland is not going to pursue gathering evidence unless there are bipartisan calls for it.

I don't think states have any jurisdiction over the events on Jan 6 since it all occurred in D. C.

I'm not sure if Trump wanted the violence to occur. He knew he wouldn't win even if the crowd occupied the Capitol and captured Pence and members of Congress and prolonged the electoral count for several days. I think he just wanted a big show of force and some good TV coverage.
Hello Flash,

Mansion wasn't charged with building a mindset. His followers said he told them to kill those people (one was a friend of mine in elementary school).

I don't think states have any jurisdiction over the events on Jan 6 since it all occurred in D. C.

I'm not sure if Trump wanted the violence to occur. He knew he wouldn't win even if the crowd occupied the Capitol and captured Pence and members of Congress and prolonged the electoral count for several days. I think he just wanted a big show of force and some good TV coverage.

Sorry for the loss of your friend.

Trump appeared to particularly enjoy the insurrection. Close people pleaded with him to take prompt action to stop it and he did nothing, gleefully watching it all on TV. Why is anybody's guess. I don't think he really believed they would be successful, but that doesn't really matter. He sent them there, and that is a crime.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

They did more than discuss it. They planned for violence, gathered weapons and combat equipment, created a plan to get all their gear to Washington, and carried out the plan up to the point when they were suiting up for the day. It was only at the last minute that they chickened out and decided to only go with knives instead of guns, 'because of he camera.' Apparently, they didn't want to create video evidence which could be used against them in court.

That's more than having a discussion.

Now it could be that the feds are amping up the charges to scare them so if they decide to plead out, they will accept years in prison instead of decades.

We will just have to wait until the trials to see.

Got some links to any of that? Oh, the feds are very unlikely to "amp up the charges." The normal method is to over charge then reduce those in a plea deal...
"-A pro-Trump mob descended on the Capitol January 6, and hundreds are facing criminal charges.

-It took four hours to secure the building so Congress could certify Joe Biden's victory.

-Seven months later, 638 people have been charged. This searchable table shows them all so far.

Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 638 people have been arrested and charged with crimes.

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free on January 6, it's taking some time to track them down.

This table includes the names, charges, and links to court documents of all the people charged so far. We're keeping it updated as more names are released."

please post the stats on the people charged with the riots in Seattle, Portland, NY, Philly, DC, Atlanta, Cincinnatti, etc during last summer of BLM and antifa riots, looting, burning, and attacking that went on for months while the idiot dems cheered. Give us those stats, asshole.
please post the stats on the people charged with the riots in Seattle, Portland, NY, Philly, DC, Atlanta, Cincinnatti, etc during last summer of BLM and antifa riots, looting, burning, and attacking that went on for months while the idiot dems cheered. Give us those stats, asshole.

Trying to compare an insurrection with the race riot just means you're a drug addict moron
please post the stats on the people charged with the riots in Seattle, Portland, NY, Philly, DC, Atlanta, Cincinnatti, etc during last summer of BLM and antifa riots, looting, burning, and attacking that went on for months while the idiot dems cheered. Give us those stats, asshole.

Why don't you? Why are you a Federalist authoritarian instead of supporting State's Rights and a smaller Federal government. Are you a communist? A socialists? Russian or Chinese?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Got some links to any of that? Oh, the feds are very unlikely to "amp up the charges." The normal method is to over charge then reduce those in a plea deal...

Here is an excerpt from one of the links in the thread I referenced

"Two participants in the January riot at the Capitol have been hit with new federal criminal charges alleging, in part, that they plotted bringing guns to the Capitol. Those facing the new charges include Tennessee resident Ronald Sandlin and Nevada resident Nathaniel DeGrave, and the new allegations — to which both have pleaded not guilty — include conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, and assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers, all of which are among the most serious charges issued against Capitol rioters so far. Obstruction of an official proceeding carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years."
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Here is an excerpt from one of the links in the thread I referenced

"Two participants in the January riot at the Capitol have been hit with new federal criminal charges alleging, in part, that they plotted bringing guns to the Capitol. Those facing the new charges include Tennessee resident Ronald Sandlin and Nevada resident Nathaniel DeGrave, and the new allegations — to which both have pleaded not guilty — include conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, and assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers, all of which are among the most serious charges issued against Capitol rioters so far. Obstruction of an official proceeding carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years."

This isn't a simple post-game party that got out of hand. It was a WH planned event using professionals to organize and foment a riot to attack the Capitol.

Proving that in a court of law remains to be seen. Rich people can buy their freedom, regular people go to prison.

Trying to compare an insurrection with the race riot just means you're a drug addict moron

geez, look up insurrection in the dictionary, Jan 6 was not an insurrection. But tell me this, why are the people arrested that day still in solitary confinement with no court dates, charges, or bail? This is what political objectors are subject to in China or Russia, not the USA. You dem/libs are destroying this great country and you are too stupid to realize it.
geez, look up insurrection in the dictionary, Jan 6 was not an insurrection. But tell me this, why are the people arrested that day still in solitary confinement with no court dates, charges, or bail? This is what political objectors are subject to in China or Russia, not the USA. You dem/libs are destroying this great country and you are too stupid to realize it.

They realize it. That's the problem, they want to destroy this country.
Why don't you? Why are you a Federalist authoritarian instead of supporting State's Rights and a smaller Federal government. Are you a communist? A socialists? Russian or Chinese?

States rights do not include destroying federal property, attacking private citizens, and looting businesses with no one charged with any crime. States rights do not include ignoring the constitution and federal law
This isn't a simple post-game party that got out of hand. It was a WH planned event using professionals to organize and foment a riot to attack the Capitol.

Proving that in a court of law remains to be seen. Rich people can buy their freedom, regular people go to prison.


horseshit, the only professionals involved were FBI agents who posed as Trump supporters and incited the others to riot. Oh, how about the professional cop who murdered Ashli Babbet, an unarmed female veteran who was committing no crime and was a threat to no one.