A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

Well you moron! That's because you use the word "liberal" as a pejorative. You might as well call us nigers or spicks or kikes. That's about the dumbest thing you've ever said on here and it's why your identified as a political reactionary and an extremist. Who you happen to refer to as "we" are your fellow extremist.

The fact is, liberals founded this nation. Those same founding fathers created our LIBERAL DEMOCRACY. Almost all the major political reforms in our nations history have been LIBERAL reforms granting more people more freedoms and oppurtinities and they have consistantly been opposed by conservatives.

The people you call "conservatives" have proliferated through our history. They're called Tyrants!

You're arguments are just empty rhetoric trying to distance you and other conservatives from your abominable historical legacy of oppresion and tyranny.

so the people who gave us this country were more liberal than those who wanted to remain loyal to the king.......that does not mean the people who want to destroy what those people created and turn us into a Western European has-been nation are their equals.....

yes I use "liberal" as an insult....it's because the people who call themselves liberals today are worthy of insult....today's liberals have nothing to do with granting freedom and liberty....today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die.....

you're wrapped up in history, but you ignore the future.....liberalism is the path to irrelevance.....both for our country and for the individual.....
I see. So you still support slavery and child labor and you oppose women having the right to vote?? The GI Bill was a bad thing and you think we should have never entered WWII? Someone here is stuck in the 19th century and it sure as hell aint me.

dumbfuckage on parade....don't try to pretend today's liberals had anything to do with those issues.....today's liberals want to make slaves out of everyone, regardless of race......today's liberals don't even want GI's to exist.....and don't tell me today's liberals would support being involved in a war to end tyranny while they promote it right here.....
so the people who gave us this country were more liberal than those who wanted to remain loyal to the king.......that does not mean the people who want to destroy what those people created and turn us into a Western European has-been nation are their equals.....

yes I use "liberal" as an insult....it's because the people who call themselves liberals today are worthy of insult....today's liberals have nothing to do with granting freedom and liberty....today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die.....

you're wrapped up in history, but you ignore the future.....liberalism is the path to irrelevance.....both for our country and for the individual.....

"today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die....."

You've got it backwards. Liberals give people the option. It's the Conservatives who want to control birth. It's the Conservatives who want to interfere in woman's lives. It's the Conservatives who want to control medical care by denying those with little money the proper care.
"today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die....."

You've got it backwards. Liberals give people the option. It's the Conservatives who want to control birth. It's the Conservatives who want to interfere in woman's lives. It's the Conservatives who want to control medical care by denying those with little money the proper care.
Exactly. This is just another prime example of the paradox of right wing conservatives. Their policies bring disaster in their wake and then they want to distance themselves from their own mistakes and errors by marginalizing others and they have been quite effective at doing that. It still does not excuse them from burying their head in the sand about consistently being on the wrong side of history of which I gave just a partial list.

The truth is, there scared of people being free and having liberties. How many times have I said that those are just words to conservatives. That they are all for freedom and liberty, until someone actually practices them.

But as soon as someone does they have to listen to some anachronism like PiMP try to marginalize them as "Socialist". I guess those are the things you do when you live in fear.
so the people who gave us this country were more liberal than those who wanted to remain loyal to the king.......that does not mean the people who want to destroy what those people created and turn us into a Western European has-been nation are their equals.....

yes I use "liberal" as an insult....it's because the people who call themselves liberals today are worthy of insult....today's liberals have nothing to do with granting freedom and liberty....today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die.....

you're wrapped up in history, but you ignore the future.....liberalism is the path to irrelevance.....both for our country and for the individual.....
Well there you go. You admit it. You're on the wrong side of the debate and your dishonest. You wouldn't have to stoop to such measures if you were actually right. What you really are is just afraid. Afraid of a changing world that you don't understand.
"today's liberals want a state that controls every stage of life, from whether you're allowed to be born to what kind of medical care you get as you die....."

You've got it backwards. Liberals give people the option. It's the Conservatives who want to control birth. It's the Conservatives who want to interfere in woman's lives. It's the Conservatives who want to control medical care by denying those with little money the proper care.

