Amazing contrast, McCain v. Obama...

He got those purple hearts through official navy protocols and regulations, and has the citations to prove he got them.

The fact that you are demanding additional proof, means that you are a swiftboater. I never demanded that Bob Dole provide additional documentation to prove his purple hearts were merited in the 1996 race.

True! But President Clinton was more confident about beating Dole than Bush was about beating Kerry!
He got those purple hearts through official navy protocols and regulations, and has the citations to prove he got them.

The fact that you are demanding additional proof, means that you are a swiftboater. I never demanded that Bob Dole provide additional documentation to prove his purple hearts were merited in the 1996 race.
I was not demanding anything. I simply said that he could have silenced those idiots by simply releasing that part of his record.

You are absolutely the most disingenuous person I have ever seen argue any topic at all, either that or the most incapable of comprehending another's point.

How he got these medals has no merit in a discussion of what he would do with the Presidency. I wanted people to shut up about that and focus on real issues. In order to do that, he could have released that portion of his records. While it was an "issue" it served only to distract and was BS to begin with. I couldn't, and still can't care any less about "how" he got the medals.
One of Bob Dole's purple hearts was allegedly for a superficial wound suffered from a piece of shrapnel from a grenade.

Was Bob Dole ever hounded for proof and addtional documentation that the wound merited a purple heart? No he wasn't.
I was not demanding anything. I simply said that he could have silenced those idiots by simply releasing that part of his record.

You are absolutely the most disingenuous person I have ever seen argue any topic at all, either that or the most incapable of comprehending another's point.

the correct, non-partisan hackery post from you would have been:

The Navy determined that Kerry earned those medals under existing regulations. Dorks who keep hounding him for more proof that he deserved them should shut the fuck up
I was not demanding anything. I simply said that he could have silenced those idiots by simply releasing that part of his record.

You are absolutely the most disingenuous person I have ever seen argue any topic at all, either that or the most incapable of comprehending another's point.

We need a log for every time you've used the word disingenious. I think that might just slightly be a better use of your time.
I was not demanding anything. I simply said that he could have silenced those idiots by simply releasing that part of his record.

You are absolutely the most disingenuous person I have ever seen argue any topic at all, either that or the most incapable of comprehending another's point.

How he got these medals has no merit in a discussion of what he would do with the Presidency. I wanted people to shut up about that and focus on real issues. In order to do that, he could have released that portion of his records. While it was an "issue" it served only to distract and was BS to begin with. I couldn't, and still can't care any less about "how" he got the medals.

And you know that releasing any records would merely have made the discussion of these false issues more ferverant!
How he got these medals has no merit in a discussion of what he would do with the Presidency. I wanted people to shut up about that and focus on real issues. In order to do that, he could have released that portion of his records. While it was an "issue" it served only to distract and was BS to begin with. I couldn't, and still can't care any less about "how" he got the medals.

You could just shut up about it now... cause it is kind of pointless to keep on talking about it.
I was not demanding anything. I simply said that he could have silenced those idiots by simply releasing that part of his record.

You are absolutely the most disingenuous person I have ever seen argue any topic at all, either that or the most incapable of comprehending another's point.

How he got these medals has no merit in a discussion of what he would do with the Presidency. I wanted people to shut up about that and focus on real issues. In order to do that, he could have released that portion of his records.

You presume that released part of those records would have silenced them. That is pure fantasy.
We need a log for every time you've used the word disingenious. I think that might just slightly be a better use of your time.
Probably. It's annoying. I don't care if he released them or not. I simply suggested a solution to the distraction that actually existed.
How so?

I belive it is disingenous for you to claim that releasing those records would have ended the furror over the injury.
It is not "lacking in frankness" to predict that such a result would occur. Now had he done it, it was shown not to help, but I insisted that releasing it at a later date would have it would be "lacking in frankness".

You misapplied the word because you clearly do not know what it means.
You presume that released part of those records would have silenced them. That is pure fantasy.

Exactly. They weren't looking for truth.

If I see Damo driving a car, and I see that he has a driver's liscence, what would Damo's response be if I demanded he take me to the Motor Vehicles Department and show me records to prove his liscence wasn't fake? Damo's response to me would be: "Fuck off".

That's what kerry did. He had the purple hearts, and the naval citation to prove it. Just because some rightwing clods demand further proof, doesn't mean anything. I'd tell them to fuck off, too.
It is not "lacking in frankness" to predict that such a result would occur. Now had he done it, it was shown not to help, but I insisted that releasing it at a later date would have it would be "lacking in frankness".

You misapplied the word because you clearly do not know what it means.

I belive you are relativly certan that releasing the data would not have calmed the furvor, thus I belive you are being disingenous, lacking in frankness in the expression of your opinion.
You're sitting here mocking a guy who can't raise his arms because he was tortured for five years. How are you one to be talking or casting stones?

Maybe McCain slipped while taking a shower, and his injuries are self-inflicted. Maybe he lied about being tortured.

Well never know for sure until McCain demands that the vietnamese release all their prison records. :rolleyes:
I belive you are relativly certan that releasing the data would not have calmed the furvor, thus I belive you are being disingenous, lacking in frankness in the expression of your opinion.
I think it would have took the wind from their sails. While they might have tried to continue whatever it is they were trying, it would have no meat, people would not listen and therefore we could focus on the issues. As we mostly did on the sites at the time.

I believe that you believe this too, but I wouldn't suggest you are disingenuous for saying he shouldn't release the records for any other reason.

What Cypress did that was disingenuous is pretend that I was "demanding a release" of the records. I seriously couldn't have cared and still can't care any less about them. The power of distraction is obvious when four years later we can still have a discussion this long about something I believed was idiotic and time consuming then...
By the way, John O'Neill, the leader of the SBVFT, had this to say after Kerry signed the From 180 and released all of his records:

John O'Neill, the leader of the Swift Boat veterans group and coauthor of the book ''Unfit for Command," said yesterday that he would be disappointed if Kerry's files do not contain new information. ''I would still have the same beliefs expressed in my book," he said.
I think it would have took the wind from their sails. While they might have tried to continue whatever it is they were trying, it would have no meat, people would not listen and therefore we could focus on the issues. As we mostly did on the sites at the time.

I believe that you believe this too, but I wouldn't suggest you are disingenuous for saying he shouldn't release the records for any other reason.

What Cypress did that was disingenuous is pretend that I was "demanding a release" of the records. I seriously couldn't have cared and still can't care any less about them. The power of distraction is obvious when four years later we can still have a discussion this long about something I believed was idiotic and time consuming then...

I've got a bridge for sale. Interested?