A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative

Who's triggered? Not me. :)
Are you calling me a fascist? My last name ain't Mussolini, GF. I am not Italian, I am American for many generations. Before the country was formed, even.
I know who my ancestors are because...Bibles, k?

You're Jewish? That explains way too much.

And you don't need to be Italian to believe in the principles of Fascism.
Do you blame him for this China virus? Because before they (yup, China) unleashed it on the whole damn world, America was doing just fine. That is failure?

I'm on record? Who do I hate? Can you show us the quote of me saying I hate anyone?

I fault Trump for his failures in leadership. Period. I fault Congress for their failures in leadership too if it makes you feel any better.

Yes. Every post a person makes is on record...unless it's deleted.
....and the hate goes on. Thanks, Trump!

Next up: Boogaloo Bois commit mass murder by emptying their magazines into a crowd of protesters.

Yeah,....this is Trumps fault. :rolleyes: So lets see how this works. Left wingers go nuts all across the country while being cheered on by left wing politicians, burn cities, hurt people, kill people,.........but this is ALL TRUMPS FAULT??? WTF!!! So in otherwords,.....then you must also believe that when all the rioting was going on when Obama was President that it was all Obama's fault too right? Fucking lying goofballs in here,....unreal.
There is NEVER going to be any decent civil debate in here or anywhere ever again because people cant bring themselves to be even remotely honest anymore. Without honesty there can be no debate, no fixing things and moving on. Fuck it........
The shooter was a security guard hired by the news crew. It’s generally best to wait for the correct information on issues like this.

Who gives a fuck who hired him? Doesnt matter if the man on the moon hired him,...means zip. He murdered a man. THAT is the issue.
There is NEVER going to be any decent civil debate in here or anywhere ever again because people cant bring themselves to be even remotely honest anymore. Without honesty there can be no debate, no fixing things and moving on. Fuck it........

Once folks decided that there was no such thing as truth, that there was only power, and the ends justify the means fuck fair play we all (when I say we all I mean we civilized people) knew that civilization was over...that we were going back to the Dark Ages.
The shooter was a security guard hired by the news crew. It’s generally best to wait for the correct information on issues like this.

Go cry about it to the Denver Post, they're the ones who reported it was a left wing protester and changed their story hours later.
The shooter was a security guard hired by the news crew. It’s generally best to wait for the correct information on issues like this.

And the nightclub hired a bouncer as security who beat a man to death outside just for winking at his girlfriend. All is well,....nothing to see here,...Right? :thinking:
Once folks decided that there was no such thing as truth, that there was only power, and the ends justify the means fuck fair play we all (when I say we all I mean we civilized people) knew that civilization was over...that we were going back to the Dark Ages.

All goes back to the original old hard line Communists and what they believed, which they put in writing...

They believed....

What is moral? ANYTHING that advances our goal.

What is not moral? Anything that doesnt.

Sound familiar to what is happening all around us today? Sure does.
Yeah,....this is Trumps fault. :rolleyes: So lets see how this works. Left wingers go nuts all across the country while being cheered on by left wing politicians, burn cities, hurt people, kill people,.........but this is ALL TRUMPS FAULT??? WTF!!! So in otherwords,.....then you must also believe that when all the rioting was going on when Obama was President that it was all Obama's fault too right? Fucking lying goofballs in here,....unreal.

Any real vet knows the CO is ultimately responsible for both his actions and the actions of his unit. It's fact most rag-bag civilians don't understand. ;)
All goes back to the original old hard line Communists and what they believed, which they put in writing...

They believed....

What is moral? ANYTHING that advances our goal.

What is not moral? Anything that doesnt.

Sound familiar to what is happening all around us today? Sure does.

What is right is anything that hurts those we believe have hurt us....when I look at America today what I see is what I have seen my whole life....victims becoming abusers...with relish.
Any real vet knows the CO is ultimately responsible for both his actions and the actions of his unit. It's fact most rag-bag civilians don't understand. ;)

So then YES.....you believe Obama was responsible for the riots that took place when he was POTUS. Got it.
So then YES.....you believe Obama was responsible for the riots that took place when he was POTUS. Got it.

He bears his share of responsibility for the situation just like Trump does. Why is that so hard for a self-avowed vet to understand?
Any real vet knows the CO is ultimately responsible for both his actions and the actions of his unit. It's fact most rag-bag civilians don't understand. ;)

We also better go ahead and dig Kennedy up so we can move his bones to a jail cell for the whole Bay of Pigs thing. For that matter we better do the same with Roosevelt for those troops that put one in the heads of some German civilians for the fun of it and then took a few liberties with their daughters. ROOSEVELT IS to blame, he was Commander in chief. Your a fucking goofball who really doesnt know shit. And btw......with each passing day people are seeing it.
He bears his share of responsibility for the situation just like Trump does. Why is that so hard for a self-avowed vet to understand?

Can you point me to the posts you made blaming Obama for the riots as they happened? I'd like to read them. Many thanks...
He bears his share of responsibility for the situation just like Trump does. Why is that so hard for a self-avowed vet to understand?

And btw,.... I rarely if ever say word one about being a vet. Hardly anyone in here does. Except YOU that is. With you its constant. I find that kind of odd,.......to say the least. ;)