A Theology Question

Exactly. Why did God bother with this life? Why not just send everyone straight to heaven? The description of God in the Old Testament reveals a feckless, weak God who throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. That God can indeed go fuck himself.

The answer to that question, of course, is that we ARE here, so God didn't do what would have certainly been no big deal. So I guess he is just fucking with us.

Reminds me of that ant farm my brothers used to have. They'd feed them different things to see what happened. Like little Old Testament gods. lol
What does Occam’s Razor say for the creation of the Universe? The creation of Space-Time at the Big Bang? Just magic? LOL

The only logical answer is “I don’t know”.

I think of God as a place card; a name for something beyond the Natural Universe that is beyond mortal comprehension. I don’t know what it is, but it seems there’s more to existence than we are seeing on front of our noses.

I'm not even sure what caused the Big Bang is a scientific question that our primate brains can even comprehend or correctly interpret. There might not be any science to guide us. The end of physics is around 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] seconds after the Big Bang originated and we may never have science or math that can penetrate all the way to the origin point at time=0.
The universe exists, is a more accurate statement. We have no evidence at this time of an entity causing the Big Bang.

There’s zero evidence of what caused the Big Bang. It’s equally unsupported to say God created it as to say it magically popped into existence as Jank is asserting.

He can whine about “disbelief” all he likes but the fact remains he’s claiming the theists are wrong without proof.

IMO, that’s no better than the claims by Bible thumpers.
I'm not even sure what caused the Big Bang is a scientific question that our primate brains can even comprehend or correctly interpret. There might not be any science to guide us. The end of physics is around 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] seconds after the Big Bang originated and we may never have science or math that can penetrate all the way to the origin point at time=0.
Not a rocket scientist, but agreed that it seems difficult for conventional science to pierce our natural universe. The Quantum Physics stuff is beyond my comprehension.

Theory and math are great, but application is better. :)

Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity in 1905. It took 40 years…and two world wars, to turn that into a nuke at Hiroshima.

I’ve read a lot of thoughts about the global impact of when mankind discovers other civilizations. What would be the social impact if scientists discovered other Universes? All it took would be to walk through a doorway to get to them?

If there is a God, or gods, I think they’d enjoy seeing us find those doorways. LOL
Exactly. Why did God bother with this life? Why not just send everyone straight to heaven? The description of God in the Old Testament reveals a feckless, weak God who throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. That God can indeed go fuck himself.

The answer to that question, of course, is that we ARE here, so God didn't do what would have certainly been no big deal. So I guess he is just fucking with us.
legitimate questions to be sure

I always tell people who complain about the Old Testament to complain to Jews about it, the Hebrews wrote the OT. Outside of the books of Torah and Job, god makes very few direct appearances in the OT.

The OT, or more properly the TaNaKh cannot be divorced from it's historical context. The TaNaKh was largely edited and compiled during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. Given the oppression they lived under during the Babylonian exile, it's not surprising the literary creation they compiled and edited would have some focus given to questions about whether Yahweh was actually just, whether there was any point to suffering and if humans actually had the ability to understand divine providence.

The TaNaKh is remarkable because it doesn't sugar coat the spiritual and historical lives of the Hebrew people. It is in some ways a brutally honest self reflection on Jewish identity.
Not a rocket scientist, but agreed that it seems difficult for conventional science to pierce our natural universe. The Quantum Physics stuff is beyond my comprehension.

Theory and math are great, but application is better. :)

Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity in 1905. It took 40 years…and two world wars, to turn that into a nuke at Hiroshima.

I’ve read a lot of thoughts about the global impact of when mankind discovers other civilizations. What would be the social impact if scientists discovered other Universes? All it took would be to walk through a doorway to get to them?

If there is a God, or gods, I think they’d enjoy seeing us find those doorways. LOL

I'm working on the hypothesis that we are living on a 3d membrane in a hyperdimensional space of four or more dimensions : )

I think it's remarkable that we might be one of the only sentient life forms in the galaxy capable of advanced abstract thought, and the natural laws of the cosmos have been revealed to our insignificant little species, perhaps uniquely in the galaxy.
Arrogance is a form of stupidity.

