A technocracy, the ultimate form of government

No. There are wealthy that are not in government.
A plutocracy BTW is also an oligarchy.

It can be but doesn't have to be.

A plutocracy is a government ran by the rich.

In my political science degree we learned that socialism leads to an oligarchy while capitalism leads to a plutocracy.
And you believe that Doctor Anthony Fauci is not competent? Please, tell us why. And maybe you can post your CV while you're at it. Here is Doctor Fauci's:
I want to thank you for this glaring example of your stupidity. I often make mention that you aren't the brightest bulb in the pack, and you just as often help support my contention with bonehead statements like this one above.

One big difference between you and me is that you equate credentials with competence, and I do not. I require one's words to stand on their own. You allow others to do your thinking for you; all that is required is for them to claim to have the right credentials and you fall right in line. I do not. I will never allow anyone to do my thinking for me. You OBEY and believe whatever the fuck you are told to believe by the credential-holders you allow to do your thinking for you. My independent thinking and application of critical reasoning quickly sniff out all the liars who nonetheless claim all the credentials in the world. It must suck to be a slave to whomever says the magic words and simply claims credentials to make you instantly OBEY.

I have to laugh at the idea that you would have to OBEY me right now if I were to simply list my credentials, lest you be forced to back-pedal on every statement you have ever made like the one you made about Fauci. You are required to OBEY those who command you to believe that Obama, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is a world peace bringer. You have to. You have no choice. You are a slave. You were told to equate credentials with competence and you OBEYED.

There is nothing that chafes me more than a person who knows absolutely nothing challenging a lifetime civil servant for doing his job.
You reject the critical reasoning of others in deference to your hero worship of civil servants as knowledge gods and morality bastions, citing their government- or university-provided credentials. This is Marxism at its finest ... and it's pathetic. An envy of the people you are not.

[Fauci] is a great man.
He is a lying buffoon. I notice you have nothing concrete to support your contention of Fauci's godliness beyond the credentials he claims, i.e. the credentials that obligate you to fall in line.

You are dog shit.
You are dog shit ... but the oozy kind that also reeks.

Ah, yes, this is the point at which you realize you have no valid response ... and you feel compelled to make a lame attempt to save face by pouting and stammering that you didn't read my post, like a child hiding under the covers from the monsters. For your convenience, I'm making mention of it now so you don't have to. That's the kind of stand-up guy I am.

she sounds just like you ... an imbecile that claims to know it all and be right all the time
You make an excellent case study in undereducated leftist psychology. You are brain-dead stupid, like Terry, and you suffer heavily from perceptual distortion. You notice others who can think rationally for themselves and who apply critical reasoning ... and it not only fills you with unbearable envy, but it makes you feel threatened. Instead of recognizing that you and your stupidity are your own problem, you distort that perception into a belief that others are somehow being arrogant and claiming to "know it all."

I'm sure that there are psychiatrists who would pay you good money in order to be able to study you. Of course, I'm also sure that there are circuses that would feed and shelter you well in order to have you as a side show.

You make an excellent case study in undereducated leftist psychology. You are brain-dead stupid, like Terry, and you suffer heavily from perceptual distortion. You notice others who can think rationally for themselves and who apply critical reasoning ... and it not only fills you with unbearable envy, but it makes you feel threatened. Instead of recognizing that you and your stupidity are your own problem, you distort that perception into a belief that others are somehow being arrogant and claiming to "know it all."

I'm sure that there are psychiatrists who would pay you good money in order to be able to study you. Of course, I'm also sure that there are circuses that would feed and shelter you well in order to have you as a side show.

derp derp

another shitty excuse for a human :laugh:

did you even chime in on the thread subject, or leave the recess yard to directly act a fool here with me?
derp derp
That pegs the limit of your ability to contribute intellectually to a thread.

another shitty excuse for a human
Yes, my independent thinking and critical reasoning make you feel threatened. I get it. I made you flee to your snowflake safespace.

did you even chime in on the thread subject
Too funny! Says the guy whose only contribution in the previous post was to lash out at independent thinkers:

she sounds just like you .. an imbecile that claims to know it all and be right all the time
You're another undereducated leftist mind-lemming who can only regurgitate what he is ordered. When you post, nobody knows who is really speaking.

Go with the circus option until you get a firm offer from psychologists.

For those of you who don't know what a technocracy is it is this.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techn...nt of the,to be mostly professional engineers.

In short, a technocracy is a society run by technical experts who use that expertise to solve the problems of society, they are not influenced by organizations or corporations or lobbyists, they use their problem solving abilities to tackle all challenges.

