A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

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went back to post 309, followed the link there.....the comments attributed to Lott are not there.....


Third paragraph. "Thurmond, then governor of South Carolina, was the presidential nominee of the breakaway Dixiecrat Party in 1948. He carried Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and his home state. He declared during his campaign against Democrat Harry S. Truman, who supported civil rights
legislation, and Republican Thomas Dewey: "All the laws of Washington
and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes,
our schools, our churches."
Are you suggesting that Thurmond didn't have any policies other that the one that you are alluding to?

None that would have garnered this response, "And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

What policy would he be talking about?
I have held my nose and voted for democrats on more than one occasion in my life. However, when I look back on those democrats that I PROUDLY voted for, I would say that in every instance, their primary core beliefs and platform planks were ones that I was fully dedicated to.
Yet you are PROUDLY a Yellow Dog Democrat. :)
None that would have garnered this response, "And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

What policy would he be talking about?
I assume that Lott would be talking about not one single policy, but his overall Conservative policies. :)
Actually it was a racist Dixiecrat, because Democrat Truman was the man who spearheaded the policy that made Thurman spew the racist bilge quoted above.

You're reading comprehension is deplorable. Combined with your bigoted revisionist tendency of history makes you a disgusting human being.

No,his comprehension is fine. He's just another lying conservative, willing to say anything to slander and demean people he hates.
Oh really? I wasn't aware that one had to be fully dedicated to all policies of a candidate to proudly vote for them.

Now, since you are a self-proclaimed "Yellow Democrat" and would therefore 'vote for a yellow dog registered as a Democrat rather than a Republican", you therefore are proud of all the policies of all the Democrats that you have voted for. :)

There you go making shit up whole cloth once again.

Any plans to start sticking to the truth and leave your ridiculous suppositions to yourself?
the presumption is that he is proud of him BECAUSE he's a racist.....I suppose the same presumption is valid then when a member of the black caucus voices support for Byrd....they support him BECAUSE he's a former KKK Grand Dragon?......as I said, your argument is fodder for stupid liberals.....

Well,that's mighty presumptuous of you, don't you think?

How many times do you have to be wrong before you stop making these ridiculous assumptions about others?
I vote for democrats, because, in my years of voting, the worst democrat I ever voted for was better than the best republican I ever didn't vote for. when that ever changes, I'll be sure to let you know.
I other words, you are PROUDLY a Yellow Dog Democrat.
There you go making shit up whole cloth once again.

Any plans to start sticking to the truth and leave your ridiculous suppositions to yourself?
What's up with you today sissy boy? My statement to the other poster was entirely consistent with his logic (or lack thereof) and hence pointed out his hypocrisy. He has also had "Yellow Dog Democrat" as his custom user title before his last six-month ban, and is PROUD of the fact that he is one.
"I[sic] other words"??? your statement is NOT synonymous with mine. And here's the deal. I don't need you or anyone else to reinterpret my words into other words. My words stand as is. got it? good.
So you're not proud that you're a Yellow Dog Democrat? :eek:
Answer my question instead of asking something irrelevant. :pke:

it is exactly the same sort of question. I am not proud that I have blue eyes... I just do. that's who I am. I am a yellow dog democrat. I vote for the democrats because, as I said, even the worst democrat I ever voted for was a better choice than the best republican I ever failed to vote for. When that changes, I'll let you know. Proud? I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a veteran and a member of the American Legion. I am proud of my kids.
it is exactly the same sort of question. I am not proud that I have blue eyes... I just do. that's who I am. I am a yellow dog democrat. I vote for the democrats because, as I said, even the worst democrat I ever voted for was a better choice than the best republican I ever failed to vote for. When that changes, I'll let you know. Proud? I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a veteran and a member of the American Legion. I am proud of my kids.
Except of course that you don't have a choice of your eye color, but do have a choice to be a Yellow Dog. Obviously you're not proud of your choice otherwise you'd simply say you were instead of attempting to deflect and come up with a non-answer. :pke:
Apparently you...

No jackass, YOU care about how he lives with my humiliating him with simple facts and logic. If I cared, I would refrain from doing it, now wouldn't I?

Next time, stop wasting time and space trying to insult people...you're not very good at it.
Except of course that you don't have a choice of your eye color, but do have a choice to be a Yellow Dog. Obviously you're not proud of your choice otherwise you'd simply say you were instead of attempting to deflect and come up with a non-answer.

you're wrong. I chose to be a democrat because I think that democrats overall have better ideas and philosophies that mesh well with mine. Am I always pleased and elated with every democrat that runs for office at at the various levels of our goverment? Of course not. I used to work for a state senator that said, "if you want your representative to vote the way you would want him to on every single issue, there is one sure way to accomplish that: run against the incumbent and beat him." Like I have said to you over and over again... when the republican party starts embracing more key platform ideas that are truly important to me then democrats do, I'll quit being a democrat. Until then, I will stay where I am and vote for the blue team.