a vote for John McCain....

So anyone who does not have children isn't human? Can't possess empathy?

This from the individual who supports ending a human life.... because someone feels inconvenienced.

You speak of great pain... then speak with ease about taking an innocent life.

Yes, I think that is true as how many of those who express concern over a few cells have the same concern for all the children in Iraq or Africa dying? Do you ever see them placing ballots to have help sent to these living children and not cells? No need to answer.

Raising a child is work and those who have done it know that. If a woman has her family then she needs to be able to decide on whether she wants more, not you fake saints.

Life, every month a woman of fertile age who does not attempt to fertilize that egg, potential life is lost, every time you masturbate or use a condom potential life is lost. Sorry support education and living children then you hypocrites can moralize. As many as three out of five conceptions end naturally and normally, imagine all the cells running around in heaven maybe they can comfort the starved child who experienced life.
Yes, I think that is true as how many of those who express concern over a few cells have the same concern for all the children in Iraq or Africa dying? Do you ever see them placing ballots to have help sent to these living children and not cells? No need to answer.

Raising a child is work and those who have done it know that. If a woman has her family then she needs to be able to decide on whether she wants more, not you fake saints.

Life, every month a woman of fertile age who does not attempt to fertilize that egg, potential life is lost, every time you masturbate or use a condom potential life is lost. Sorry support education and living children then you hypocrites can moralize. As many as three out of five conceptions end naturally and normally, imagine all the cells running around in heaven maybe they can comfort the starved child who experienced life.

LMAO.... how very typical... again attempting to dehumanize the child by calling it "a few cells".

A woman has every right to decide if she wants more kids. She can have her tubes tied. Her husband/boyfriend can get snipped. They can use birth control. There are many ways to avoid having a child. But the decision should be made PRIOR to getting pregnant. Not after.

We are NOT talking about this mysterious "potential life" that you are referring to. We are talking about an ACTUAL human life. One you feel the right to kill, because you have dehumanized the child in your mind and thus you think it is ok.
LMAO.... how very typical... again attempting to dehumanize the child by calling it "a few cells".

And you have the same concern for Iraqi children? I'll say it again, moralizing about abortion is meaningless blather as it has no consequences for the moralizer. When you fight for living children and provide the funding for education and prevention then I can take you serious. And just as a individual person has certain rights, you hypocrite that you are, have no right to tell them how to live. Check out yourself before you preach to others.

children deaths

And you have the same concern for Iraqi children? I'll say it again, moralizing about abortion is meaningless blather as it has no consequences for the moralizer. When you fight for living children and provide the funding for education and prevention then I can take you serious. And just as a individual person has certain rights, you hypocrite that you are, have no right to tell them how to live. Check out yourself before you preach to others.

children deaths


yes you twit... I think we should do everything in our power to protect children.

So now your attempted spin is that somehow by caring for the rights of unborn children that somehow means I don't care for the rights of children after birth? What a pathetic attempt at a strawman.

This whole argument comes down to individual rights. Just because you want to pretend the unborn child isn't human doesn't make it so. The only hypocrit here is you. You are the one who wants to dehumanize a group and proclaim they have no rights. You want to further pretend that I am somehow telling someone how to live their lives. That is not the case. I am saying that our actions have consequences. If we do not like/won't accept the potential consequences, we should not take the action.
Yes, I think that is true as how many of those who express concern over a few cells have the same concern for all the children in Iraq or Africa dying? Do you ever see them placing ballots to have help sent to these living children and not cells? No need to answer.

Raising a child is work and those who have done it know that. If a woman has her family then she needs to be able to decide on whether she wants more, not you fake saints.

Life, every month a woman of fertile age who does not attempt to fertilize that egg, potential life is lost, every time you masturbate or use a condom potential life is lost. Sorry support education and living children then you hypocrites can moralize. As many as three out of five conceptions end naturally and normally, imagine all the cells running around in heaven maybe they can comfort the starved child who experienced life.
Your arguments are pathetically predictable. First, we have the continuation of the pro-abortion lie: dehumanization of the target group. "few cells". Rfead up on the science of biology. Those "few cells" are a living organism of the species Homo Sapiens. In short, they are living humans. You can lie all you want, but it will not change the facts.

