Abort all fetuses.

Don't you know when you're being played. No matter which side you vote for, you lose. Abortion is just an issue.

I know one thing- TRUMPTARDS WILL NEVER PLAY ME- as I saw them coming- and I already know they are full of shit!

I am just going to let the TRUMPTARDS PLAY THEMSELVES, as the Democrats are not playing around any more.

No SIR! What's at stake is too valuable to myself and my fellow Democrats.

We intend to win the Mid-Terms and hang onto Congress.


There's still time to kill yourself. I mean, if you're serious, have at it. No one will miss you dick cheese, I promise.

First, I'm not a fetus. So killing myself would be wrong. And if highly intelligent people like me killed ourselves, what would idiots like you do. I think you should kill yourself. Now THAT would be doing the world a favor!
I know one thing- TRUMPTARDS WILL NEVER PLAY ME- as I saw them coming- and I already know they are full of shit!

I am just going to let the TRUMPTARDS PLAY THEMSELVES, as the Democrats are not playing around any more.

No SIR! What's at stake is too valuable to myself and my fellow Democrats.

We intend to win the Mid-Terms and hang onto Congress.



Vote National Socialist. Being Nazi is the way to go. Sure, if you vote democrat you may protect abortion. But you would be leaving the flood gates open for every latino piece of shit from every latan american country in the Western Hemisphere!
Vote National Socialist. Being Nazi is the way to go. Sure, if you vote democrat you may protect abortion. But you would be leaving the flood gates open for every latino piece of shit from every latan american country in the Western Hemisphere!

Wow, a true Nazi.
First, I'm not a fetus. So killing myself would be wrong. And if highly intelligent people like me killed ourselves, what would idiots like you do. I think you should kill yourself. Now THAT would be doing the world a favor!
For a change, I actually agree with LurchAddams.
First, I'm not a fetus. So killing myself would be wrong. And if highly intelligent people like me killed ourselves, what would idiots like you do. I think you should kill yourself. Now THAT would be doing the world a favor!

So... if "highly intelligent" is your metric for continued existence, I have good news! You're an idiot, so you can still go for it!
Vote National Socialist. Being Nazi is the way to go. Sure, if you vote democrat you may protect abortion. But you would be leaving the flood gates open for every latino piece of shit from every latan american country in the Western Hemisphere!

Me Tarzan- YOU NAZI!
You could call it murder if they were human. But they're not. They're fetuses. That they will eventually become human means nothing. The point is that as a fetus, they're not. I say that if the choice is between aborting all fetuses or none at all, then abort them all! At worst, it would be a mercy killing. So what is wrong with mercy. Also, there are over 7 billion people on the planet. That is about 4 billion more than our planet can support.

On that point, have you ever heard the word "Unsustainable?" It is used often enough when referring to various things that are happening. But do you even know what they are saying when they say "unsustainable?" It doesn't mean that things can't continue getting ever worse as they are. It means that right as things are now, it is unsustainable. You can imagine what things continuing to get increasingly bad will mean. Who would condemn anybody to live in such a world. A self centered asshole I would say.

Here is another point. Humans are incredibly evil. A paradox with that is that they can do good and still be evil. Most humans are also incredibly stupid. I know. I have talked to enough of them at various forums to find that out. Also who in the hell are these assholes to want to force others to be born. Maybe they lived a good life and want to see others do so. But just because they have doesn't mean that others will. Or maybe they want to keep a good supply of slaves coming. George Carlin had some interesting points on those people. I'll show it to you.

Also, luckily for you human caused global warming will probably kill off most of the life on Earth in about 30 years. But even if it were otherwise, I will show you a parable of what future life those in charge have in store for humanity. Imagine the creatures you see as humans. Before the inevitable massive die off. Along with the incredible suffering that would go along with it. I will show it in a reply.

Jeez...aren't you a ray of sunshine.
I haven't gone anywhere. I usually don't reply to a reply that isn't to me. And you seem to think that talking somebody to death is the way to go. I don't play along with that crap.

