638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

Hey. If you don't want to be forced to wear a loud ankle monitor then don't attack our own capitol.

Capitol riot defendant asks judge to remove ankle monitor because it beeps too loudly

"An alleged Capitol rioter has asked a judge to remove his ankle monitor because it beeps too loudly, a report has claimed.

Gabriel Garcia, of Miami, Florida, was fitted with the ankle monitor following his arrest for assaulting the US Capitol building on 6 January, and has worn the location tracking device for several months.

Following his arraignment and released on bail in February, Mr Garcia was allowed to return to work at a construction business that he owns in Miami. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

According to The Washington Post, he has recently filed a request with a judge to remove his GPS tracking ankle monitor because it allegedly interferes with his business.

The father of three faces large legal fees for both the Capitol riot case, and a divorce case, it was reported. He had earlier requested that he be able to run his businesses 24 hours a day, which was rejected."

Gee. I wonder why his marriage is falling apart?
Hey. If you don't want to be forced to wear a loud ankle monitor then don't attack our own capitol.

Capitol riot defendant asks judge to remove ankle monitor because it beeps too loudly

"An alleged Capitol rioter has asked a judge to remove his ankle monitor because it beeps too loudly, a report has claimed.

Gabriel Garcia, of Miami, Florida, was fitted with the ankle monitor following his arrest for assaulting the US Capitol building on 6 January, and has worn the location tracking device for several months.

Following his arraignment and released on bail in February, Mr Garcia was allowed to return to work at a construction business that he owns in Miami. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

According to The Washington Post, he has recently filed a request with a judge to remove his GPS tracking ankle monitor because it allegedly interferes with his business.

The father of three faces large legal fees for both the Capitol riot case, and a divorce case, it was reported. He had earlier requested that he be able to run his businesses 24 hours a day, which was rejected."

Gee. I wonder why his marriage is falling apart?
Awesome. Facebook posts, getting divorced, pussified whiner complaining about his ankle monitor? It all adds up. :laugh:

"A judge was told that the ankle monitor threatens Mr Garcia’s business because it beeps loudly in front of customers, and according to the Post, is often followed by “embarrassing” phone call from officials asking for his location.

Mr Garcia has also claimed that the device is dangerous because he climbs ladders for work, and the monitor often gets stuck on the rungs of the ladder. He has also nearly fallen off because of the monitor, it was reported.

The alleged rioter, who is accused of being part of a mob that attacked the legislature after former US president Donald Trump alleged that 2020’s election was stolen, has not yet received a date for a hearing for his request."

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, dipshit. I hope they give him an extra month just for wasting everyone's time.
Awesome. Facebook posts, getting divorced, pussified whiner complaining about his ankle monitor? It all adds up. :laugh:

"A judge was told that the ankle monitor threatens Mr Garcia’s business because it beeps loudly in front of customers, and according to the Post, is often followed by “embarrassing” phone call from officials asking for his location.

Mr Garcia has also claimed that the device is dangerous because he climbs ladders for work, and the monitor often gets stuck on the rungs of the ladder. He has also nearly fallen off because of the monitor, it was reported.

The alleged rioter, who is accused of being part of a mob that attacked the legislature after former US president Donald Trump alleged that 2020’s election was stolen, has not yet received a date for a hearing for his request."

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, dipshit. I hope they give him an extra month just for wasting everyone's time.

hey duck boy how many thousands were arrested in blm riots all those cry baby pussy need a gang to do anything criminals all
hey duck boy how many thousands were arrested in blm riots all those cry baby pussy need a gang to do anything criminals all

I don't know, Bobbie. What the fuck does BLM protests in Portland have to do with the Capitol Insurrection? Can your alky and dementia riddled brain tell me?
You can try to hide, you can take down FB posts, but sooner or later your number is going to be up:

"In her interview with the FBI, Krzywicki said she posted a picture on Facebook but later deleted it because it seemed like a bad idea to leave up."

Canterbury mother, daughter arrested for alleged participation at US Capitol riots

"The photos showed the two women at the steps outside of the building and then inside the atrium of the U.S. Capitol.

According to court documents, phone records for Krzywicki and Lavin showed they were in the geographic area that includes the interior of the U.S. Capitol building."
You can try to hide, you can take down FB posts, but sooner or later your number is going to be up:

"In her interview with the FBI, Krzywicki said she posted a picture on Facebook but later deleted it because it seemed like a bad idea to leave up."

Canterbury mother, daughter arrested for alleged participation at US Capitol riots

"The photos showed the two women at the steps outside of the building and then inside the atrium of the U.S. Capitol.

According to court documents, phone records for Krzywicki and Lavin showed they were in the geographic area that includes the interior of the U.S. Capitol building."

Both will probably get a plea deal and a federal conviction as long as they were non-violent.

