All-American Conservative Veteran Here

No he doesn't. Trump is suggesting with clear facts that what the dems are doing (especially from this current administration) are indeed using all their political strength to undermine our constitution. Have you been keeping up with the latest Twitter findings that clearly show how the biden administration along with the FBI and other top agencies and High Tech firms have been censoring and cancelling every major voice from the political RIGHT? Come January when the Republicans claim control of congress there will be much overdue hearings going on concerning the total corruption of the dem party's criminal plan to stymie and or cancel our 1st Amendment right of free speech, not to mention their much overdue investigation into why the FBI held Hunter's laptop from hell for a full year before the 2020 & 2022 elections. Hunter and the Big Guy Joe are obviously guilty of being compromised by Communist China. It will all come to light, buddy come next year.

I'm a Christian who doesn't hate anyone, and that includes any anti American liberal. I hate modern day liberalism for everything it stands for which
amounts to just about everything that is either un or anti American.

You admitted you hate,right after you said you don't hate.
Lost all credibility.
Just got another 30-day ban (for who knows what reason) from a forum DTT which consists of approx 99% radical lefties, and does have an entire moderation staff of extreme lefties as well. Hope to see some other Conservatives here, and liberals who possess at least an ounce of common sense, and are willing to debate without relying on the Democrat agenda to cancel or censor any or everything spoken by anyone representing the all-American political right.

DTT? Dumb Trumpers & Twits?

Hating is evil and wrong. It puts emotion over reason. I'm a right leaning moderate and have voted straight Libertarian tickets since 2016. Also, like a handful of others other, a retired vet.

Trump is a draft-dodging pedophile. The only good thing he did in his life was beat Hillary in an election. After that, he should have resigned and let Pence run the show. If he had, we'd have a Republican President now.
One look at my avatar should give you enough reason backed up by fact as to who among us has serious mental disorders.

You? Hate is a mental disorder since it blinds people to logic. It doesn't matter who you hate, the hate itself is an expression of the mental disorder.

Have you been diagnosed with any mental issues? Has a doctor recommended that you seek psychiatric help?
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Rejection sensitive dysphoria occurs when you experience an intense or overwhelming emotional sensitivity to criticism or rejection. It can be a learned emotional response or you may be genetically predisposed to it.
I'm a Christian who doesn't hate anyone...
Non sequitur, dude. You claim to hate then claim you're a Christian who doesn't hate. Both can't be true so one of them is a lie...unless you have a mental disorder, then I completely understand and forgive you. :)

A fair guess; he spouts the same BS and non sequitur as other RWNJs both MIA and banned. He hates Libs and others then claims he's a Christian who doesn't hate.

I'm guessing elderly, angry, demented geezer who is selfish and unChristian enough to spread his anger and hate onto innocent people.
Aw, look! It's yet another banned-from-somewhere-else-because-mean-old-libtards-picked-on-me, butt-hurt Cultist! Welcome. You'll find many of your sort here. Once you've made enough posts, you'll have access to the JPP Conservatard Swooning Couch, TrumpBrand(tm) Smelling Salts (Now 93% Ivermectin Free!), MTG coloring books with only white crayons, and an ample supply of tissues.

Libtards picking on me? Butt hurt? LOL, I enjoy giving the libtards the facts about their destructive and anti American policies and ideology on a regular basis. Its the libtards and the libtard members/moderators of some of these forums who just cannot accept the truth and that are the very people who get butt hurt by hearing the truth about their anti American support of the most destructive administration in our history.
Just got another 30-day ban (for who knows what reason) from a forum DTT which consists of approx 99% radical lefties, and does have an entire moderation staff of extreme lefties as well. Hope to see some other Conservatives here, and liberals who possess at least an ounce of common sense, and are willing to debate without relying on the Democrat agenda to cancel or censor any or everything spoken by anyone representing the all-American political right.

Great way to win friends and influence people sport. Your OP suggest you are a MAGA closed mind type conservative. BTW I'm a conservative Republican!