A US Capitol police officer has died as a result of the attempted insurrection

this is the shit i am talking about, the deep state media literally is fucking whipping everything up into a frenzy and lying, it's going to make things worse, not better.

They've been doing it for the last 4 years. Do you think they'll stop now that they got their preferred presidential candidate elected?
that's exactly the reason. the DC mayor and others said as much. they had lower police presence the day of the rally because they were thinking back to the summer. thanks liberals. good job. real smart.
It wasn’t funding she was talking about, she was thinking of Trumps tear gassing protestors and the picture of the military clad force on the Capital steps. She didn’t want to seem heavy handed towards Trump’s base. It was an error in judgement, somebody wasn’t reading Parler.
It wasn’t funding she was talking about, she was thinking of Trumps tear gassing protestors and the picture of the military clad force on the Capital steps. She didn’t want to seem heavy handed towards Trump’s base. It was an error in judgement, somebody wasn’t reading Parler.

yes not specifically funding but it's all the same stuff. liberal pussies afraid of police
jarod, stop lying. 3 of the 5 were 100% unrelated. again, try not being a liar for a single day.
I don’t know about the two of them, but it’s being reported on social media that one of them, a 55 year old guy, had a heart attack after a flash grenade and tear gas went off near him on the upper balcony.
It wasn’t funding she was talking about, she was thinking of Trumps tear gassing protestors and the picture of the military clad force on the Capital steps. She didn’t want to seem heavy handed towards Trump’s base. It was an error in judgement, somebody wasn’t reading Parler.

It's still early in the investigation but the mayor and Chief of DC police can't call the national guard. That has to do with the Pentagon. Guess who's in charge of them?
It's still early in the investigation but the mayor and Chief of DC police can't call the national guard. That has to do with the Pentagon. Guess who's in charge of them?
It’s sickening, but probably the reason they were fired or resigned. I hope we are wrong.
MAGA killed more Americans than died in Benghazi.
Trump has American blood on his hands. He may have to answer for that after the 20th. I doubt he'd do the honorable thing and eat a gun. He'll probably face wrongful death lawsuits and other legal issues. The whole "can't sue the President" problem pops up, but what if the President blatantly violates the Constitution and his oath of office? Additionally, if justice can't be found by suing Trump, then investigate his kids. Was Junior involved with discussions with the Proud Boys (a Trump favorite) or the Boogaloo Bois?

This event didn't materialize out of thin air, it was coordinated including, most importantly, Trump's planned speech and request the mob follow him to the Capitol (he wimped out and went home). Many participants thought Trump was somewhere in the crowd and didn't realized the Coward-in-Chief was watching it all on television.

It’s sickening, but probably the reason they were fired or resigned. I hope we are wrong.

Investigations will be completed, blame, both rightly and wrongly, will be placed, legal changes will be made and life will go on. Hopefully to a thoroughly boring Biden presidency.

Excitement is overrated and boring is underrated.