A US Capitol police officer has died as a result of the attempted insurrection

The DEMOCRAT Mayor of DC did, in this case.

DC mayor calls in National Guard ahead of pro-Trump protests


Of course, the DEMOCRAT-infested media didn't seem to think this was a riot sedition, or insurrection:


Yu firgot da Jooooos!

Because D.C. does not have a governor, the designated commander of the city’s National Guard is Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Any D.C. requests for Guard deployments have to be approved by him.

The defense official said that there will be no active duty military troops in the city, and the U.S. military will not be providing any aircraft or intelligence. The D.C. Guard will provide specialized teams that will be prepared to respond to any chemical or biological incident. But the official said there will be no D.C. Guard members on the National Mall or at the U.S. Capitol.
A Trump* terrorist whacked him in the head with a steel fire extinguisher.

Is that so?

That's terrible. Of course, hitting cops with bricks and throwing Molotov cocktails at them is perfectly acceptable...right?