a vote for John McCain....


"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."

If McCain selects judicial appointments, property will win over rights, If Obama selects them it will be rights over property. If roe v wade is overturned we will return to a sad time when only the rich could get abortions for themselves and for their children. The poor will suffer as they always have with lack of access and quacks. No one will care for these children as wingnuts only want a theocracy of morals for others. Having a child is a long process and raising a child requires love, care, resources, and great patience. Wingnuts care not for people but for ideology.


"The secret world of illegal abortion was mostly frightening and expensive. Although there were skilled and dedicated laywomen and doctors who performed safe, illegal abortions, most illegal abortionists, doctors, and those who claimed to be doctors cared only about being well rewarded for their trouble. In the 1960s, abortionists often turned women away if they could not pay $1,000 or more in cash. Some male abortionists insisted on having sexual relations before the abortion.

Abortionists emphasized speed and their own protection. They often didn't use anesthesia because it took too long for women to recover, and they wanted women out of the office as quickly as possible. Some abortionists were rough and sadistic. Almost no one took adequate precautions against hemorrhage or infection."

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


# Supports repealing Roe v. Wade. (May 2007)
# Voted YES on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)
# Voted YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
# Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
# Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
# Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
# Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
# Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
# Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
# Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
# Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
# Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)
# Rated 75% by the NRLC, indicating a mixed record on abortion. (Dec 2006)
"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."

If McCain selects judicial appointments, property will win over rights, If Obama selects them it will be rights over property. If roe v wade is overturned we will return to a sad time when only the rich could get abortions for themselves and for their children. The poor will suffer as they always have with lack of access and quacks. No one will care for these children as wingnuts only want a theocracy of morals for others. Having a child is a long process and raising a child requires love, care, resources, and great patience. Wingnuts care not for people but for ideology.


"The secret world of illegal abortion was mostly frightening and expensive. Although there were skilled and dedicated laywomen and doctors who performed safe, illegal abortions, most illegal abortionists, doctors, and those who claimed to be doctors cared only about being well rewarded for their trouble. In the 1960s, abortionists often turned women away if they could not pay $1,000 or more in cash. Some male abortionists insisted on having sexual relations before the abortion.

Abortionists emphasized speed and their own protection. They often didn't use anesthesia because it took too long for women to recover, and they wanted women out of the office as quickly as possible. Some abortionists were rough and sadistic. Almost no one took adequate precautions against hemorrhage or infection."

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


# Supports repealing Roe v. Wade. (May 2007)
# Voted YES on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)
# Voted YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
# Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
# Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
# Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
# Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
# Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
# Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
# Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
# Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
# Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)
# Rated 75% by the NRLC, indicating a mixed record on abortion. (Dec 2006)

You are evil Go back to the dying databases of FP. Obviously mass murder pales in comparrison to someone's general comfort. Now that is true love and compassion!
You are evil Go back to the dying databases of FP. Obviously mass murder pales in comparrison to someone's general comfort. Now that is true love and compassion!

When you care for these then 'we' can educate the rest.

children deaths


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
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"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result.

A 1% fatality rate for illegal abortions isn't that bad. Hell, the fatality rate even with legalized abortion is probably damn close to that number. But frankly it is irrelevant. I simply don't believe the USA should be in the business of killing babies, regardless of how many women choose to seek illegal services.

By your logic, murder and rape should also be legal. After all, laws don't stop them from happening. Right?

And all this is merely an attempt on your part to distract us from Obama's extreme pro-abortion views, which are out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. Obama believes partial-birth abortion should be 100% legal, and that if a failed abortion results in a live baby, the "doctor" should be permitted to kill the infant. That is evil by any definition of the word.
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Try to stay on topic, we are discussing McCain's denial of a women the right to control her own life. Republicans preach morality but do not support the context in which human actions can be moral. They oppose education, they oppose condom distribution, they oppose the day after pill, even though many conceptions end naturally. There is a curious irony in all this as it is only modern science that shows the complexity of life but republican even oppose modern science. Some even doubt evolution, the fundamental principle of modern medical science. Before modern science even most religions considered the age of seven as the beginning of personhood. So many children died young, people faced a harsh fact with a mild fantasy.

