A simple question for the pro life

You can't figure yourself out.


You're a small, insignificant man in a big world who is well aware of his rather large amount of shortcomings. As a result, you find it necessary to make yourself feel better, smarter and grander by challenging people on their education and professional credentials whenever you feel threatened by them because you don't have any of your own.

You become deeply aware of your shocking lack of education and professional experience and as a result try to make others look like we don't have the credentials we actually have earned. So you strike out at us, call us liars, tell us to prove our credentials and even when you are given the opportunity to find those credentials for yourself you refuse to do so because you're aware it will make you feel that much worse about yourself.

So I'll now apologize to you for being cruel to you and offer you my pity, because nobody who feels so bad about themselves as you clearly do should be abused.

Instead, going forward, I'll just pretend you don't exist at all.

You're a small, insignificant man in a big world who is well aware of his rather large amount of shortcomings. As a result, you find it necessary to make yourself feel better, smarter and grander by challenging people on their education and professional credentials whenever you feel threatened by them because you don't have any of your own.

You become deeply aware of your shocking lack of education and professional experience and as a result try to make others look like we don't have the credentials we actually have earned. So you strike out at us, call us liars, tell us to prove our credentials and even when you are given the opportunity to find those credentials for yourself you refuse to do so because you're aware it will make you feel that much worse about yourself.

So I'll now apologize to you for being cruel to you and offer you my pity, because nobody who feels so bad about themselves as you clearly do should be abused.

Instead, going forward, I'll just pretend you don't exist at all.

I've yet to see proof of the credentials you claim to have. I call you a liar because you make a claim you won't prove. A diploma with a piece of tape over the name isn't proof. Anyone can do that but only a small, insignificant peon like you doesn't get that.

If you've earned it show it with something to verify it's yours. Until you do, you will be considered the liar you've proven yourself to be while thinking that saying you've done something without showing it means it occurred.

I don't feel threatened by you in any way, shape or form. You're a little piss ant in my world that isn't worth the air you breathe to maintain your miserable existence.

I'll be glad to look at any verifiable proof you have. Just to let you know, a diploma with the name covered up and your claim they are yours isn't verifiable proof.
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And still, nobody who hasn't made the choice for themselves has stepped forward to answer my simple question:

What does it matter to you if someone ELSE chooses to have a legal abortion?

People who try to answer that by asking a question will be ignored. Just answer the straight question with a straight answer or don't bother.

It is the matter of whether taking the most innocent among us from the womb and killing it should be legal! I weep for mothers who kill their children in their body and consider it heinous, it doesn't mean I hate them I pity them!
It is the matter of whether taking the most innocent among us from the womb and killing it should be legal! I weep for mothers who kill their children in their body and consider it heinous, it doesn't mean I hate them I pity them!

People like Stelakh constantly talk about we as a nation will be judged by how we treat the weakest yet support someone being able to choose killing the weakest.

Notice how the arrogant piece of shit says unless people do things under conditions he sets, he won't answer. Also the sign of a pussy than can't defend his position so he avoids doing so then blaming others for not doing things his way.

He's the moron that thinks showing the picture of a diploma with tape over the name is proof they are his. Just ask, he'll tell you.
It is the matter of whether taking the most innocent among us from the womb and killing it should be legal! I weep for mothers who kill their children in their body and consider it heinous, it doesn't mean I hate them I pity them!

So that's why it matters to you. But what gives anyone the right to make a decision so deeply personal and complex for someone else?
So that's why it matters to you. But what gives anyone the right to make a decision so deeply personal and complex for someone else?

It's not a complex decision. It's someone either choosing to take the responsibility for the results of a previous choice to spread her legs regardless of whether those results were intended or it's choosing to kill it because you don't like the results. It's that simple.
It is the matter of whether taking the most innocent among us from the womb and killing it should be legal! I weep for mothers who kill their children in their body and consider it heinous, it doesn't mean I hate them I pity them!

Why not do something to help them, then, instead of all your holy male-chauvinist posturing? When you've had to bear and bring up an unwanted child you may be worth listening to.
Any that claim Satan was not a part of God's angels, and fell, has no knowledge of God's word!

There's more than one god out there in human history. And many of the world's religions, past and present, had a concept of the personification of evil. The Satan (it's a title) is just one of them, but he was never directly identified as an angel by the bible.

As a fun intellectual exercise, there's this:

Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them."

Now, the translation of this passage changes depending on which version of the bible you read, but the most often accepted translation is that "Sons of God" as appears in the King James Version becomes "Angels" in more modern texts. Regardless of the translation, however, it separates him from angels.

There are a few passages that read like this, noting angels AND Satan. But nowhere in the bible does it categorically state that being that carried the title Satan was, in fact, an angel.

And then there's Matthew 25-41: "‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." If "the devil" here is Satan, then it again separates him from "his angels" and seems to indicate he is an entity like God, who had his own angels (which is broadly why he was cast out of Heaven in the first place).

All references to Satan being an angel in any version of the bible are assumptions because the bible never states categorically that the Satan was an angel.

And that comes from knowledge of actually having read what is considered god's word.
Why not do something to help them, then, instead of all your holy male-chauvinist posturing? When you've had to bear and bring up an unwanted child you may be worth listening to.

What do you propose be done to help? When women choose to have kids they can't afford, those of us told to butt out of what she does with her body are required to fund a choice we were told was none of our business.

If she doesn't want the result, don't do what it takes to produce that result. However, if she does, don't expect the rest of us to smile and nod when she says she's going not kill it because she doesn't like the result of a choice she made previously to spread her legs.
If "the devil" here is Satan, then it again separates him from "his angels" and seems to indicate he is an entity like God, who had his own angels (which is broadly why he was cast out of Heaven in the first place).

or the leader of those angels who rebelled.....
Version, book, chapter & verse where Satan is directly identified as an angel?

version. book, chapter and verse where it is stated he was not?......Christianity teaches he was, Stelakh teaches he wasn't.......Stelakh can believe anything he wants......it is irrelevant to what Christianity believes.....
Being a leader of rebellious is not automatically the same thing as being of the same type of entity.

We must remember that we're talking about metaphysical beings of different types. Gods, demons, angels, etc.

no......you are talking about gods...we are talking about angels........
no......you are talking about gods...we are talking about angels........

No, we are talking about metaphysical beings such as gods, demons, angels, etc.

Thus far, I have yet to see proof where the bible categorically and undeniably tells us point-blank that the Satan was an angel.

He could have been one of any of the various type of metaphysical being, and while there are specific references to the Satan coming along with the angels, there are none that state clearly that he is one.