a vote for John McCain....

We went to see bodies at the Trump casino over the weekend. Did you know the smallest cell is sperm while the largest is the ovum. In the last part, they gave a warning message for those who did not want to see the beginning of all of us, but seeing the various stages of development is certainly interesting. There is really no sense in pointing out any facts to those who protest for the beginning of life but care not for living children, so really my only reply is when you protest for all children, then you abortion fanatics will cease to be hypocrites till then it's just too easy telling others what to do.

Funny, but those who support the right to life for unborn children are far more cognizant of the facts of human development than mindless twits who keep calling unborn human children "cells".

Fact is, we are all a collection of cells. You are a collection of cells. I am a collection of cells. You are a living organism of the species homo-sapiens. I am a living organism of the species homo-sapiens. And an unborn human child is a living organism of the species homosapiens. We are all living humans by scientific definition.

YOU are the hypocrite who does not support the lives of all children. YOU are the one who deliberately and methodically dehumanize the children you think are not worth supporting. YOU are the one who denies facts in favor of your prejudices against the unborn.

But I'll give you credit, you don't want to CONTROL the unborn. You simply want the right to kill them.
Funny, but those who support the right to life for unborn children are far more cognizant of the facts of human development than mindless twits who keep calling unborn human children "cells".

Fact is, we are all a collection of cells. You are a collection of cells. I am a collection of cells. You are a living organism of the species homo-sapiens. I am a living organism of the species homo-sapiens. And an unborn human child is a living organism of the species homosapiens. We are all living humans by scientific definition.

YOU are the hypocrite who does not support the lives of all children. YOU are the one who deliberately and methodically dehumanize the children you think are not worth supporting. YOU are the one who denies facts in favor of your prejudices against the unborn.

But I'll give you credit, you don't want to CONTROL the unborn. You simply want the right to kill them.

YOU are the one that denies women control over their own bodies. Anti-choicers are little better than rapists in that regard.
YOU are the hypocrite who does not support the lives of all children. YOU are the one who deliberately and methodically dehumanize the children you think are not worth supporting.

Didn't you dehumanize all the Iraqi children when you supported and cheered shock and awe? Or is it something else in your simple mind? Sorry but anyone who can't wear the shoes can't walk the walk, they can only do what you religious fakes do, preach to another, as you do nothing for the living, HYPOCRITE.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Didn't you dehumanize all the Iraqi children when you supported and cheered shock and awe? Or is it something else in your simple mind? Sorry but anyone who can't wear the shoes can't walk the walk, they can only do what you religious fakes do, preach to another, as you do nothing for the living, HYPOCRITE.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

And again you ASSume something about me that is not true. But it is becoming rather clear that you are an ASS of epic proportions. I never supported the Iraqi invasion. The only thing I supported with respect to Iraq was targeting those supposed sites containing WMDs.

Funny how the only arguments you can come up with are lies about the positions on your opponent on other issues. Fucking lame. You have no argument. You are a pathetic hypocritical twit without a shred of honesty or true decency. It is apparent by now to anyone your false outrage about children in Iraq is political posturing. I'll bet when it comes down to it you have not done a damned thing to help any children anywhere - all you do is bitch and whine like a 2 year old.

And when it comes to defending legal abortion, all you can do is continue with the lies and distortions to make yourself feel better about supporting open homicide of the most innocent of humans.
According to Edward Abbey, incarceration must be rape by the State, seeing as how prisoners often find their stay to be one big pain in the ass...
Clearly YOU are not one of those people as you promote the right to kill unborn children.

Clearly you can't read. I do not support abortion I support an effort to make it extinct, something the right wingnuts do not support as you support self control something lacking in your wingnut representatives since they often end up in jail. LOL - I also do not support the government interfering in the lives of women who they do not care about. When the anti pro choice groups support education and living children, then they can be taken seriously, until then they remain one of the largest groups of hypocrites on America.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Clearly you can't read. I do not support abortion I support an effort to make it extinct, something the right wingnuts do not support as you support self control something lacking in your wingnut representatives since they often end up in jail. LOL - I also do not support the government interfering in the lives of women who they do not care about. When the anti pro choice groups support education and living children, then they can be taken seriously, until then they remain one of the largest groups of hypocrites on America.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
First, you are a dead beat liar of epic proportions. You call unborn children "cells" in spite of biological facts. That clearly indicates your attitude that they are not human, therefore not worthy of protection.

