A warm "hello" from Juche105

I am, above all, someone who cares for the well being and equal treatment of all human beings.

I used to be very conservative in my younger and foolish days. I was a registered republican and nra member. Mind you, this was due to me growing up in a very wealthy, closed minded, and sheltered suburban neighborhood.

I joined the army at age 18, and that's when my preconceived naivete began collapsing. I saw how our officers tried to instill an irrational hate of all Muslims and people of color. I saw how our cadences and marching songs weren't about freedom or rights, but about killing people and seeing their blood spill out. This sickened me, and I slowly started realizing that I wasn't fighting for freedom, but for the profits of oil companies and the satisfaction of bigoted politicians who can't tolerate other religions and cultures, even half a world away.

While I was in the army, I also lost my faith in christianity. This wasn't due to any main reason, I simply started accepting science over superstition. However, revealing my non-religious beliefs to my chain of command exposed to me just how vicious the christian fundamentalists in this country can be towards somebody who doesn't believe in their dogma. I was harassed by my chain of command, bullied by my so called "battle buddies," and treated as a second class citizen of the country whose Army I was serving in.

I left the army with my illusions about what I was taught by nationalistic teachers, whitewashed history textbooks, and fox news completely shattered. I did not immediately leave the right wing, but my mind was now opened and the more garbage I heard my former friends or local politicians say, the more angry I got. Eventually, I realized that conservatives had no room for free thinkers like me in their ranks, and that I certainly had no room for right wing brainwashing and misinformation in my life.

Today, I consider myself an independent. I don't blindly follow partisan politics, although when I do vote, it is either for the democrat party or a third party candidate. I am active in helping to better the lives of the less fortunate and trying to change the massive unfairness present in the United States today. I continue to educate myself and to seek new ways and means to combat racism, sexism, homophobia, and poverty in this country.

NEVER call the Democratic party the Democrat party

that is yet another lie you were taught
Tom served in the Phuket Rump Rangers of the Royal Thai Ladyboy Battalion. :rofl2:

FCOL haven't we had enough Thai jokes already? Getcher mind out of the gutter. Thailand looks like a beautiful country in pictures and all the people don't deserve the bad reputations foreigners give them.
FCOL haven't we had enough Thai jokes already? Getcher mind out of the gutter. Thailand looks like a beautiful country in pictures and all the people don't deserve the bad reputations foreigners give them.

Uh oh, Christiefan is going rogue.

Guess she has to make up for getting busted on Troll PM'ing her and telling her how to act on the board, and the worst part is, she obeyed.

FCOL haven't we had enough Thai jokes already? Getcher mind out of the gutter. Thailand looks like a beautiful country in pictures and all the people don't deserve the bad reputations foreigners give them.

Yes, it's very beautiful, and the people are very friendly...I've read all that Tom has said about the country and its' people.


FCOL haven't we had enough Thai jokes already? Getcher mind out of the gutter. Thailand looks like a beautiful country in pictures and all the people don't deserve the bad reputations foreigners give them.

He is just an ocean going arsehole, I believe that he just committed a rule 12b violation as well. He is also trying to make an incredibly weak joke based on his ignorance on how Phuket is pronounced. For the record it is Poo-ket not Fuck-it. What makes me laugh about twats like him is that he will defend LGBT rights in the USA yet thinks it funny to make pathetic jokes about transsexuals in Thailand. There is a word for people like that, but I won't use it.

Do you remember those photos I sent you a while back of the after effects of the tsunami in Phuket?
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He is just an ocean going arsehole, I believe that he just committed a rule 12b violation as well. He is also trying to make an incredibly weak joke based on his ignorance on how Phuket is pronounced. For the record it is Poo-ket not Fuck-it. What makes me laugh about twats like him is that he will defend LGBT rights in the USA yet thinks it funny to make pathetic jokes about transsexuals in Thailand. There is a word for people like that, but I won't use it.

Do you remember those photos I sent you a while back of the after effects of the tsunami in Phuket?

Yes, I do. How the beach got washed away and parts are just starting to come back. Is it continuing to improve?
Yes, I do. How the beach got washed away and parts are just starting to come back. Is it continuing to improve?

Oh yes, I have been back to that beach in the last couple of years and you'd never know anything had happened. It wasn't just the beach but also the vegetation growing from the rocky outcrops surrounding the bay. It was stripped off to a height of at least 8 metres above sea level.
That's what really makes me laugh, he bangs on about racism, misogyny and LGBT rights for Americans yet turns into a total redneck arsehole when discussing other countries.

It's just to irritate you, in case you haven't figured it out, yet.
It's just to irritate you, in case you haven't figured it out, yet.

Yes of course I know that, the immature little twat has absolutely no life and spends all his time spamming the shit out of forums.

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