A warm "hello" from Juche105

If derailing threads led to being banned, Deshtard would be the first to go.

While Legion Fag offers nothing worthwhile he doesn't break board rules so there is zero standing to ban him.

There are moderation tools that you can avail yourself of if Legion Fag bothers you. You can put him on ignore and you can thread ban him. If you don't then honestly you are no better than KKKhristiefan and Zipperhead and maybe you just like to be aggravated.

LegionFag had done nothing I see that warrants a ban

Just being alive is enough for me!!
I've seen several posters claim he has had at least a half dozen socks that were just troll socks.

I hope this board is not like other boards, many boards today are way to strict and it stifles conversation. Then again, so does this board's thread ban feature which I have never seen before.

A half a dozen, I don't know about that, must have been before I was a moderator.
This makes me laugh. Grind is only one of the four mods, if he was breaking the rules, Grind could not protect him from Damo, Billy or I, he could plead his case, but it isn't his decision, alone. We keep stressing this to the board, a lone mod can not ban a poster.

Billy Barstool obviously fell off and cracked his head, either that or he succumbed to a crack whore off 8 Mile.
The effing turd has been doing it for years yet he gets away with it, fuck knows why? They even introduced a limit of 10 new threads a day to stop the little cunt from spamming the shit out of the board.

Poor Tom, he can't spam the board with climate denial BS from wattupwiththat.com and the Daily Mail like he used to, so he's butthurt.. :rofl2:

Twice he has taken his ball and gone home. Not sure of the reason for the first.

Grind probably knows though as Grind always abides

The second time was pretty recent. He was spamming the shit out of the board with his typical drivel. Apparently because of him the Mods imposed a limit of no more than 10 new threads per day.

Bear in mind they made this change and didn't announce it. Of course this lit Legion Fags tampon string on fire so he started numbering the threads he started. I of course took notice and inquired. That is when the Mods informed us of the new rule change.

Many of us of course started mocking Legion Fag and he then took a hiatus

True story bro
Like I said, a quick look at the number of times I'm mentioned in the posts on this board is very telling.

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And that's missing 18 months worth of posts from the data dump...:rofl2:

how many times have we mentioned the Bubonic Plague?......are you more popular than death?......
When you were \\\\\\/\///////.....yes.......you crawled back as Big Money......and that wasn't the only time you vanished......how many names did you ask to be cancelled.....you're far worse than any poster you're whining about now........

You think I'm whining?

I seem to recall you whining when people changed their usernames, and claiming you didn't know who was who...:rofl2:
lol....no......there are several folks who's vote doesn't count......Chrispy.......Buckle......the usual sycophants......

Wouldn't that be election fraud, Pastor PiMPle?

They all have ID. They haven't changed their usernames recently, so you can't say you don't know who they are, they way you do with the Trinity.