With the emergence of AI it would be the ideal time to switch our government over to a technocracy where actual experts run the government instead of the popularity contests we have going on now.

Not a bad troll effort but I saw right through it right away so you don't get an A, you get maybe a B-
IBDaMann;5758957You're another undereducated leftist mind-lemming who can only regurgitate what he is ordered. When you post said:

right. I'm a leftist

you trumptards give barely functioning retards a bad name :laugh:
It can be but doesn't have to be.

A plutocracy is a government ran by the rich.
A plutocracy is an oligarchy.
In my political science degree we learned that socialism leads to an oligarchy while capitalism leads to a plutocracy.
Get your money back. That is utterly wrong.

Economic systems are NOT any form of government and do NOT cause any form of government.
In every nation there exists capitalism and socialism (usually in the forms of fascism and communism, sometimes slavery).

Socialism is based on theft of wealth. Capitalism is the only economic system that CREATES wealth. Socialism cannot even exist without capitalism to steal from.

Capitalism is the voluntary creation of products and services for voluntary sale at an agreed upon price (free market). This system requires NO government to run, but government can be used to protect it by curtailing thieves and looters. It is capitalism that built the cities we see today out of the wilderness, before there was ANY government at all. The nice thing about capitalism is that ANYONE can play. Rich or poor, all may become richer. All it really takes is innovation and drive. Charity can also exist here (the VOLUNTARY sharing of wealth).

Socialism takes three major forms:
Communism, where the government owns markets (including various redistribution schemes). In other words, government steals wealth to redistribute it to someone else, and takes a nifty cut off the top doing it.
Fascism, where the government manipulates markets (still private ownership, but the government tells you how to run your business). In other words, it is oppressive regulations that tend to dictate what you can sell, how much you can sell it for, what source of raw material you can use, who you must hire, who you must fire, etc. It is the world of price controls and oppressive business regulations.
Slavery, where people own other people. In this case, it is government sanctioned theft of labor. Despite being illegal today in the United States, it still exists...mostly in the form of sex slavery.

ALL forms of socialism are based on theft of wealth. Since people don't like their wealth being stolen, this tends to governments becoming oligarchies or dictatorships to force the theft anyway. They are INVOLUNTARY sharing of wealth. They are all tyranny.

The primary forms of government are:
Anarchy, or no government. Capitalism can operate here, but socialism can't. There IS the problem with thieves and looters though.
Democracy, or government by popular vote. Capitalism can operate here as well, but socialism can also operate here. There is no constitution, there are no representatives. It is literally mob rule.

Republic, or government by law (a constitution). This is the best type of government to protect capitalism. The Constitution provides a sense of regularity, provides for methods of curtailing the theft and looting, and provides limits on what government can legally do. This type of government is probably the least understood type there is.

Dictatorship, or government by a king..a sole dictator. There is no constitution. The king represents all authority, and typically disburses that authority through his court and royal agents.

Oligarchy, or a dictatorship by committee. This is the same as any dictatorship, but uses a committee instead of a sole dictator.

ANY form of government where some 'elite' group is in charge is an oligarchy or dictatorship.

A democracy is an unstable form of government. It usually dissolves into a dictatorship or oligarchy before long. Athens dissolved into dictatorship. CHAZ in Seattle dissolved into an oligarchy.

A federated government is one that is layered.

The United States was formed as a federated republic. It has a national government, governed by a constitution, State governments governed by constitutions, county governments governed by constitutions (also sometimes called a county charter), and city governments governed by a constitution (also known as a city charter). NONE of these constitutions are owned by the governments that they create. The purpose of ANY constitution is to define and declare a government and to describe what authority it has, the representatives (officers) it has, and the election process for each. In every case, that constitution can ONLY be changed by it's owners. The government it creates is NEVER the owner.

The Constitution of the United States was created by the States. They are the owners. Only the States can create it, change it, or abolish it (and thus dissolve the federal government).
The various constitutions of the States was created by the people of that State. They are the owners. Only they can create it, change it, or abolish it (and thus dissolve their State government and thus leave the Union).

The current 'federal' government is no longer a republic. It is an oligarchy. Whether it can be restored as a republic is up to the States. There currently is no United States. I call it the States of America (SOA) now.
Some States have abandoned a republic form of government entirely. They are no longer States. What used to be California is currently a dictatorship. What used to be New York is currently an oligarchy (moving to a dictatorship). Both of these have utterly abandoned their constitutions.

The nation of Canada is currently a dictatorship.
The nation of China is currently an oligarchy.
The nation of Russia is currently an oligarchy.
The nation of the UK is currently an oligarchy.
The EU is currently an oligarchy.
Germany during WW2 was a dictatorship.