Second, you project an ill conceived and incorrect assumption on pro-lifers commitment to the value of children every where. You have ZERO knowledge of what I do to support the life of children in other countries.

Third, I HAVE raised three children on the salary of an enlisted man in the U.S. military. Cutting coupons was a family activity. But I still do not see how one needs to have been a parent to understand the basic fact that abortion kills a living, innocent human. Claiming such is absolute nonsense.

Fourth, you continue to proudly disply your profound and total ignorance of basic biology. A human ovum is exactly that: an ovum. It is not even POTENTIAL human life, as it, by itself, has only 1/2 the genetic material essential to a living organism. Ditto the spermatazoa you mention in your mindless diatribe of flagrant emotionalism and outright lies.

Next you bring out one of the few actual medical facts that is true, but also completely irrelevant. Yes, many conceptions end naturally before birth. ALL lives eventually end. Some end naturally, some by accident, and some are the victims of homicide. Our society has laws that attempt to protect all of us from homicide, and seek to separate those who commit homicide from the rest of society so as to protect the rest of us from being additional victims. All of us, that is, except for that select group that society has deliberately dehumanized so as to allow their homicide.

And which group was dehumanized this time? (hard to keep track with all the times it keeps occurring.) Let's see, we did it to the blacks, we did it to the NA's, we did it to Chinese immigrants, we did it to U.S. citizens of Japanese descent.... It has been done to the Jews multiple time, though we actually had the presence of mind to fight that last big one.

Oh, yes, this time it is the unborn. Funny how the same dehumanizing tactics are used again and again and again, isn't it? And there will always be the brain dead running around mindlessly cheering on the process.

And as for the argument about poverty, it is apparent the "pro choice" crowd is desperate for arguments in their favor when they start eluding to the idea that it is better to be dead than poor. Shall we ask some poor people whether they would rather be dead? I'll bet most would rather live in poverty than die to avoid being poor. I know I am glad to be alive - and I was raised in more destitute poverty than most of you can imagine, let alone actually have dealt with either personally or second hand.
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Your arguments are pathetically predictable. First, we have the continuation of the pro-abortion lie: dehumanization of the target group. "few cells". Rfead up on the science of biology. Those "few cells" are a living organism of the species Homo Sapiens. In short, they are living humans. You can lie all you want, but it will not change the facts.

Second, you project an ill conceived and incorrect assumption on pro-lifers commitment to the value of children every where. You have ZERO knowledge of what I do to support the life of children in other countries.

Third, I HAVE raised three children on the salary of an enlisted man in the U.S. military. Cutting coupons was a family activity. But I still do not see how one needs to have been a parent to understand the basic fact that abortion kills a living, innocent human. Claiming such is absolute nonsense.

Fourth, you continue to proudly disply your profound and total ignorance of basic biology. A human ovum is exactly that: an ovum. It is not even POTENTIAL human life, as it, by itself, has only 1/2 the genetic material essential to a living organism. Ditto the spermatazoa you mention in your mindless diatribe of flagrant emotionalism and outright lies.

Next you bring out one of the few actual medical facts that is true, but also completely irrelevant. Yes, many conceptions end naturally before birth. ALL lives eventually end. Some end naturally, some by accident, and some are the victims of homicide. Our society has laws that attempt to protect all of us from homicide, and seek to separate those who commit homicide from the rest of society so as to protect the rest of us from being additional victims. All of us, that is, except for that select group that society has deliberately dehumanized so as to allow their homicide.

And which group was dehumanized this time? (hard to keep track with all the times it keeps occurring.) Let's see, we did it to the blacks, we did it to the NA's, we did it to Chinese immigrants, we did it to U.S. citizens of Japanese descent.... It has been done to the Jews multiple time, though we actually had the presence of mind to fight that last big one.

