75,000 people show up to hear Obama speak in Portland

I don't care if you do or not..

But, don't expect me to stand behind the boy king.

Troll. You voted twice for Bush, you going to vote for McCain, you voted for Bob Dole, and you voted for Poppy Bush.

That was the worst five consecutive voting choices in american history. With two of the most unpopular presidents in polling history - the bush boys.

No one expects, or wants your support for Obama. You've spent a lifetime voting for horrible presidents, and lame uninspiring candidates. No one is looking to you, for good voting choices.
Troll. You voted twice for Bush, you going to vote for McCain, you voted for Bob Dole, and you voted for Poppy Bush.

That was the worst five consecutive voting choices in american history. With two of the most unpopular presidents in polling history - the bush boys.

No one expects, or wants your support for Obama. You've spent a lifetime voting for horrible presidents, and lame uninspiring candidates. No one is looking to you, for good voting choices.

Yeah well..at least I didn't vote for the worst President of the United States-Jimmy Carter, or for one who was impeached..Sooo..:cof1:
The republicans are dead in the water.

Its going to be Obama and we will end up with a Dem majority and the investigations will rock the world with the depth of the republican party corruption.
I asked first.

Ok. Good reason for not answering. See, I've alread distanced myself from GW and the GOP in general. You on the other hand, give carte blanche to the Democrats, do you really know what their positions are? Please don't bother to cut and paste from their sites, I'm well familiar with.
Meme is proving to be like alwaydisputable, Not a fact in their heads and only petty childish insults.

Its all the R party faithfull have left in their arsenal.
Meme is proving to be like alwaydisputable, Not a fact in their heads and only petty childish insults.

Its all the R party faithfull have left in their arsenal.

Yeah, battleborne, indisputable, little acorn, Meme, Dilloduck. A real tribute to the republican party.

Desh, I was reading something a GOP congressman wrote in a memo. Davis I think. He was saying how the GOP needed to re-brand itself to become more relevant to independent voters. With more pragmatic, centrist policies. But, he also said that the republicans base was dwindling, and all that were left were the die hard Bush apologists. The hard right wing. And it's almost impossible to pivot a party to more pragmatic positions, when all your left with are the wingnuts. Like battelborne, Meme, indisputable, Little Acorn, et al.
Meme is proving to be like alwaydisputable, Not a fact in their heads and only petty childish insults.

Its all the R party faithful have left in their arsenal.

where did I insult you?
and no I am not a Democrat, not since the Democrat party started drifting towards socialism starting in the 70's.
not since the Democrat party started drifting towards socialism starting in the 70's.

exactly which policies made you switch?
These are personal insults.

I never said your personal insults were aimed at me.

You need to get a grip dear..
Chrissy Matthews himself said Obama gave him a tingle whenever he spoke..You're gonna have to take that one up with him..:cof1:
Yes they do. These two time bush voters know they and their beloved president are going to be held accountable, for their horrible choices, and for their blood lust for war in Iraq.

Pfeeesh..just like you and your Billyboy Clinton was held accountable for all the blood on his hands..too much drama.