75,000 people show up to hear Obama speak in Portland

Got a call from Hillary earlier today. I think she is going to come over and help me in my garden this evening ;)
That prooves nothing USMan. He was a beer distributor and everyone knows Guys who can provide beer trump any race or even gay situations. They get an automatic pass.
True. How else can we explain the Kennedys?
I've been more critical of Obama than most of your garden variety democrats.

But Meme and Kathiane are concern trolling about Obama-mania. It's hilarious. Best concern trolling of the year, IMO. What they are truly frightened of, is seeing the depth to which an African-American Democrat has support and enthusiasm. Its unprecedented. It's a bad omen for the GOP/Bush/McCain. It's a sign that their party might not be in a position to continue their policies, which have failed for 8 years.

If you want to call me a troll, fine..
I like posting here just to see you liberals blow a gasket, watch you all analyze and think you know all about THE CONSERVATIVES who comes on the board, call yourselves the ENLIGHTENED ONES, and just make a general ass of yourself.

It's more like comic relief.:clink:
Meme you give us nothing to analyze.

You dont seem to be able to talk in any depth about the issues.

Why is that?
If you want to call me a troll, fine..
I like posting here just to see you liberals blow a gasket, watch you all analyze and think you know all about THE CONSERVATIVES who comes on the board, call yourselves the ENLIGHTENED ONES, and just make a general ass of yourself.

That's weird.

I'll try to accommodate. I am an ENLIGHTED ONE!

Yes!!! Feels so good to be on the enlightened side....
That's a ridiculous strawman .. and I'll let you prove that.

Post the comments that claim that anyone who doesn't support Obama is a racist.

Now, how about we post like grown-ups?

At the core of the problem you're having trying to post anything positive is that you're a conservative, probably republican, and there is no good news for your side of the fence .. so you meme and others on the right spend all your time whining about the successes of the left.

Hell, you won't even identify the candidate you support .. shame?

That's deep.

All I can tell you is perhaps you'd best buy industrial size Kleenex .. you've got a lot of whining yet to do.

#51, implication that I'm not for Obama because he's African-American. That is NOT the reason and think that argument is as stupid as the cracks about flag pins or questioning patriotism. All hooey.
Meme you give us nothing to analyze.

You dont seem to be able to talk in any depth about the issues.

Why is that?

what's the use?
You just end up being called a bunch of names by the enlightened ones around here..
I just come to poke the hive.:cof1:
It's "hummus" and it doesn't go on trees. Here's a recipe:


* 1 16 oz can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans
* 1/4 cup liquid from can of chickpeas
* 3-5 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on taste)
* 1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
* 2 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 2 tablespoons olive oil


Drain chickpeas and set aside liquid from can. Combine remaining ingredients in blender or food processor. Add 1/4 cup of liquid from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed and smooth.

Place in serving bowl, and create a shallow well in the center of the hummus.

Add a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil in the well. Garnish with parsley (optional).

Serve immediately with fresh, warm or toasted pita bread, or cover and refrigerate.

I hope this helps.

Thank you! I really like hummus, but have never made it. Here in the outback it's hard to find anything like this that's been well made.
On a more serious note, wouldn't you say that the huge turnout for Obama reflects, in part, the extent to which the American people are fed up with the current administration and its disastrous policies, both domestic and foreign?

On the other hand, the Dems did offer other choices, but none was able to evoke the confidence, almost certainly rooted in the hope he offers, that Obama has done. This latter, along with his obvious intelligence, sincerity, and apparent basic common sense, is attributable to him as an individual.

Obama represents the best chance for positive changes, and undoubtedly what those changes might be are partly rooted in the individual hopes of each voter. My own hope is that he will remain open to reasonable, thoughtful input from advisers who have access to information he may not have considered (case in point, his objection to concealed carry weapons). Nothing about him suggests so far that he would adopt the mantle of monarchy that Bush did from the outset.
Whatever you say....!

On a more serious note, wouldn't you say that the huge turnout for Obama reflects, in part, the extent to which the American people are fed up with the current administration and its disastrous policies, both domestic and foreign?

On the other hand, the Dems did offer other choices, but none was able to evoke the confidence, almost certainly rooted in the hope he offers, that Obama has done. This latter, along with his obvious intelligence, sincerity, and apparent basic common sense, is attributable to him as an individual.

Obama represents the best chance for positive changes, and undoubtedly what those changes might be are partly rooted in the individual hopes of each voter. My own hope is that he will remain open to reasonable, thoughtful input from advisers who have access to information he may not have considered (case in point, his objection to concealed carry weapons). Nothing about him suggests so far that he would adopt the mantle of monarchy that Bush did from the outset.