Oh, yes, this time it is the unborn. Funny how the same dehumanizing tactics are used again and again and again, isn't it? And there will always be the brain dead running around mindlessly cheering on the process.

And as for the argument about poverty, it is apparent the "pro choice" crowd is desperate for arguments in their favor when they start eluding to the idea that it is better to be dead than poor. Shall we ask some poor people whether they would rather be dead? I'll bet most would rather live in poverty than die to avoid being poor. I know I am glad to be alive - and I was raised in more destitute poverty than most of you can imagine, let alone actually have dealt with either personally or second hand.


Good post GL.

By attempting to dehumanize a particular group of people in order to justify their slaughter, you prove yourself to be no better than a Nazi.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. You all ought to be put into straight jackets and locked away until the day you die, you sick fucks.

By attempting to dehumanize a particular group of people in order to justify their slaughter, you prove yourself to be no better than a Nazi.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. You all ought to be put into straight jackets and locked away until the day you die, you sick fucks.

Conservatism is a mental disorder.

How could anyone hate their own freedoms so much? How could they turn a blind eye to health care, or the poor in our society?

Clearly they need to be tortured until the day they day, to deter people from acting this way again. The sick lunatic fuckers.

By attempting to dehumanize a particular group of people in order to justify their slaughter, you prove yourself to be no better than a Nazi.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. You all ought to be put into straight jackets and locked away until the day you die, you sick fucks.

You must realize how stupid you sound. I am wondering again about your care for the Iraqi children, if you get a thought, let us know, as up to this point you are simply a HYPOCRITE who preaches bigoted BS.
You must realize how stupid you sound. I am wondering again about your care for the Iraqi children, if you get a thought, let us know, as up to this point you are simply a HYPOCRITE who preaches bigoted BS.
So, there is a difference when one "cares" about Iraqi children (but essentially do nothing material about it), then turns around and supports the legal homicide of unborn children? Who is the real hypocrite?

And let's not mention that according to your arguments, it is better for the children to be killed than face the potential of a lifetime in poverty. As such, since most Iraqi children are facing a lifetime of poverty, according to your standards, is it not doing them a favor by killing them?

Or does your "better dead than poor" only apply to those whom you refuse to acknowledge are human?
So, there is a difference....

Your 1st paragraph. I didn't say that you did. If you care for children, care equally for all children otherwise you are being hypocritical.

2. I didn't say that either, don't think for me I can do that. We are killing Iraqi children - the US is - so doesn't matter if they are rich or poor. Killing them is same.

3. Cells aren't human, and while abortion is not the best solution, you wingnut moralists do not support nor care for living children, you only care to remove a woman's right to decide her own life. When you support children living children, then you can preach, till then you remain a hypocrite.

"A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.

"If you have ever wondered how a serial murderer -- a murderer who is sane and fully aware of the acts he has committed -- can remain steadfastly convinced of his own moral superiority and show not even the slightest glimmer of remorse, you should not wonder any longer.

The United States government is such a murderer."

Your 1st paragraph. I didn't say that you did. If you care for children, care equally for all children otherwise you are being hypocritical.

2. I didn't say that either, don't think for me I can do that. We are killing Iraqi children - the US is - so doesn't matter if they are rich or poor. Killing them is same.

3. Cells aren't human, and while abortion is not the best solution, you wingnut moralists do not support nor care for living children, you only care to remove a woman's right to decide her own life. When you support children living children, then you can preach, till then you remain a hypocrite.

"A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.

"If you have ever wondered how a serial murderer -- a murderer who is sane and fully aware of the acts he has committed -- can remain steadfastly convinced of his own moral superiority and show not even the slightest glimmer of remorse, you should not wonder any longer.

The United States government is such a murderer."



1) you say care for children equally, yet promote the legality of killing unborn children

2) to again try to dehumanize the child by acting like it is just a "clump of cells" does not change the fact that it can be genetically proven that the combination of a human sperm cell and human egg cell can produce nothing other than a unique human life. Science is complete against you on this point.

