All religions are anti-science

All religions are anti-science, so why do leftists only single out Christianity?

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Many of the organizations affiliated with religions do utilize science-based methods in the physical world that are at odds with their religion's beliefs.
present evidence

I can. Christianity teaches that the dead shall rise, and its' beliefs include an account of dead humans being reanimated. (Matthew 27:53).

That is impossible, according to science. No evidence of such an event has ever been factually verified, nor has it been repeated in controlled circumstances.
so the only way to take scripture is absolutely literally?

It said they were in their graves asleep and they woke up and went to the holy city. Hey you can interpret this to me they were dead and they came back to life or they could have been suffering some sort of paralysis that mimics death this is absolutely scientifically possible and has been recorded.

Therefore, one of the core beliefs of Christianity is anti-scientific.
no your literal another boneheaded interpretation of it is.
Yet many Christian denominations allow affiliated organizations to treat the sick and injured using scientific methods. They also teach medical students scientific methods. If such an organization taught that it was possible to heal the sick or raise the dead by prayer or laying on of hands rather than with scientific methods, they would be shut down by the authorities.
Religious organizations are part of the religion.
I don't follow bread crumbs just make your point.

Please try to understand.

Christianity is a religion.
Catholicism is a denomination.

From there, Catholics (not the religion, but it's devotees) have a hierarchy, which looks like this:


Nothing below the level of Christianity is a religion.

The organizations of what is known as the Catholic Church is structured like this:

The Pope is selected by the Curia. The Curia is not a religion. It is an organization. The College of Cardinals is another, and what are called Sees is another.

At the more localized level, there are Dioceses. They are organizations, too. They are not religions.

Then there are parishes. Parishes will often administer parochial schools, which may teach science. But the school is not a religion. The parish is not a religion. Christianity is still the religion.

Does that help?
Your definition of it yes but I've never heard of this before. Perhaps you should rethink your statements

Look at this again, please.

Definition of religion:

1a : the state of a religious // a nun in her 20th year of religion
b(1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Please try to understand.

Christianity is a religion.
Catholicism is a denomination.
this was understood by me before I ever met you. This kind of nonsense is unnecessary get to your point.
From there, Catholics (not the religion, but it's devotees) have a hierarchy, which looks like this:


Nothing below the level of Christianity is a religion.
so now according to you Catholicism isn't a religion?

The organizations of what is known as the Catholic Church is structured like this:

The Pope is selected by the Curia. The Curia is not a religion. It is an organization. The College of Cardinals is another, and what are called Sees is another.

At the more localized level, there are Dioceses. They are organizations, too. They are not religions.

Then there are parishes. Parishes will often administer parochial schools, which may teach science. But the school is not a religion. The parish is not a religion. Christianity is still the religion.

Does that help?
No it seems to have nothing at all to do with anything.

Christianity is a religion this religion is divided up into denominations. The denominations are religion.

If I had a pair of brownies and I cut them into one piece of it out that piece doesn't cease to be a brownie.
Look at this again, please.

Definition of religion:

1a : the state of a religious // a nun in her 20th year of religion
b(1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

I've already seen it. It seems to rip apart your convoluted theory.

Nothing here says that religions aren't divided into subdivisions called denominations. Nothing here says Catholicism isn't a religion.

What the lexicon does is explain how words are used in common parlance.
I've already seen it. It seems to rip apart your convoluted theory.

Nothing here says that religions aren't divided into subdivisions called denominations. Nothing here says Catholicism isn't a religion.

What the lexicon does is explain how words are used in common parlance.

Does this help?

Catholicism: the faith, practice, or system of Catholic Christianity
It said they were in their graves asleep and they woke up and went to the holy city. Hey you can interpret this to me they were dead and they came back to life or they could have been suffering some sort of paralysis that mimics death this is absolutely scientifically possible and has been recorded.

Really? Some of them had been dead for hundreds of years, according to the Bible.
Does this help?

Catholicism: the faith, practice, or system of Catholic Christianity

No I already know all this stuff.

What will help is for you to tell me why a religion that is supposedly anti-science supports organizations that practice science.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
What will help is for you to tell me why a religion that is supposedly anti-science supports organizations that practice science.

I've explained that religions are abstract belief sets.

World religions is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the five—and in some cases six—largest and most internationally widespread religious movements. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism are always included in the list, being known as the "Big Five". Some scholars also include another religion, such as Taoism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, or the Bahá'í Faith, in the category. These are often juxtaposed against other categories, such as "indigenous religions" and "new religious movements", which are also used by scholars in this field of research.

You don't see Catholicism in that list, because it is a denominational subset of Christianity. Christianity is a religion.
Not explain how denominations aren't religion.

They are subsets of religions.

Islam has denominations, too.

Islam is the religion. The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam. The Shia constitute 10–20% of Islam and are its second-largest branch.
This doesn't explain how it isn't a religion

Because denominations believe differing versions of the core religion.

A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name, organization and doctrine. Issues regarding the nature of Jesus, Trinitarianism, salvation, the authority of apostolic succession, eschatology, conciliarity, and papal primacy among others may separate one denomination from another.
I've explained that religions are abstract belief sets.
no that's theology. Religion is an organization that adhere to a set of doctrine. So I disagree with your opinion.
World religions is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the five—and in some cases six—largest and most internationally widespread religious movements. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism are always included in the list, being known as the "Big Five". Some scholars also include another religion, such as Taoism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, or the Bahá'í Faith, in the category. These are often juxtaposed against other categories, such as "indigenous religions" and "new religious movements", which are also used by scholars in this field of research.

You don't see Catholicism in that list, because it is a denominational subset of Christianity. Christianity is a religion.
A denomination of Christianity is still Christianity.
Because denominations believe differing version of the core religion.
False they make up the core religion.
A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name, organization and doctrine. Issues regarding the nature of Jesus, Trinitarianism, salvation, the authority of apostolic succession, eschatology, conciliarity, and papal primacy among others may separate one denomination from another.
Christan denominations make up Christianity. So what? How are they not Christianity?
They are subsets of religions.

Islam has denominations, too.

Islam is the religion. The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam. The Shia constitute 10–20% of Islam and are its second-largest branch.

So how do subsets of Christianity become not Christian?
Where does the bible say it is to be taken absolutely literally?

So you admit that the Bible contains many anti-scientific passages that cannot be taken seriously?

2 Timothy 3:16–17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Jesus and the apostles claimed that Old Testament stories actually took place.

For example, Matthew 19:4–6; Luke 4:17–19, 21; Matthew 12:40; Mark 12:26

Jesus referenced every book of the Pentateuch, plus several of the prophets according to the New Testament.

“How many times do the writers of the New Testament quote the Old Testament? An index in the Jewish New Testament catalogs 695 separate quotations from the books of the Old Testament in the New (Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, 1989). There are many other passages where the Old Testament is referred to , as in cases where an Old Testament figure is mentioned, but no specific scripture is quoted. Depending on which scholar’s work you examine, the number of quotations and references in the New Testament to the Old may be as high as 4,105 (Roger Nicole, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary , Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979, Vol. I, p. 617).”