75,000 people show up to hear Obama speak in Portland

You know what Desh, if Obama is what I fear and I will acknowledge I could be wrong, you will be the one to lament.
You know what Kathianne, I remember the right telling us all in 1992 how the economy was going to tumble, and unemployment would skyrocket and cats would start mating with dogs and the complete chaos that would occurr if Bill Clinton was elected president and NONE OF IT came to pass. When the right feels they are about to lose power they resort to doom and gloom and fear. It is the rightwings stock in trade. The left does it to and did it when Bush was elected, but in the words of Ronald Wilson Reagan, "ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE 8 YEARS AGO?" Almost as good is "Is our kids learning?"
where did I insult you?
and no I am not a Democrat, not since the Democrat party started drifting towards socialism starting in the 70's.

Really, in the 70's? Can you be more specific and inform us of which policy, implemented in the 1970's, under which Democrat, you felt was 'socialism"?

Don't be afraid to be specific.
When are you finally going to tell us who you're voting for?

You are clearly so anti-Obama, my guess is that you'll vote for whoever has the best chance to take Obama out. For someone who is allegedly "undecided", I would say 100% of your posts are anti-Obama.

He's the Hamas Manchurian candidate! OMG, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
its a little nerve racking for sure how the sheeple flock to him. IM on board with Obama but not without criticism. Dont want our fiction becoming reality

"So this is how democracy falls: with thunderous applause."
its a little nerve racking for sure how the sheeple flock to him. IM on board with Obama but not without criticism. Dont want our fiction becoming reality

"So this is how democracy falls: with thunderous applause."

There is a real backlash against Obama because of the excitement he creates, which is kind of weird. People who never cared about politics are getting involved in the process, which is never a bad thing. It's a nice change from cynicism & disgust.

I don't see the guy as a messiah, and I'm aware of his faults, but after 7+ years of Bush, it's nice to see someone intelligent & thoughtful running. His candidacy is exciting, but that doesn't mean he's a cult leader.
its a little nerve racking for sure how the sheeple flock to him. IM on board with Obama but not without criticism. Dont want our fiction becoming reality

"So this is how democracy falls: with thunderous applause."

I've been more critical of Obama than most of your garden variety democrats.

But Meme and Kathiane are concern trolling about Obama-mania. It's hilarious. Best concern trolling of the year, IMO. What they are truly frightened of, is seeing the depth to which an african-american Democrat has support and enthusiasm. Its unprecedented. It's a bad omen for the GOP/Bush/McCain. It's a sign that their party might not be in a position to continue their policies, which have failed for 8 years.
Speaking of trolling, what's up with calling racist anyone who disagrees with Obama?

That’s what bothers me. I’m not against Obama because he’s black. I had a black guy in my wedding party. I admit the first time I saw him, I was a little surprised. I said to my wife “wait a minute, that guy is black!”. And she says, so? You had that black guy from the beer distributer at our own wedding. And I nodded and I said “that’s right, that’s right, the US man ain’t no bigot”.

But it does bother me that he is a Muslim! A Humas plant! That’s what bothers me.
That’s what bothers me. I’m not against Obama because he’s black. I had a black guy in my wedding party. I admit the first time I saw him, I was a little surprised. I said to my wife “wait a minute, that guy is black!”. And she says, so? You had that black guy from the beer distributer at our own wedding. And I nodded and I said “that’s right, that’s right, the US man ain’t no bigot”.

But it does bother me that he is a Muslim! A Humas plant! That’s what bothers me.

It's "hummus" and it doesn't go on trees. Here's a recipe:


* 1 16 oz can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans
* 1/4 cup liquid from can of chickpeas
* 3-5 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on taste)
* 1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
* 2 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 2 tablespoons olive oil


Drain chickpeas and set aside liquid from can. Combine remaining ingredients in blender or food processor. Add 1/4 cup of liquid from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed and smooth.

Place in serving bowl, and create a shallow well in the center of the hummus.

Add a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil in the well. Garnish with parsley (optional).

Serve immediately with fresh, warm or toasted pita bread, or cover and refrigerate.

I hope this helps.
Speaking of trolling, what's up with calling racist anyone who disagrees with Obama?

That's a ridiculous strawman .. and I'll let you prove that.

Post the comments that claim that anyone who doesn't support Obama is a racist.

Now, how about we post like grown-ups?

At the core of the problem you're having trying to post anything positive is that you're a conservative, probably republican, and there is no good news for your side of the fence .. so you meme and others on the right spend all your time whining about the successes of the left.

Hell, you won't even identify the candidate you support .. shame?

That's deep.

All I can tell you is perhaps you'd best buy industrial size Kleenex .. you've got a lot of whining yet to do.
That’s what bothers me. I’m not against Obama because he’s black. I had a black guy in my wedding party. I admit the first time I saw him, I was a little surprised. I said to my wife “wait a minute, that guy is black!”. And she says, so? You had that black guy from the beer distributer at our own wedding. And I nodded and I said “that’s right, that’s right, the US man ain’t no bigot”.

But it does bother me that he is a Muslim! A Humas plant! That’s what bothers me.


Are you related to the Ladies Man?

That prooves nothing USMan. He was a beer distributor and everyone knows Guys who can provide beer trump any race or even gay situations. They get an automatic pass.