Almost every single person connected to the left have been exposed as epic liars

Then what about this excerpt:

“The Democrats are rightly engaged in their own debate about whether President Biden is the right person to carry the party’s nomination into the election, given widespread concerns among voters about his age-related fitness. This debate is so intense because of legitimate concerns that Mr. Trump may present a danger to the country, its strength, security and national character — and that a compelling Democratic alternative is the only thing that would prevent his return to power. ”
I absolutely agree that the Democrats (I am not a Democrat) ARE engaged in such a debate.

So...what are you talking about?
I absolutely agree that the Democrats (I am not a Democrat) ARE engaged in such a debate.

So...what are you talking about?
The fact the you support a turnip who can’t defeat Trump tells me that you indirectly and inadvertently support Trump.
Too bad you’re not with level headed dems on this one.
Be they politicians, media, Democrat or left wing voters,....even many on this very board. They collectively went ALL IN and are now on the verge of destroying their own party simply because they cant seem to stop lying,....about much of anything.

Remember some of these greatest hits?

There are no caravans,...there is no mass illegal immigration, is all just made up republican fear mongering!

Joe Biden is as mentally fit as anyone, razor sharp and focused on bettering the country.

Walls dont work,......instead we need more lawyers at the border.

inflation? What inflation,...its all Russian and republican propaganda. Oh, and if there is any inflation its all Trump, the Russians, and Republicans fault anyway.

Trump? THIS TIME we got em! He's going to JAIL!

There is no Hunter Biden laptop, at all, doesnt even exist. Its all Russian Disinformation!

Oh wait,....There is a Hunter lap top afterall but there is nothing on it anyway, and if there is its all fake and it was artificially added later.

well,....I guess there is a laptop and everything on it is in fact legit but it doesnt matter anyway because Hunter isnt running for office,...But trust us......Joe IS NOT the " BIG GUY"

If you get the covid vaccine you will not get covid, you just wont,....JOE even said so!

Hopefully all Republican voters who are unvaxed DIE of Covid and when they do we will all tell jokes about it and squeal with delight as their families are laying them to rest.

None of us never said anything like that, WTF are you talking about with your made up Russian propaganda?!!!

Joe Biden has added millions and millions of high paying jobs all across the country!

Dont listen to Repubicans and their Russian disinfo,...those are all NEW jobs damn it,...NOT jobs returning after the lockdowns!

The lockdowns will save us

None of us knew Joe was in serious decline,...I swear, we had no idea,...this is all quite a shock to us!

You get the point. I could go on and on and on endlessly with the lies you bastards so brazenly told . So much so that YOUR OWN PARTY is now scrambling in a furious last ditch effort to dump Joe in a pathetic attempt to SAVE THEIR OWN ASSES. They could care less about the damage that has been done to our country in the last 3 years,....not one bit,....its all about saving themselves now. THEY WONT,....way too many lies have been told. The country is now finally fed up and sick to death of the whole corrupt ball of shit that you have become.

And you actually think that WE THE PEOPLE will believe you now? Are you fucking joking? ARE YOU CRAZY? NOBODY does and nobody will. You are right about one thing though,..........YOU SHOULD be scared. There absolutely will be blowback and retribution,...there cant not be now,...and YOU brought it all on yourselves. Justice is coming, doubt about it.
The left relies on a scared dumbed down electorate.
The fact the you support a turnip who can’t defeat Trump tells me that you indirectly and inadvertently support Trump.
Too bad you’re not with level headed dems on this one.
Whatever happened to moderate Democrats?.... I think they were called Blue Dog Dems. I guess they all died off and we are left with the results of the twisted propagandized educational system. The Socialist/Commie takeover of the USA has been partially effective through the Democrat party and it's nefarious backers like Soros.

Oh BTW.... this Dutch fellow thinks I'm a foreign agent. What an f'n schmuck.
The fact the you support a turnip who can’t defeat Trump tells me that you indirectly and inadvertently support Trump.
Too bad you’re not with level headed dems on this one.
I would support a bag of rocks against Trump. It does not matter to me if the Democrats go with Joe Biden, who I consider a very successful president, or with a replacement...I will, as will any intelligent, sane person, vote for that person in opposition to Trump.
Whatever happened to moderate Democrats?.... I think they were called Blue Dog Dems. I guess they all died off and we are left with the results of the twisted propagandized educational system. The Socialist/Commie takeover of the USA has been partially effective through the Democrat party and it's nefarious backers like Soros.

Oh BTW.... this Dutch fellow thinks I'm a foreign agent. What an f'n schmuck.
Better to ask whatever happened to the Republican Party. It has become a cesspool...looking for lower ground.
I would support a bag of rocks against Trump. It does not matter to me if the Democrats go with Joe Biden, who I consider a very successful president, or with a replacement...I will, as will any intelligent, sane person, vote for that person in opposition to Trump.
Even though you KNOW that person will not win knowing full well a younger, more lucent person would have a far better chance. The MAGA’s thank you.
You actually stand with the MAGA’s in that , like you, they want Brandon to stay in the race.
Guys...if "lying" truly bothered you as much as you are asserting...ALL of your efforts would be aimed at ensuring that Trump lose this next election no matter his opponent or that opponents faults.

If lying were as important to you as you pretend it would be spending most of your time here at JPP writing posts persuading people to vote AGAINST Trump...even if it meant voting for someone who would otherwise be unacceptable...because in the history of American politics, there has never been a liar as pervasive as he.

In a scathing, incisive, and well-reasoned editorial today, The New York Times, spelled out why Trump is unfit to lead our nation. The heading of the piece, reasonably enough, is: Why Donald Trump Is Unfit To Lead.

Here is a link to the article. Hope it is not behind a paywall;

Great article and it's not behind a paywall with this link. Unfortunately, the people who should read this won't; it's long and uses big words. But the editorial board got it right about trump and everything they wrote can be backed up. This wasn't a "both sides" or disguised puff piece about trump; it was the stark and honest truth. Thanks, Frank.
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Then what about this excerpt:

“The Democrats are rightly engaged in their own debate about whether President Biden is the right person to carry the party’s nomination into the election, given widespread concerns among voters about his age-related fitness. This debate is so intense because of legitimate concerns that Mr. Trump may present a danger to the country, its strength, security and national character — and that a compelling Democratic alternative is the only thing that would prevent his return to power. ”
That's one paragraph. Following that is the real expose of trump.
Great article and it's not behind a paywall with this link. Unfortunately, the people who should read this won't; it's long and uses big words. But the editorial board got it right about and everything they wrote can be backed up. This wasn't a "both sides" or disguised puff piece about trump; it was the stark and honest truth. Thanks, Frank.
They’re saying little different than what’s been said for the last eight years.
My take is that they’re just trying to mitigate their opinion that Biden should relinquish his candidacy and not appear pro-Trump.
The fact the you support a turnip who can’t defeat Trump tells me that you indirectly and inadvertently support Trump.
Too bad you’re not with level headed dems on this one.
Perspective: Magas want Biden to step down because deep inside they know he can still beat trump in the general. But if Biden steps down and Kamala takes his place, magas know a lot of people won't vote for a mixed-race woman and this gives trump an advantage.
Have you read it yet? It's an article of facts, not suppositions and generalities. And everything in it can be backed up.
Of course. I subscribe to the NYTimes. And I agree with ALL of it. I also agree with so many dems that Biden should abandon his candidacy for the good of not only the country but the world. At least there’d be a possibility of a reasonable choice. As of now there really is none.