Canadian Princess...and by the way why did you bail out of Canada?
#51, implication that I'm not for Obama because he's African-American. That is NOT the reason and think that argument is as stupid as the cracks about flag pins or questioning patriotism. All hooey.

What they are truly frightened of, is seeing the depth to which an african-american Democrat has support and enthusiasm. Its unprecedented.

You're joking, right?

The implication is that you're a republican, not a racist.

I'm quite sure that BLACK republicans are frightened of seeing such an amazing depth of support for an African-American democrat. It does not bode well for republicans or conservative ideology.

Are those black republicans frightened for their party and agenda .. or are they racist against black people?

Your argument is a strawman and is not what is being said.

You aren't a racist if you don't vote for Obama, not a sexist if you don't vote for Clinton, and you don't hate old people if you don't for for McFossil.

Can you debate the issues?
You're joking, right?

The implication is that you're a republican, not a racist.

I'm quite sure that BLACK republicans are frightened of seeing such an amazing depth of support for an African-American democrat. It does not bode well for republicans or conservative ideology.

Are those black republicans frightened for their party and agenda .. or are they racist against black people?

Your argument is a straw man and is not what is being said.

You aren't a racist if you don't vote for Obama, not a sexist if you don't vote for Clinton, and you don't hate old people if you don't for for McFossil.

Can you debate the issues?

Have you been diagnosed as a rageaholic?
Meme the only rage we are seeing is from you.

No discussion of any issues just personal insults.

This is exactly why your party is on its death bed.

You will win no debate by avoiding the issues and facts and merely insulting people.

You and your party are so berift of Ideas and any basis to your totally failed positions that you are making it apparent to anyone who cares about this country that voting republican is voting for nothing but failure.
Canadian Princess...and by the way why did you bail out of Canada?

I don’t trust people who left other countries to come here. What are they looking for? That’s the first thing turned me off about Obama, even though people say, ohh, it’s because he’s black. But, as the USMAN has already stipuleited, he had a black guy at his wedding, so that balloon won’t float, sorry. But I heard he was in Kenya and some other places when he was a kid. I almost fell down. Now I am supposed to vote for some guy who left these here United States to go to foreign countries? What the fuck was he looking for there? If you can’t find what you need right here in the good ole U-nited States of America, you can’t find it anywhere. Give me a President like George W bush who ain’t never left this country till he became president and then they didn’t give him no choice.

And I’m suspiciouos of this Thorn here too, now that you mention she used to be Canadian. The whole thing don’t make no damned sense. Or, as Charlie Daniels would say, “I don’t tole you once you son of a bitch I’m the best there’s ever been!” Don’t you agree?
Meme the only rage we are seeing is from you.

No discussion of any issues just personal insults.

This is exactly why your party is on its death bed.

You will win no debate by avoiding the issues and facts and merely insulting people.

You and your party are so berift of Ideas and any basis to your totally failed positions that you are making it apparent to anyone who cares about this country that voting republican is voting for nothing but failure.

you don't see me running around here raging like you and the others of your type..

you don't like my ideas, and I don't like yours..oh well..
and going around saying that a party is dead doesn't make it so..we could say the same thing for the Democrats, take a look at it at this moment..
"we could say the same thing for the Democrats, take a look at it at this moment.."

At this moment, Obama is set to be the nominee, and still leads in national polls over McCain despite taking a beating in the press over the past month while McCain has enjoyed an early honeymoon. The Dems are also poised to get very close to a 60-seat majority in the Senate, and increase their margin in the House significantly.

The GOP is floundering; they tied their fortunes to the albatross known as Bush, and they're going to pay a price. I'm sure they'll come back, but it will take awhile. Bush has affected a whole generation of voters.
"we could say the same thing for the Democrats, take a look at it at this moment.."

At this moment, Obama is set to be the nominee, and still leads in national polls over McCain despite taking a beating in the press over the past month while McCain has enjoyed an early honeymoon. The Dems are also poised to get very close to a 60-seat majority in the Senate, and increase their margin in the House significantly.

The GOP is floundering; they tied their fortunes to the albatross known as Bush, and they're going to pay a price. I'm sure they'll come back, but it will take awhile. Bush has affected a whole generation of voters.

You could be right.
I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, who hates America, who hates whites, has a wife who just hates everything, as our President.

But..they'll get the government they deserve. I'll just feel bad for my younger child and my grandchildren.
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"I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, hater of America, hater of white people as our President."

That WOULD be a sad day. I'm really glad there are no candidates like that this year...