I'm curious whether tomorrow will be a complete dud or end up saving the taxpayers millions of dollars by shooting down violent protesters seeking to overthrow the US government and shred our Constitution.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Both will probably get a plea deal and a federal conviction as long as they were non-violent.

I'm curious whether tomorrow will be a complete dud or end up saving the taxpayers millions of dollars by shooting down violent protesters seeking to overthrow the US government and shred our Constitution.


I hope some of the people who show up tomorrow can lead to identification of more of the insurrectionists. And then more arrests.

I'm sure a lot of very adept people will be photographing and videoing everything that happens tomorrow, and that evidence will be compared to what is already on file.

Good luck, protestors!

You might be matched to observers at local hotel lobbies and parking lots. I hope you brought a change of clothes so you can appear differently later on when you travel...
What do you want to bet that many of the protestors tomorrow will be wearing face coverings to hide their identities, but back home they will be protesting mask-wearing....................

Go figure!
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I hope some of the people who show up tomorrow can lead to identification of more of the insurrectionists. And then more arrests.

I'm sure a lot of very adept people will be photographing and videoing everything that happens tomorrow, and that evidence will be compared to what is already on file.

Good luck, protestors!

You might be matched to observers at local hotel lobbies and parking lots. I hope you brought a change of clothes so you can appear differently later on when you travel...
No doubt everyone who does show will be quickly identified. Sure, they will be wearing masks but unless they plan on walking all the way to Washington DC, they'll be tracked through the streets to their rides.
Former U.S. Soldier Arrested For Breaching Capitol Grounds On Jan. 6 In Full Tactical Gear

Jeremy Brown, a former U.S. Army Special Forces soldier who ran for Congress as a Republican in Florida in 2020, was arrested and charged for his role in the violent riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Brown was arrested Thursday, according to the Department of Justice, and charged with “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds,” as well as engaging in “disorderly or disruptive conduct.”

The FBI’s complaint says that Brown was more than 100 feet inside the restricted grounds that police had delineated to protect the Capitol from the hundreds of Trump supporters rioting there on Jan. 6 as a joint session of Congress met to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Brown was wearing “full military gear,” according to the complaint, including a helmet, radio and tactical vest, and he had visible “large surgical trauma shears” tucked into his vest. When police advanced toward the crowd of rioters and yelled “Back,” Brown did not comply, retreating only once he’d been physically pushed back by police.

Brown also coordinated travel to the Capitol in December and January, according to the FBI documents, which included messages he sent to others online saying he had an RV with “plenty of gun ports left to fill” and instructing people to follow his “Ground Force One departure plan” to come to his house to “route plan and conduct PCIs (Pre Combat Inspections).” "
NY Man Arrested for Taking Part in Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

Richard Watrous, 59, was charged with entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. His arrest was announced Tuesday by Janeen DiGuiseppi, the head of the FBI's Albany office.

According to charging documents filed Sept. 21, Watrous was seen on surveillance and eyewitness video wearing a red “Trump” baseball hat as he entered the Capitol through the upper house door on Jan. 6.

Agents identified Watrous through cellphone records and interviewed him at his home in Cortland, New York, on June 11, according to court papers. Watrous told the agents that he had driven to Washington after former President Donald Trump told people to, according to the documents.
GOP lawmaker fined $5K after skipping metal detectors

"Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) was issued a $5,000 fine this week after failing to go through metal detectors before entering the House chamber.

According to a press release published by the House Committee on Ethics on Thursday, Crenshaw refused to complete the security checkpoint on Monday and will have the fine deducted from his pay if he doesn't appeal within 30 days.


The house resolution gives the sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives the authority to fine any lawmaker $5,000 upon their first infraction and $10,000 after that. It was enacted following the events of Jan. 6 in which supporters of then-President Trump stormed the Capitol.

Crenshaw is among several other lawmakers who have sought to bypass the metal detectors this year. In August, Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.) became the sixth lawmaker to be fined.

"This is the sad state of Speaker Pelosi’s House and it continues to create mistrust between members of Congress," Huizenga spokesman Brian Patrick said of the security screening at the time, referring to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) January announcement of hefty fines."
"-A pro-Trump mob descended on the Capitol January 6, and hundreds are facing criminal charges.

-It took four hours to secure the building so Congress could certify Joe Biden's victory.

-Seven months later, 638 people have been charged. This searchable table shows them all so far.

Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 638 people have been arrested and charged with crimes.

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free on January 6, it's taking some time to track them down.

This table includes the names, charges, and links to court documents of all the people charged so far. We're keeping it updated as more names are released."

Yeah. Why were so many Antifa and BLM rioters on Jan 6th (and elsewhere) allowed to run free?
Not a single one was being charged with being a fucking moron either, but they are certainly guilty of that too.

Do you know anyone on the run from the police, Gardner? Anyone who was there but claims "I didn't go in"?

The trials are going to be the real juicy ones. There will be plenty for the Midterms and the 2024 election. LOL

Being a moron isn't a crime.