And you are not only a liar, but a brain dead idiot. Calling on "self control" is going to end abortion? Or even reduce it? Since when have leftists as yourself ever promoted self control? You want mommy government to take care of it all for you. Shall we make all homicide legal, and support self control to limit murder since murder laws don't do so well?

And your claims of hypocrisy are still a load of pure shit, and you know it. You know NOTHING about the pro education and pro-child efforts of most pro-choice advocates. I guess the very same organizations that oppose legal abortion should also have a pro-education faction? Guess what - they do. You can talk (if you actually want to learn something instead of operating off ignorance and prejudice) to any pro-choicer you want, and you'll find the vast majority support pro-children programs. The simple fact that a majority of pro-choice advocates are also practicing Christians puts them in the pro-children factions. Thre are very few Christian churches which are not, in some way, actively involved in pro-children activities, to include pro-education, after school programs, aid to children both domestically and overseas, etc. You keep claiming pro-choicers only care about the unborn. It is a flat out lie. You fucking know it is a lie.

But as has been pointed out multiple times: lies are all you have when it comes to defending legal abortion.
Good Luck, funny but I could be lying - actually I don't really know what that means in this context - but so what. Again when you wingnuts who pretend to support children by forcing other people to have children, assume that same respect for living, feeling children you will cease to be hypocrites. Till then you remain fake moralists who preach but do not do. Sorry you can reply till the cows literally come home ain't gonna change your BS morality.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with your quote about McCain but couldn't you say the same thing about every federal politician we have?
Good Luck, funny but I could be lying - actually I don't really know what that means in this context - but so what. Again when you wingnuts who pretend to support children by forcing other people to have children, assume that same respect for living, feeling children you will cease to be hypocrites. Till then you remain fake moralists who preach but do not do. Sorry you can reply till the cows literally come home ain't gonna change your BS morality.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Right. You acknowledge you have not a clue what I (and other pro-lifers) do to support living children. We do support living children in many ways, from education to after school programs to athletics to food to adoption agencies, etc. etc. etc. But you still maintain your completely moronic crap about "fake moralists". And yes, you are lying. You repeat the same lies over and over and over. Taking a lesson from Bushco? Sorry, but repeating lies does NOT make them truth. It does not even make them more believable.

Meanwhile, I would be willing to bet it is YOU who is the fake moralist. I would be willing to bet, that other than voting for politicians who claim to support children (but never deliver), you have done NOTHING what so ever to support those living, feeling children you are so (falsely) concerned about. You are the typical whining bitch bullshitter with no concept of morality. So all you can do is falsely attack others.

You are the hypocrite. And your continued harping on the same "until pro lifers support living children...." mindlessness proves you are incapable of actually defending your stance.
You are right I do not know what you do for children worldwide, you may be a good citizen in these matters but until I hear the same effort made for living children that you hypocrites make for cellular life you will be called the same.

Let me repeat this again, Abortion protesting mean nothing because it demands nothing of the moralist, it is fake because you are not going to have to make the decision on whether and who will raise this child. It is too easy to preach about a potential child when a living one dies every few seconds. When I see the same people who protest abortion demanding food for all children, or supporting children here and across the world you will all cease being hypocrites till then I will repeat this ad infinitum. When UNICEF doesn't know what to do as hunger and death have been cured then we can work on education to prevent tragic mistakes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Thanks, so very well stated.
Good Luck, funny but I could be lying - actually I don't really know what that means in this context - but so what. Again when you wingnuts who pretend to support children by forcing other people to have children, assume that same respect for living, feeling children you will cease to be hypocrites. Till then you remain fake moralists who preach but do not do. Sorry you can reply till the cows literally come home ain't gonna change your BS morality.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

This was the argument James Henry Hammond made in defense of slavery. Since free laborers worked in factories, they were miserable and ought to be declared slaves (since they were in fact, if not law).