75,000 people show up to hear Obama speak in Portland

Of COURSE a bunch of people showed up there. For ONE, Democrats are KNOWN to use BUSSES, to bring bums and street people in, by passing out cigarettes and dollar bills, or bottles of booze. Dont even try to deny it, Ive SEEN it with my own two eyes.

And everybody knows that from Berkely up to Seattle is No Man's Land, a Liberal Hellhole. When you get up in that area, the signs say "Abandon all Hope, Ye of Patriotism, and Belief in Capitalism. This is the People's Republic of Oregon", Haaaaaahahahaha!
Its amazing the hate that fills some people in this country.

I guess we will see some more Oklahoma style terrorism for these nutbags in the coming years.
You could be right.
I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, who hates America, who hates whites, has a wife who just hates everything, as our President.

But..they'll get the government they deserve. I'll just feel bad for my younger child and my grandchildren.

OK can you show us the facts that made you believe these things you claim?
Its amazing the hate that fills some people in this country.

I guess we will see some more Oklahoma style terrorism for these nutbags in the coming years.

you got that right. like going around asking people what grade they finished in school is sending out some love.
You could be right.
I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, who hates America, who hates whites, has a wife who just hates everything, as our President.

But..they'll get the government they deserve. I'll just feel bad for my younger child and my grandchildren.


I thought he was a radical muslim. All that talk about his radical Reverend, which is a very exhalted position in the Muslim religion, and how he was abandoned as a baby and raised by Hamas, made me think that. Now I find out he is a RADICAL MARXIST instead. Good Christ what did they leave him on Kagel’s doorstep? Meme I’m so scared. Do you want to have lunch with me? “Cruising on a Sunday afternoon”.
"I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, hater of America, hater of white people as our President."

That WOULD be a sad day. I'm really glad there are no candidates like that this year...

Not too bright are you? This is another reason why USMAN is a Republican. This thread tells the story. Battlebourne, Meme, USMAN…the deep thinkers are on our side of the road, sorry.

I thought he was a radical muslim. All that talk about his radical Reverend, which is a very exhalted position in the Muslim religion, and how he was abandoned as a baby and raised by Hamas, made me think that. Now I find out he is a RADICAL MARXIST instead. Good Christ what did they leave him on Kagel’s doorstep? Meme I’m so scared. Do you want to have lunch with me? “Cruising on a Sunday afternoon”.

:cof1:funny person
meme's married to a kkk'er and she needs to fit in.
else things would get ugly at the trailor park.
Obama will beat Mcfossil in a Reaganeaque landslide.
Not too bright are you? This is another reason why USMAN is a Republican. This thread tells the story. Battlebourne, Meme, USMAN…the deep thinkers are on our side of the road, sorry.

deep thinking is something you seem to think you do it well..:cof1:
meme's married to a kkk'er and she needs to fit in.
else things would get ugly at the trailor park.
Obama will beat Mcfossil in a Reaganeaque landslide.

your insults don't bother me all that much, coming from someone as shallow as you seem..have at it if it makes you feel good..:clink:
deep thinking is something you seem to think you do it well..:cof1:

Deep thinking is something I think we do it well, yes, nicely put. You are a word magician. USMAN is learning a lot from you and Battlerbourne, and I thought what I didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing before I got here. The only thing is, I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with you, you know, intelecteally like. That’s what I love about Republican women. They are so smart it’s scary hot. “We can’t go on together, with suspicious minds”
Deep thinking is something I think we do it well, yes, nicely put. You are a word magician. USMAN is learning a lot from you and Battlerbourne, and I thought what I didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing before I got here. The only thing is, I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with you, you know, intelecteally like. That’s what I love about Republican women. They are so smart it’s scary hot. “We can’t go on together, with suspicious minds”

don't give up your day job, you'd starve if you tried being a comedian..:clink:
You could be right.
I think it will be a sad day in American that the voters will vote in a radical Marxist, who hates America, who hates whites, has a wife who just hates everything, as our President.

But..they'll get the government they deserve. I'll just feel bad for my younger child and my grandchildren.

Can you please tell us what information brought you to these opinions?

What makes you believe that Obama is a marxist?

What makes you think Obama Hates American?

What makes you think Obama hates whites?

What makes you this Mrs Obama hates everything?

Do you just believe what ever you want without any facts to back your beliefs or do you use any real information to make up your opinions?
Can you please tell us what information brought you to these opinions?

What makes you believe that Obama is a marxist?

What makes you think Obama Hates American?

What makes you think Obama hates whites?

What makes you this Mrs Obama hates everything?

Do you just believe what ever you want without any facts to back your beliefs or do you use any real information to make up your opinions?

From what I've read, observed, seen of his past, see the people he assiciates with, his platform he's running on, see and listen to M. Obama, I've formed my opinion, just like you have formed your opinions of Republicans and President Bush.:clink:
meme's married to a kkk'er and she needs to fit in.
else things would get ugly at the trailor park.
Obama will beat Mcfossil in a Reaganeaque landslide.

Wow, I'm so glad somebody invited these new rightwing trolls to the board. They add so much.

I don't mean to sound old fashioned topspin. But there's something very unattractive about a woman who loves war, participates in race baiting, cheers on torture, loves captial punishment, and believes a woman's right to choose is equivalent to murder. I'm not sure about your KKK analogy, but race baiting is sure out in force these days.
There's no doubt about it- Liberals can hide their heads in the sand like ostriches ALL they want. They made a MISTAKE. They picked the WRONG guy, to be their standard-bearer. It's not THEIR fault though. They were looking for a Messiah, somebody that could come along, tell the people all the nice Fairy Tales, that Democrats tell every 2 or 4 years, then the Liberal occasionally wins, and after their TERM IS DONE? The SAME Poverty, the SAME Racism, the SAME Kids killing Kids, and the SAME- wait, that's wrong.........NOT the SAME, but MORE Abortions, MORE babies Murdered, MORE National Debt, MORE Govt. Giveaway Programs that keep Welfare people CHAINED to Democrats for their little PITTANCE, that BARELY keeps them alive.

But USUALLY, they get AWAY witk it. THIS time, the "Marxist in the Henhouse" has been CAUGHT, Haaaaaahahaha!
The Democrat Media TRIED- oh, they TRIED so HARD, to IGNORE ALL THE RACIST AND ANTI-CAPITALIS/ANTI-AMERICAN "freinds" of Barack and Michelle Obama, but we NO LONGER have to be slaves to DEM-Media. We have a NEW Media in this country, and we will NOT allow the TRUTH to be hidden. So NOW, the TRUTH anout Obama, his Racist, Marxist, Anti-American past is FINALLY coming out, and Democrats, instead of getting a GOOD Candidate, and sticking with this DAMAGED one. So be it.