3) you may not want the unborn child to be entitled to human rights but to act as if it is anything other than a human life is simply idiotic.

But I know... you will again act as though those who support the rights of an unborn child must somehow not support the rights of other children. That is your strawman and we can see you intend to stick with it.
Your 1st paragraph. I didn't say that you did. If you care for children, care equally for all children otherwise you are being hypocritical.
Again, you haven't the faintest idea what I do to support children world wide. You simply label all pro-lifers as people who only care about unborn children. How do you justify saying that no one who supports the right to live of unborn children do not care about other children? Or are you talking out of your ass because that is the only place one can pull out defenses for killing unborn children?

You say that not caring for all children is hypocritical. But then you go on to deliberately dehumanize unborn children so you can continue to support killing them at will. Again I ask, who is really the hypocrite?

2. I didn't say that either, don't think for me I can do that.
You made a big assed deal about whether I have parented children. When I asked what difference it makes, you made the remark "Raise a few children in poverty and then come back to us." The clear implication being if I had raised children in poverty, I would likely change my mind about legalized abortion. But why would I change my mind about legalized abortion from raising children in poverty, unless the REASON for changing my mind is the implication that it would be better to kill them than raise them in poverty. Dance around it all you like, but YOU were the one who brought poverty into the discussion, as if raising children in poverty is justification for killing them before they are born.


We are killing Iraqi children - the US is - so doesn't matter if they are rich or poor. Killing them is same.
Yes, the U.S. has killed children in their military actions in Iraq. It is a tragedy: a sick and disgusting tragedy. But there are two points you miss on that equation. One, you assume all who support the rights of unborn children must also support the war in Iraq. You are wrong. There are those who do, and those who don't. They are separate issues. I do NOT support the Iraq war and never have.

Two: there is a vast difference between accidentally killing someone, be they adult or child, and INTENTIONALLY killing them. No action of the U.S. military has EVER deliberately killed a child. EVERY SINGLE abortion ever performed deliberately killed a human child.

3. Cells aren't human, and while abortion is not the best solution, you wingnut moralists do not support nor care for living children, you only care to remove a woman's right to decide her own life. When you support children living children, then you can preach, till then you remain a hypocrite.
And again you display your profound and deliberate ignorance of the basics of biological science. Either that or you are being deliberately clever with your wording. Cells are not human. The fertilized ovum of a human from the point of fertilization until death is a unique living organism of the species homo sapiens. In short, they are humans - proven by the science of biology.

As such, I DO support living children. In fact, I do what I can to support ALL living children. Each and every child is precious. It is YOU who is the hypocrite because you deliberately ignore proven science to continue you lies about the condition of the unborn human child.

BTW: what do YOU do to support what YOU call living children, other than bitch about the nasty republicans?

"A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.
Very sad, that. And completely unrelated to the topic of abortion, except for the fact that you cannot actually defend legal abortion, so you must resort to implying anyone against abortion must be a hypocrite for not caring about other children (an incorrect assumption anyway, but that is where pro abortionist must always end up when defending the indefensible - using bogus conclusions based on prejudiced and incorrect assumptions.)

"If you have ever wondered how a serial murderer -- a murderer who is sane and fully aware of the acts he has committed -- can remain steadfastly convinced of his own moral superiority and show not even the slightest glimmer of remorse, you should not wonder any longer.
But I do continue to wonder how someone who CLAIMS (though, considering the source, I believe it to be a political tool rather than actual personal concern) to grieve for children lost in war cannot also grieve for children deliberately killed for personal convenience.
But I do continue to wonder how someone who CLAIMS (though, considering the source, I believe it to be a political tool rather than actual personal concern) to grieve for children lost in war cannot also grieve for children deliberately killed for personal convenience.

You are right I do not know what you do for children worldwide, you may be a good citizen in these matters but until I hear the same effort made for living children that you hypocrites make for cellular life you will be called the same.

