A retarded MAGA woman implies that Obama and Trump are co-presidents.

1) no one says Trump is the legitimate president of the US......we merely point out that Biden is the illegitimate president of the US....'
2) no one is saying Obama is serving a third term as president.......we are saying Biden is serving Obama's third term as president.....

people who are not mentally challenged see it says O'biden is an Obama clone and is fucking up the country as badly as Obama did.......

and why does O'Biden make your penis throb?....

Wow you truly are that retarded. :eek:

And yes Anonymoose I am berating this woman. :laugh:

Why are you defending dumb people? This woman literally thinks it's Obama's third term.

I can't even begin to see how you come up with that stupid conclusion.....she said Biden is just like Obama......hundreds of thousands of people have said the same thing.......I think even Biden said it while campaigning......and you even tried to bring Trump into it when no one even mentioned him......
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Do you seriously imagine that an imbecile like her can do that? I'm not sure that she's mastered using the quote feature even now.
Click on the settings on your browser, add the site to your list of sites that cannot use javascript, you will then be able to read the articles without their sales pitch in the way. I do not subscribe to their site and read their articles regardless.

He just told you how .

You can come and sit and watch me. I'll demonstrate a few tricks with a woman for you, incel boy.

You're a really odd man!