I simply lack the stomach for non-stop fighting which seems to be the thing you thrive on here. You appear to hate literally everyone else on this forum in one form or another and I don't really want to get into that with you. When you are not bitching about someone else you actually occasionally say things that are interesting. If I could engage with THAT Doc and not the usual Doc that would be optimum for me.
I'm working on the hypothesis that we are living on a 3d membrane in a hyperdimensional space of four or more dimensions : )

I think it's remarkable that we might be one of the only sentient life forms in the galaxy capable of advanced abstract thought, and the natural laws of the cosmos have been revealed to our insignificant little species, perhaps uniquely in the galaxy.

In an infinite number of universes, it’s possible there might only be one life form per Universe. More likely, IMO, that there’s at least one per galaxy.

Both sad and wonderful if we are the only life form in our own galaxy.
I simply lack the stomach for non-stop fighting which seems to be the thing you thrive on here. You appear to hate literally everyone else on this forum in one form or another and I don't really want to get into that with you. When you are not bitching about someone else you actually occasionally say things that are interesting. If I could engage with THAT Doc and not the usual Doc that would be optimum for me.
Why the insults and personal attacks? Is it because you feel cornered? Why do you become so emotional when someone disagrees with you?
Why the insults and personal attacks? Is it because you feel cornered? Why do you become so emotional when someone disagrees with you?

No insults, no attacks. Just the facts. You seem to thrive on pissing people off. YOU called me arrogant. YOU said I was attacking people.

You just want to get a rise out of me so you can put me on your shit list with literally everyone else on here so you can bitch about me, make up shit about me, whatever it is you do.

I have no stomach for it. It makes me really anxious and unhappy.

Like I said, generally I think I agree with you on 85% of things. I don't know why you have to be as nasty as you are. I wish it were otherwise. You seem like a reasonably smart guy but you have some issues.

True! Our perceptions of the Universe are completely biased.

Well, we're limited by our physical abilities. We've been clever in crafting instruments that extend our senses hugely. But who's to say that there aren't more "things" (like on the electromagnetic spectrum, maybe) that we can't even conceive of -- yet?
No insults, no attacks. Just the facts. You seem to thrive on pissing people off. YOU called me arrogant. YOU said I was attacking people.

You just want to get a rise out of me so you can put me on your shit list with literally everyone else on here so you can bitch about me, make up shit about me, whatever it is you do.

I have no stomach for it. It makes me really anxious and unhappy.

Like I said, generally I think I agree with you on 85% of things. I don't know why you have to be as nasty as you are. I wish it were otherwise. You seem like a reasonably smart guy but you have some issues.

You seem angry. Not a little bit irrational. Do you consider yourself to lean more to the feminem side or the masculine side? It can be fluid in some people and within the normal human range.

Especially with those under 40. Those over 40 need to try something different.
Well, we're limited by our physical abilities. We've been clever in crafting instruments that extend our senses hugely. But who's to say that there aren't more "things" (like on the electromagnetic spectrum, maybe) that we can't even conceive of -- yet?

Agreed on limits. Agreed there are things we don’t even know exist yet. People should accept the possible and not disregard things without evidence….just keep it rational. LOL
There’s zero evidence of what caused the Big Bang. It’s equally unsupported to say God created it as to say it magically popped into existence as Jank is asserting.

That is true -- science, so far, has not found anything to suggest conditions before the Big Bang.

This is pretty cool, and slightly on topic.

Well, we're limited by our physical abilities. We've been clever in crafting instruments that extend our senses hugely. But who's to say that there aren't more "things" (like on the electromagnetic spectrum, maybe) that we can't even conceive of -- yet?

Too right you are.

On another tangent, two questions I have are

Is what we think is true is actually true? Highly educated and scientifically literate people only about a hundred years ago were totally convinced that time and space were absolute and uniform, and that the universe was static, unchanging, and infinitely old.

And are our primate brains advanced enough to correctly percieve and interpret all true knowledge? You can try until the cows come home, but you will never be able to teach the quadratic formula to a German shepherd.