Let me repeat this again, Abortion protesting mean nothing because it demands nothing of the moralist, it is fake because you are not going to have to make the decision on whether and who will raise this child. It is too easy to preach about a potential child when a living one dies every few seconds. When I see the same people who protest abortion demanding food for all children, or supporting children here and across the world you will all cease being hypocrites till then I will repeat this ad infinitum. When UNICEF doesn't know what to do as hunger and death have been cured then we can work on education to prevent tragic mistakes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
You are right I do not know what you do for children worldwide, you may be a good citizen in these matters but until I hear the same effort made for living children that you hypocrites make for cellular life you will be called the same.

Let me repeat this again, Abortion protesting mean nothing because it demands nothing of the moralist, it is fake because you are not going to have to make the decision on whether and who will raise this child. It is too easy to preach about a potential child when a living one dies every few seconds. When I see the same people who protest abortion demanding food for all children, or supporting children here and across the world you will all cease being hypocrites till then I will repeat this ad infinitum. When UNICEF doesn't know what to do as hunger and death have been cured then we can work on education to prevent tragic mistakes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Good post, Midcan.
You are right I do not know what you do for children worldwide, you may be a good citizen in these matters but until I hear the same effort made for living children that you hypocrites make for cellular life you will be called the same.

Let me repeat this again, Abortion protesting mean nothing because it demands nothing of the moralist, it is fake because you are not going to have to make the decision on whether and who will raise this child. It is too easy to preach about a potential child when a living one dies every few seconds. When I see the same people who protest abortion demanding food for all children, or supporting children here and across the world you will all cease being hypocrites till then I will repeat this ad infinitum. When UNICEF doesn't know what to do as hunger and death have been cured then we can work on education to prevent tragic mistakes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
So you cloak yourself in deliberate ignorance, still claiming the unborn are not living human children, then turn and call ALL who support the right of the unborn to live hypocrites because some do not do enough - according to you. You admit you know nothing about what I, as an individual, do to support living children world wide. But individuals do not matter to you. You lump everyone together who disagree with you and label them BECAUSE they disagree.

And you obviously are completely and totally clueless about the average pro-life advocate and what they do and do not support. I would estimate that 100% of pro-life advocates support preventing unplanned pregnancies. Some focus on methods that I am sure you disapprove of, but none the less, all would rather avoid the unplanned pregnancy in the first place, thus avoiding the question of abortion altogether.

The vast majority of pro-life advocates support adoption services and counseling services for women with unplanned pregnancies. I would bet a large percentage support (both directly with contributions and in ideology) child service programs.

In short, your accusation that the pro-life movement ends its caring for children at the point of birth is, for most, dead fucking wrong. But you don't care if you are wrong - if you can blatantly lie about the status of unborn human children, then certainly lying about those who support their right to life is no big step. You come out with your diarrheal discharge of brain dead rhetoric folding a mantle of moral superiority around yourself like a security blanket. If you were not so entirely despicable, you'd be pathetic.

You argument is shit. You cannot defend the practice of killing unborn children, so you use your pathetic "if you don't support all children, you're a hypocrite" garbage. It's tiresome. It's clumsy. Not to mention one of the lamest, submoronic excuses for supporting the killing of children in the entire history of the abortion controversy.

And Ed Abby, like all abortionists, continues to ignore the scientific fact that in the abortion issue there are TWO human lives involved.

It is clear to me that you are lying to cover up your bullshit. You know the truth.

You're not stupid by any means, no. You're just plain evil.
So you cloak yourself in deliberate ignorance, still claiming the unborn are not living human children, then turn and call ALL who support the right of the unborn to live hypocrites because some do not do enough - according to you.

We went to see bodies at the Trump casino over the weekend. Did you know the smallest cell is sperm while the largest is the ovum. In the last part, they gave a warning message for those who did not want to see the beginning of all of us, but seeing the various stages of development is certainly interesting. There is really no sense in pointing out any facts to those who protest for the beginning of life but care not for living children, so really my only reply is when you protest for all children, then you abortion fanatics will cease to be hypocrites till then it's just too easy telling others what to do.