Life is a process, a gradual process, no one except the orthodox religious do not engage in birth control and have lots of children. Most people prevent multiple pregnancies in any manner they can, only the Catholic church recognizes that birth control is keeping life from forming. PS my parents lived according to the Catholic tenets.

When republicans support children, living children, they can preach their particular form of morality, till then they remain hypocrites. And as an off handed thought how many who protest abortion protest all the children killed in Iraq caused directly by our actions there for 20 years or more? Anyone!
Try to stay on topic, we are discussing McCain's denial of a women the right to control her own life. Republicans preach morality but do not support the context in which human actions can be moral. They oppose education, they oppose condom distribution, they oppose the day after pill, even though many conceptions end naturally. There is a curious irony in all this as it is only modern science that shows the complexity of life but republican even oppose modern science. Some even doubt evolution, the fundamental principle of modern medical science. Before modern science even most religions considered the age of seven as the beginning of personhood. So many children died young, people faced a harsh fact with a mild fantasy.

Life is a process, a gradual process, no one except the orthodox religious do not engage in birth control and have lots of children. Most people prevent multiple pregnancies in any manner they can, only the Catholic church recognizes that birth control is keeping life from forming. PS my parents lived according to the Catholic tenets.

When republicans support children, living children, they can preach their particular form of morality, till then they remain hypocrites. And as an off handed thought how many who protest abortion protest all the children killed in Iraq caused directly by our actions there for 20 years or more? Anyone!

The child is living prior to birth... so where is your support for the child then?

The child is human... that is proven by genetics... unlike the bullshit claim that somehow attempts to dehumanize the child by some arbitrary standard of defining the child as "a person" or not. It is human and alive. It should be entitled to basic human rights protections.

The man and woman HAVE their choices. They can CHOOSE to have sex or not. If they CHOOSE to have sex, they can also CHOOSE to use protection or not. Either way, only a moron doesn't understand that sex can lead to pregnancy. It is avoiding responsibility for the CHOSEN action's potential consequences that people like you wish to FORCE upon the live human being that is innocent in the matter.
Back to the old abortion debate. It is not like we have any other problems.
Humans are complex and can actually deal with multiple issues at one time. Discussing one issue does not mean other problems are ignored or unimportant. It is an old and tired argument, even older than you, that we must only discuss your pet issue.
I just think it is humerous that the right does not have anything positive to run on.
No, you tried to shut down a conversation by denying the complexities of humans and attempting to redirect them to issues you think are more important. People can speak on this one, and also those without losing a step, or disregarding the importance of other issues.

For many of the "right" it is a positive that the face of the SCOTUS may change to reflect their values.
A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
A flat out lie. But then lies is all the abortion movement has to defend their "rights".

The so called "pro choice" faction deliberately denies the scientific fact of the humanity of unborn children to claim the right to kill them at will, and then claim to support fundamental principles of America.

The first and foremost principle of America is that all persons deserve protection of basic human rights. But the pro-choicers have decided it is appropriate for law to determine which humans can be called persons.

If placing a human being in a separate class from legal persons in order to allow them to be killed at will is not interfering with basic human rights, what is?
I just think it is humerous that the right does not have anything positive to run on.
Speaking specifically to the issue of legal abortion, do you care to explain exactly what is not positive about defending the right of unborn children to live?
Speaking specifically to the issue of legal abortion, do you care to explain exactly what is not positive about defending the right of unborn children to live?

Children are a parasitic disease.
First 9 months are internal and then external for at lease 25 years.

WOC :cheer:
When you care for these then 'we' can educate the rest.

children deaths


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Want to talk about child deaths? How about 48 millions and climbing since Roe v Wade?

Oh, but I forget how you keep lying to yourself they are not human children being killed.
Tax dedudctions for children should begin at conception.

We also must regulate your diet, alc consumption by law as well to ensure they are not harmed.
Anyone not complying will be incarcerated in a good mothers home to be sure the child gets good prenatal care.

I am sort of getting confused on which side is the bleeding hearts.
Tax dedudctions for children should begin at conception.
Good idea.

Or make that upon diagnosis of pregnancy. Would affect 75% of families with new children by not making them wait for birth in a given tax year. And would help with the costs of the pregnancy.