A retarded MAGA woman implies that Obama and Trump are co-presidents.

Are you on a tablet, phone or computer? Apple uses their own browser Safari, Amazon uses Silk, I downloaded Chrome to use on both my laptop and PEDs.

Turning off Javascript varies with each browser.
Show me one court case that shows Trump didn't win the 2016 Presidential election moron. Those Porta Potty blue chemicals have demolished your tiny brain.

I didn’t say there was one

The FBI said our election was contaminated by foreign forces

They say trump benefited from that help
Are you on a tablet, phone or computer? Apple uses their own browser Safari, Amazon uses Silk, I downloaded Chrome to use on both my laptop and PEDs.

Turning off Javascript varies with each browser.

Thanks dude

I’ll have the hubby deal with it at some point

I hate all that kind of shit

If I was younger I would bother to learn

But I’m old and don’t need to

Thanks for your help guys

And yes Anonymoose I am berating this woman. :laugh:

I hate the fuck out of when people use Twitter links to start threads here, because they do not show up unless I quote the post and copy the link and then watch it.

And that's not even a video, and yes, this is the 3rd term for much of Obama's administration. This time they're going to do more damage to the old girl that is America.

That is their intent, anyways. :|

Have you seen anything to prove that it isn't?

Name one good policy the Biden Administration has had that definitely benefits all Americans.
Thanks dude

I’ll have the hubby deal with it at some point

I hate all that kind of shit

If I was younger I would bother to learn

But I’m old and don’t need to

Thanks for your help guys

No worries. I didn't even know about it until Damo told me a few days ago.
I hate the fuck out of when people use Twitter links to start threads here, because they do not show up unless I quote the post and copy the link and then watch it.

Damocles knows about this problem. No clue why it happens to some posters. When I post a twitter link or open a thread with tweets in it, they don't show up rarely but it happens. Refreshing usually helps.
Damocles knows about this problem. No clue why it happens to some posters. When I post a twitter link or open a thread with tweets in it, they don't show up rarely but it happens. Refreshing usually helps.

I always have to refresh on Chrome. Twitter uses the [ video] code like Youtube. I have no idea if that's related or not. Just a user here; I keep pushing buttons until something happens. LOL
They also said it did not effect the outcome of the election.

The Mueller Report...although ExLax is spinning the outcome.

It's like saying "OJ is innocent!" when the reality is he was found not guilty. Not the same thing.

There's no evidence the Russian cyber campaign altered a single vote just like it's impossible to say if any candidate's campaign add altered a single vote. The effect, however, is there. People who are subjected to campaign adds, as a group, are affected but stating that a single vote was changed by the ad is difficult to prove.

How Much Do Campaign Ads Matter?
Tone is key, according to new research, which found that a change in TV ad strategy could have altered the results of the 2000 presidential election.

But how much do all those ads, negative or positive, matter?

Voters may be so jaded about politics that they don’t feel they are affected by the commercials. Some people say, “No ad ever convinced me to do something,” says Brett Gordon, a professor of marketing at Kellogg.

But in a new study, Gordon and his colleagues report that TV ads do influence voter turnout and choices—and that the tone of the ad makes a difference. Based on data from the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, the team found that positive ads encouraged more people to show up on Election Day, while negative ads slightly suppressed turnout. And while both types of commercials affected whom people supported, the negative ones were more effective at swaying voters’ decisions.

In hypothetical scenarios, the researchers found that ad tone was sometimes enough to tip a close election. For example, the team predicted that if only positive ads had been shown, Al Gore would have won in 2000.

The results suggest that in tight races, “political TV ads matter,” Gordon says. “They drive outcomes.
MTG looks like she'd give great head for some reason.

She looks like the type that's had an unexpected facial or two!

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is your penis still caught in your zipper?.....what does "Biden is the third term of Obama" have to do with Trump?......

Okay let my erect and throbbing penis talk to you....

1) MAGAtards believe that Trump is the legitimate President of the US.
2) The same MAGAtards say that Obama is serving the third term as a President of the US.

Now which one is correct?

And what does that say about Biden?
Okay let my erect and throbbing penis talk to you....

1) MAGAtards believe that Trump is the legitimate President of the US.
2) The same MAGAtards say that Obama is serving the third term as a President of the US.

Now which one is correct?

And what does that say about Biden?

It sounds like the MAGAtards are confused on what is real and what is not.
Okay let my erect and throbbing penis talk to you....

1) MAGAtards believe that Trump is the legitimate President of the US.
2) The same MAGAtards say that Obama is serving the third term as a President of the US.

Now which one is correct?

And what does that say about Biden?
1) no one says Trump is the legitimate president of the US......we merely point out that Biden is the illegitimate president of the US....'
2) no one is saying Obama is serving a third term as president.......we are saying Biden is serving Obama's third term as president.....

people who are not mentally challenged see it says O'biden is an Obama clone and is fucking up the country as badly as Obama did.......

and why does O'Biden make your penis throb?....