A plutocracy is government by the rich (they become the 'elite' group). It is an oligarchy. This 'elite' group determines who is allowed to become the 'elite' (in other words, rich enough).
A technocracy is government by the technologists (they become the 'elite' group). It is an oligarchy. This 'elite' group determines who is allowed to become the 'elite' (in other words, technologically 'competent' enough).

The average schmoe today never learned science. They know little about most technology. That can't fix their own cars, or even safely do maintenance on their own houses. Even the banking system carries with it a mystery that is beyond them. How are they EVER going to determine who is 'technologically qualified'?

The better way is capitalism, protected by a republic as a form of government. People themselves determine what is 'technologically qualified' in the products they voluntarily buy. Word gets around. A lousy product soon ceases to produce a profit for a company, and that company goes under (perhaps bought at firesale prices by someone competent, and uses those assets to produce a much better product!). Twitter (now X) is a good recent example of that here. The Microsoft/Apple/Linux competition is another. In other words, let people decide for themselves what product to buy (including energy and cars) in a free marketplace. Government has NO valid business interfering with this.
A plutocracy is an oligarchy.

Get your money back. That is utterly wrong.

Economic systems are NOT any form of government and do NOT cause any form of government.
In every nation there exists capitalism and socialism (usually in the forms of fascism and communism, sometimes slavery).

Socialism is based on theft of wealth. Capitalism is the only economic system that CREATES wealth. Socialism cannot even exist without capitalism to steal from.

Capitalism is the voluntary creation of products and services for voluntary sale at an agreed upon price (free market). This system requires NO government to run, but government can be used to protect it by curtailing thieves and looters. It is capitalism that built the cities we see today out of the wilderness, before there was ANY government at all. The nice thing about capitalism is that ANYONE can play. Rich or poor, all may become richer. All it really takes is innovation and drive. Charity can also exist here (the VOLUNTARY sharing of wealth).

Socialism takes three major forms:
Communism, where the government owns markets (including various redistribution schemes). In other words, government steals wealth to redistribute it to someone else, and takes a nifty cut off the top doing it.
Fascism, where the government manipulates markets (still private ownership, but the government tells you how to run your business). In other words, it is oppressive regulations that tend to dictate what you can sell, how much you can sell it for, what source of raw material you can use, who you must hire, who you must fire, etc. It is the world of price controls and oppressive business regulations.
Slavery, where people own other people. In this case, it is government sanctioned theft of labor. Despite being illegal today in the United States, it still exists...mostly in the form of sex slavery.

ALL forms of socialism are based on theft of wealth. Since people don't like their wealth being stolen, this tends to governments becoming oligarchies or dictatorships to force the theft anyway. They are INVOLUNTARY sharing of wealth. They are all tyranny.

The primary forms of government are:
Anarchy, or no government. Capitalism can operate here, but socialism can't. There IS the problem with thieves and looters though.
Democracy, or government by popular vote. Capitalism can operate here as well, but socialism can also operate here. There is no constitution, there are no representatives. It is literally mob rule.

Republic, or government by law (a constitution). This is the best type of government to protect capitalism. The Constitution provides a sense of regularity, provides for methods of curtailing the theft and looting, and provides limits on what government can legally do. This type of government is probably the least understood type there is.

Dictatorship, or government by a king..a sole dictator. There is no constitution. The king represents all authority, and typically disburses that authority through his court and royal agents.

Oligarchy, or a dictatorship by committee. This is the same as any dictatorship, but uses a committee instead of a sole dictator.

ANY form of government where some 'elite' group is in charge is an oligarchy or dictatorship.

A democracy is an unstable form of government. It usually dissolves into a dictatorship or oligarchy before long. Athens dissolved into dictatorship. CHAZ in Seattle dissolved into an oligarchy.

A federated government is one that is layered.

The United States was formed as a federated republic. It has a national government, governed by a constitution, State governments governed by constitutions, county governments governed by constitutions (also sometimes called a county charter), and city governments governed by a constitution (also known as a city charter). NONE of these constitutions are owned by the governments that they create. The purpose of ANY constitution is to define and declare a government and to describe what authority it has, the representatives (officers) it has, and the election process for each. In every case, that constitution can ONLY be changed by it's owners. The government it creates is NEVER the owner.

The Constitution of the United States was created by the States. They are the owners. Only the States can create it, change it, or abolish it (and thus dissolve the federal government).
The various constitutions of the States was created by the people of that State. They are the owners. Only they can create it, change it, or abolish it (and thus dissolve their State government and thus leave the Union).

