A retarded MAGA woman implies that Obama and Trump are co-presidents.

Obama had 2 terms, then this one, Brandon's, would be the 'third'. The only 'retarded' (not woke, it was the word you used though) person around here would be the one that has tried to count Trump's as one of the "three" from the "retarded woman's" post.

Remind me again who are the people who claim election fraud, please.
Obama had 2 terms, then this one, Brandon's, would be the 'third'. The only 'retarded' (not woke, it was the word you used though) person around here would be the one that has tried to count Trump's as one of the "three" from the "retarded woman's" post.

BTW, I never said that Trump is a third term president. So I would be careful to toss around the words "retarded" and "woke" if I were you.
Remind me again who are the people who claim election fraud, please.

HillBillary did, called Trump "illegitimate" and everyting... and that still has nothing to do with the idiot who thought that "this administration" somehow meant Trump's counted as an Obama term in order to get to three...
HillBillary did, called Trump "illegitimate" and everyting... and that still has nothing to do with the idiot who thought that "this administration" somehow meant Trump's counted as an Obama term in order to get to three...

Okay care to address how much of an idiot this woman is for not recognizing a joke and mocking?
Obama had 2 terms, then this one, Brandon's, would be the 'third'. The only 'retarded' (not woke, it was the word you used though) person around here would be the one that has tried to count Trump's as one of the "three" from the "retarded woman's" post.

Because the right insists this one is Trumps second term
HillBillary did, called Trump "illegitimate" and everyting... and that still has nothing to do with the idiot who thought that "this administration" somehow meant Trump's counted as an Obama term in order to get to three...

She was never president and she conceded

Trump NEVER conceded and has called Biden illegitimate how many hundreds of time?


From above link: Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’



From this link: Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’

While I removed those statements from my post you quoted them before I did. So... I'll provide links since you asked. Though I believe that this is standard knowledge nowadays... Trump took a page from HillBillary when he said there was shenanigans.