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Yes. She is a victim of a gang of bitter people. Did you notice that both Mason and Jaded Bigfoot both admit that they came late to the party? I am sorry to see that you have become the latest gangbanger.
Why would a "victim" virtually chase and antagonize said people? She cannot stop goading or talking about them. Or, haven't you noticed?

Gangbanger? No, just not a fool. I began thinking she was a victim, but as time rolled on I could she was not not one.

Anyone who is/was a victim, etc. would never pursue the big skeery people from dusk to dawn. Just doesn't compute. I think it's for attention and when no one cares, it makes her madder, hence the meltdowns.
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I am having some major surgery on July 11. That should give Owl enough time to come up with a good spell/curse. If I don't survive, I have arranged for someone to write a final Controlled Opposition post, acknowledging that Owl killed me with her powerful witchcraft. :laugh:

Yikes. Good luck with that. Be well.
Maybe he thinks the Native American words, and phrases cast a spell on him. If that was the case he'd be speaking like an imbecile. :thinking::thinking::thinking: Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? ;)

Who knows, or cares. He's an imbecile, like Toxic. She likes to refer to "witch" all the time too, especially if the person I'm debating with has claimed to be a Christian. Maybe she's hoping I'll get a crucifix in the eyeball or something. lol
Who knows, or cares. He's an imbecile, like Toxic. She likes to refer to "witch" all the time too, especially if the person I'm debating with has claimed to be a Christian. Maybe she's hoping I'll get a crucifix in the eyeball or something. lol

The world had never seen a woman cream so much in all existence,as when,she saw you go over the handlebars!
Why would a "victim" virtually chase and antagonize said people? She cannot stop goading or talking about them. Or, haven't you noticed?

Gangbanger? No, just not a fool. I began thinking she was a victim, but as time rolled on I could she was not not one.

Anyone who is/was a victim, etc. would never pursue the big skeery people from dusk to dawn. Just doesn't compute. I think it's for attention and when no one cares, it makes her madder, hence the meltdowns.

Excellent points. You're not alone in the initial misconception of alleged victimhood. Notice how the apologists have dwindled till all that's left is a derp who also believes that Israel was behind 9/11? That alone tells you something right there. lol

And that's about enough Acme Attention Whore Treats(tm) for today. :laugh:
The world had never seen a woman cream so much in all existence,as when,she saw you go over the handlebars!

No doubt. That ended badly when her bff Brunette admitted publicly that the stupid bint took the photo I posted on FB and emailed it around. Whoops!
I'll stay, as I see fit, and I'll continue to call it- as I see it!

Let me give you a piece of advice- Not everyone will always agree with you personally- SO YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT!

Do you approve of this Amazon bullshit? You guys have carried a fued from another board over here for more than a year. WTF is wrong with you?
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