I have nothing backward.....liberals don't give people the option to be born, they only give others the option to kill.....
Well there you go. You admit it. You're on the wrong side of the debate and your dishonest. You wouldn't have to stoop to such measures if you were actually right. What you really are is just afraid. Afraid of a changing world that you don't understand.

if you think changing the world to what the liberals would like it to be is not something to fear, then you are the one who doesn't understand it......
Look a horse by any other color is still a horse. I don't care weather you call them republicans or Democrats. Pre-civil rights white southerners were mainly conservative then, though they called themselves Democrats and they are still mostly conservative today though they call them selves Republican and they have consistantly been on the wrong side of history.
Totally bullshit argument.
if you think changing the world to what the liberals would like it to be is not something to fear, then you are the one who doesn't understand it......
Why? What's to be afraid of liberty and freedom? Why can't you conservatives understand that freedom and liberty don't mean anything if they're not practiced?
Look a horse by any other color is still a horse. I don't care weather you call them republicans or Democrats. Pre-civil rights white southerners were mainly conservative then, though they called themselves Democrats and they are still mostly conservative today though they call them selves Republican and they have consistantly been on the wrong side of history.

True enough....but they were not alone, as we now see with the "Bluedogs", who are not all formerly known by the label "Dixiecrat". All I'm saying is that northerners need to divorce themselves of this smug attitude that racism is primarily a southern thing, because our history shows that it's not. Mind you, the Southern states that flew the Confederate flag condoned and supported slavery and segregation outright, but the northerners, who didn't depend upon slave farm labor, were just more subtle with their segregation.
Mott, what were the Southerner's opinions on taxes and business? I'm curious to know what they thought of the New Deal as well. Very conservative stances, I'm sure...
nothing....now let's talk about the liberal agenda....which has nothing to do with either....lets talk about the government taking over private business....

What private business? Like GM? They were failing.

Or are you referring to medical insurers? Why shouldn't the government offer citizens medical coverage? Does the idea some people can make money take priority over other citizens health? Let there be a government option. If private companies can offer better service they'll flourish. If not, too bad. Why should the government be prevented from helping citizens just so a select few can make money? It's absurd.
nothing....now let's talk about the liberal agenda....which has nothing to do with either....lets talk about the government taking over private business....
Ok, let's talk about the liberal agenda. I'm all for advancing the practice of liberty and freedom in all it's variations and forms. I think it's a good thing. When you use a canard like "The Liberal Agenda", what your really saying is your threatened by those who practice their liberties and freedoms in our society.

As for the government taking over businesses, it's been conservative corporations using the courts to usurp private property rights in order to advance their companies profitability. I think private property is sacred, apparently conservatives only believe THEIR private property is sacred. Also, show me where, other then a business that has failed, where the government has taken over or nationalized a private business? Show me one! I can show you all sorts of examples of corporations and businesses using the courts to take private property away from private citizens. Seems to me like you have this issue backwards son.
ah we know no liberal would ever start a war.....right?....
No but that's not the point. The point is, is that conservatives are hypocrits on life issues. You oppose abortion (which I also oppose as a form of birth control) yet your all to ready to support an immoral war like Iraq in which over 100,000 people have been killed and the fault for that can be laid right at the feet of right wing ideologues.
True enough....but they were not alone, as we now see with the "Bluedogs", who are not all formerly known by the label "Dixiecrat". All I'm saying is that northerners need to divorce themselves of this smug attitude that racism is primarily a southern thing, because our history shows that it's not. Mind you, the Southern states that flew the Confederate flag condoned and supported slavery and segregation outright, but the northerners, who didn't depend upon slave farm labor, were just more subtle with their segregation.
Oh you make an excellent point here. I've lived in the south and say what you want but the blacks and the whites live together there. Maybe not in racial accord but they do live together where as up here in the north it is far more segregated and in the rural areas, where there are virtually no blacks, racism is far more virulent then it is in the south. Many conservatives in the northern states do use race as an issue to scare and manipulate rural, mostly conservative, whites.