The current 'federal' government is no longer a republic. It is an oligarchy. Whether it can be restored as a republic is up to the States. There currently is no United States. I call it the States of America (SOA) now.
Some States have abandoned a republic form of government entirely. They are no longer States. What used to be California is currently a dictatorship. What used to be New York is currently an oligarchy (moving to a dictatorship). Both of these have utterly abandoned their constitutions.

The nation of Canada is currently a dictatorship.
The nation of China is currently an oligarchy.
The nation of Russia is currently an oligarchy.
The nation of the UK is currently an oligarchy.
The EU is currently an oligarchy.
Germany during WW2 was a dictatorship.

A plutocracy is government by the rich (they become the 'elite' group). It is an oligarchy. This 'elite' group determines who is allowed to become the 'elite' (in other words, rich enough).
A technocracy is government by the technologists (they become the 'elite' group). It is an oligarchy. This 'elite' group determines who is allowed to become the 'elite' (in other words, technologically 'competent' enough).

The average schmoe today never learned science. They know little about most technology. That can't fix their own cars, or even safely do maintenance on their own houses. Even the banking system carries with it a mystery that is beyond them. How are they EVER going to determine who is 'technologically qualified'?

The better way is capitalism, protected by a republic as a form of government. People themselves determine what is 'technologically qualified' in the products they voluntarily buy. Word gets around. A lousy product soon ceases to produce a profit for a company, and that company goes under (perhaps bought at firesale prices by someone competent, and uses those assets to produce a much better product!). Twitter (now X) is a good recent example of that here. The Microsoft/Apple/Linux competition is another. In other words, let people decide for themselves what product to buy (including energy and cars) in a free marketplace. Government has NO valid business interfering with this.

No it isnt the same thing.

An oligarchy is a small group of people that run a society, a plutocracy is a society run by the wealthy and that could number in the thousands.

An oligarchy makes decisions amongst themselves, a plutocracy doesn't need to communicate with each other, they simply influence policy with their wealth.

This is just basic stuff.
the retards on the left are retards for many reasons. One reason is they call anyone that disagrees with them a racist

the Trumptards are retards for many reasons. One reason is they call anyone that disagrees with them a leftist
One reason is they aren't smart enough to know that they are leftists.


name just one position I hold that qualifies me as leftist

you are a troll. you will not actually engage in a battle of ideas, you just do childish shit found on a recess.
For those of you who don't know what a technocracy is it is this.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techn...nt of the,to be mostly professional engineers.

In short, a technocracy is a society run by technical experts who use that expertise to solve the problems of society, they are not influenced by organizations or corporations or lobbyists, they use their problem solving abilities to tackle all challenges.

With the emergence of AI it would be the ideal time to switch our government over to a technocracy where actual experts run the government instead of the popularity contests we have going on now.

Tyranny by yet another name.
You guys have no clue what a technocracy is.

Oligarchy: A system governed by a few powerful people.

Technocracy:A form of government by people with knowledge about science and technology

A technocracy is a model of governance wherein decision-makers are chosen for office based on their technical expertise and background. A technocracy differs from a traditional democracy in that individuals selected to a leadership role are chosen through a process that emphasizes their relevant skills and proven performance, as opposed to whether or not they fit the majority interests of a popular vote.

The individuals that occupy such positions in a technocracy are known as "technocrats." An example of a technocrat could be a central banker who is a trained economist and follows a set of rules that apply to empirical data.

You realize that your definition of technocrats defeats your position, right?
the retards on the left are retards for many reasons. One reason is they call anyone that disagrees with them a racist

the Trumptards are retards for many reasons. One reason is they call anyone that disagrees with them a leftist

My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy - Ronald Reagan

It's rare that I 100% agree with anyone - yet I agree with you more often than not. I agree with IBDaMann 70% or more of the time. I agree with ITN more than 80% of the time.

So if I agree with all of you far more than I disagree - why would I want to fight ANY of you when the real enemy is the left?
My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy - Ronald Reagan

It's rare that I 100% agree with anyone - yet I agree with you more often than not. I agree with IBDaMann 70% or more of the time. I agree with ITN more than 80% of the time.

So if I agree with all of you far more than I disagree - why would I want to fight ANY of you when the real enemy is the left?

Trump is attacking many good conservatives. He is an anchor on the future because he is a narcissist that only destroys those that don't bow down to him.

The best press secretary in my lifetime served admirably for Trump, and he attacked her.

he is just an unstable asshole, and it is ok to point it out while being ecstatic with the SCOTUS picks