A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative

A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative[video=twitter;1315058807240904704]https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1315058807240904704

The OP is a lie. The shooter was a private security guard, not "left-wing protester". The guard will probably plead self-defense after being sprayed from a chemical attack from a masked attacker.


One person has died and another man, who 9News confirmed was a private security guard contracted by them, is in custody after a shooting during dueling protests Saturday in downtown Denver.

9News reported that one of their employees and a contractor for the television station were taken into custody. It later confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton and “that it has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to hire private security to accompany staff at protests.”

Police initially said two people were taken into custody but later said one of them was not involved in the incident. They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.

The incident occurred after a man participating in what was billed a “Patriot Rally” sprayed mace at another man. That man then shot the other individual with a handgun near the courtyard outside the Denver Art Museum, according to a Denver Post journalist who witnessed the incident.

Ahhh, another intellectually impotent right wing parrot who can only post memes and one sided video clips They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.

... The incident occurred after a man participating in what was billed a “Patriot Rally” sprayed mace at another man.

A quote from your link, which makes your subject title a LIE.

Learn to read before you type, will ya please.ally challenged right wing parrot
Seriously girl. Are these your trailer trash children? I never thought I would see myself being such a dick.
Them girls ain't going to no protests.
That's not allowed and it's a jillion miles away.
Seems like they would if they could, and that's sad.

Bags of soup like Sean Penn with pillowcase of soda in Bad Boys.

Leftists know jack shit about this. I've slammed niggers to the ground and had a bunch of assholes thinking about coming and fucking with me for it. Immediately afterwards..yeah.
They were all black, defending their "brother" that cut me in line..because black privilege..Homey ain't playin' that. I slammed him on his shoulder and he deserved it.
They got over it in a couple days and we all got along. I don't like that "Aryan Nation" shit either, but I ain't fuckin' around when a fucktard tries me.
I will not subscribe to that "Aryan Nation" bullshit. I'm a cracker, and a cracker I will be. I have friends that are black, good friends. Also good friends that are white, or whatever. I don't see race, I see quality of people.

Why do Fascists get #triggered so easily? Aren't you guys supposed to be the "real men" standing up to snowflake culture or some cringy larping like that?
Why do Fascists get #triggered so easily? Aren't you guys supposed to be the "real men" standing up to snowflake culture or some cringy larping like that?

Who's triggered? Not me. :)
Are you calling me a fascist? My last name ain't Mussolini, GF. I am not Italian, I am American for many generations. Before the country was formed, even.
I know who my ancestors are because...Bibles, k?
I never see anything you post, only that you have posted something..that cannot be seen. Do you ever type?

Yes. I have no idea why you can't see them. Maybe a different browser will work if you're not seeing embedded posts for some reason.
Trump has failed as a leader. I don't hate anyone, but you are on record as hating other Americans.

Do you blame him for this China virus? Because before they (yup, China) unleashed it on the whole damn world, America was doing just fine. That is failure?

I'm on record? Who do I hate? Can you show us the quote of me saying I hate anyone?