Either you can diffuse my counterarguments to your arguments or you can't... So far you have shown that all you can do is run away like a little girl.
You could call it murder if they were human. But they're not. They're fetuses. That they will eventually become human means nothing. The point is that as a fetus, they're not. I say that if the choice is between aborting all fetuses or none at all, then abort them all! At worst, it would be a mercy killing. So what is wrong with mercy. Also, there are over 7 billion people on the planet. That is about 4 billion more than our planet can support.

On that point, have you ever heard the word "Unsustainable?" It is used often enough when referring to various things that are happening. But do you even know what they are saying when they say "unsustainable?" It doesn't mean that things can't continue getting ever worse as they are. It means that right as things are now, it is unsustainable. You can imagine what things continuing to get increasingly bad will mean. Who would condemn anybody to live in such a world. A self centered asshole I would say.

Here is another point. Humans are incredibly evil. A paradox with that is that they can do good and still be evil. Most humans are also incredibly stupid. I know. I have talked to enough of them at various forums to find that out. Also who in the hell are these assholes to want to force others to be born. Maybe they lived a good life and want to see others do so. But just because they have doesn't mean that others will. Or maybe they want to keep a good supply of slaves coming. George Carlin had some interesting points on those people. I'll show it to you.

Also, luckily for you human caused global warming will probably kill off most of the life on Earth in about 30 years. But even if it were otherwise, I will show you a parable of what future life those in charge have in store for humanity. Imagine the creatures you see as humans. Before the inevitable massive die off. Along with the incredible suffering that would go along with it. I will show it in a reply.

So basically.
You seem to have started threads that are about getting rid of almost everything on the planet.

Either you are a MAJOR troll.

Or you (possibly) - are just waiting for your gun wait time to end so you can commence a major, mass shooting.

Or maybe you are just nuts but otherwise harmless.

Let's hope the first and/or the last.
You could call it murder if they were human. But they're not. They're fetuses. That they will eventually become human means nothing. The point is that as a fetus, they're not. I say that if the choice is between aborting all fetuses or none at all, then abort them all! At worst, it would be a mercy killing. So what is wrong with mercy. Also, there are over 7 billion people on the planet. That is about 4 billion more than our planet can support.

On that point, have you ever heard the word "Unsustainable?" It is used often enough when referring to various things that are happening. But do you even know what they are saying when they say "unsustainable?" It doesn't mean that things can't continue getting ever worse as they are. It means that right as things are now, it is unsustainable. You can imagine what things continuing to get increasingly bad will mean. Who would condemn anybody to live in such a world. A self centered asshole I would say.

Here is another point. Humans are incredibly evil. A paradox with that is that they can do good and still be evil. Most humans are also incredibly stupid. I know. I have talked to enough of them at various forums to find that out. Also who in the hell are these assholes to want to force others to be born. Maybe they lived a good life and want to see others do so. But just because they have doesn't mean that others will. Or maybe they want to keep a good supply of slaves coming. George Carlin had some interesting points on those people. I'll show it to you.

Also, luckily for you human caused global warming will probably kill off most of the life on Earth in about 30 years. But even if it were otherwise, I will show you a parable of what future life those in charge have in store for humanity. Imagine the creatures you see as humans. Before the inevitable massive die off. Along with the incredible suffering that would go along with it. I will show it in a reply.

they're living human fetuses.

life begins at conception. that's biology not bible-thumping.
Me Tarzan- YOU NAZI!

Me willing to debate. You not. So, how does that suit you. Now I would like to debate on many topics. But there aren't enough categories on this forum. And the other major forums out there with more categories just won't let me speak. Because I'm right. For example, I started a thread around here called, "Why are trump supporters so stupid." A couple days ago I joined a forum with the word "message" in the title of it. I posted a very similar thread there. I went back the next day and found that they had banned me for posting "spam." And they deleted the thread.
Jeez...aren't you a ray of sunshine.

From watching old movies in the past, I found out that they had a term for those who were well off. They called them "Swells." Because for them, everything was just swell. As in good or fine. From what I have seen, most forums are almost completely populated by such people. But they aren't the majority. And for others like me, life has been one big shit sandwitch. I have gone through HELL! Did I deserve it? I don't think so. So I speak out against what I find fault with. And let the chips fall where they may.