A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative

We also better go ahead and dig Kennedy up so we can move his bones to a jail cell for the whole Bay of Pigs thing. For that matter we better do the same with Roosevelt for those troops that put one in the heads of some German civilians for the fun of it and then took a few liberties with their daughters. ROOSEVELT IS to blame, he was Commander in chief. Your a fucking goofball who really doesnt know shit. And btw......with each passing day people are seeing it.

JFK fucked up Bay of Pigs. It was a shitty plan to begin with, a left over from Ike. JFK didn't cancel it or fully support it. He authorized a half-assed version and it blew up in his face. It was a major fuck up and the buck stops on his desk. Kennedy's failure to act decisively led him to draw a line in the sand on further communist expansion which is why Vietnam ended up on Kennedy's desk.

Let me know when Trump takes responsibility for his failures. :)
Yes, but he was identified as Antifa, and that is not the case. Facts matter.
He was left wing. Care to prove otherwise? PLEASE DO . Facts matter indeed.

Anyone who says all anarchists equal AntiFa doesn't know what they are talking about. Anarchists aren't "left wing", like the Boogaloo Bois, they are anti-government.

It's like equating all Christians be they Quakers or Televangelists. Get a grip, son. There's a larger world out there than whatever bullshit Rush or Sean are spreading.
And btw,.... I rarely if ever say word one about being a vet. Hardly anyone in here does. Except YOU that is. With you its constant. I find that kind of odd,.......to say the least. ;)

Dude, you whip out the Vet card whenever you are cornered. Man up and get a fucking grip, son.
I fault Trump for his failures in leadership. Period. I fault Congress for their failures in leadership too if it makes you feel any better.

Yes. Every post a person makes is on record...unless it's deleted.

In other words...you have nothing.
Yes, but he was identified as Antifa, and that is not the case. Facts matter.

Well, they matter to those of us who are still rational and not in thrall to a corrupt incompetent IMPOTUS. Otherwise, they get in the way of the Official Reichwing Narrative(tm).
Can you point me to the posts you made blaming Obama for the riots as they happened? I'd like to read them. Many thanks...

Intelligent, sane and mature people can see I only joined JPP this year. That should be a hint.

OTOH, I have posted this:
Sorry, but that's complete bullshit. Democrats can claim anything they like but what they are doing is simply flipping the bias, not eliminating it.

Obama was biased when he took sides against both Zimmerman and Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Just because a person's heart is in the right place doesn't mean their fuck ups are forgivable.
You bet your sweet bippy I did. Also for Ferguson when he sent Holden to grieve with the convenience store thief's parents. Obama heightened racial tensions by taking sides.

Here's the kicker: there are no "races" genetically. Obama and Kap are both over 50% "white"/Eurocentric ancestry and both were raised in "white" middle-class American homes. So why are they "black"? Unlike being gay, they choose to be. It's purely cultural. It's a choice. Nothing wrong with that except when someone in power uses those powers to take sides. It's as fucked up as a Yankees fan becoming President then taking every opportunity to side with the Yankees against the Dodgers regardless of the facts.
Interesting that you are attacking GW Bush. What other Republican Presidents do you hate?

Clinton was a lying POS draft-dodging coward just like Trump. I have zero respect for both of them.

GW put loyalty to friends above the best interests of the nation. That's a serious flaw in his ability to lead the nation and it cost our nation the lives of thousands of Americans and over a Trillion dollars.

Obama was both lame (like Jimmy Carter) and leaned toward racial bias as proved by his actions regarding Zimmerman and Ferguson.

I liked GWH Bush, despite some flaws, and he'd have saved us from 8 years of that lying POS draft-dodging coward if Perot hadn't run for office. I admit to being part of the problem by voting for Perot.

Reagan was great, albeit flawed too (PATCO being one) I voted for him both times and consider him to be the greatest President of my adult life.
Happy now, "soldier"?
LOL This just goes to show you what morons you hillbillies are.

The shooter has already been identified as a Private Security Guard with no connection to ANTIFA (no surprise there) what so ever.

It is funny though to see you express your shit stained fear of true Americans who despise fascist.

In honest you should be scared. America has a long and wonderful tradition of curb stomping fascist and making democracy great again.

A-men Brother Mott, a-men.

Anyone who says all anarchists equal AntiFa doesn't know what they are talking about. Anarchists aren't "left wing", like the Boogaloo Bois, they are anti-government.

It's like equating all Christians be they Quakers or Televangelists. Get a grip, son. There's a larger world out there than whatever bullshit Rush or Sean are spreading.

Your a fucking hack. The sad thing is you arent even any good at it. :laugh: Oh wait,....you forgot to mention how you are a vet in that post,....shouldnt you go back and revise that? ;)
Antifa is AGAINST Fascism,....thats great. Wonderful even. But what are they FOR? Why do they have such a hard time admitting what they are FOR? I know why. We all do. Difference is the lying fucks on the left do not have the moral compass to admit such things.
Your a fucking hack. The sad thing is you arent even any good at it. :laugh: Oh wait,....you forgot to mention how you are a vet in that post,....shouldnt you go back and revise that? ;)
I do? Maybe you could show me those posts? I'll wait........

Make it worth my while. I gave you a chance by posting my comments about Obama's failures and you just blew past it. Sorry, son, but you've proved yourself to be both dishonorable and disingenuous. If you are really a vet, then obviously you didn't learn anything during your time in the US military. It was the US military, right? Not some other nation?