America committed the worst terrorist acts in world history

Weak, even for you.

The most insidious weapons are biological.

Such as the one democrats and their Chinese masters unleashed on the world with the Wuhan Designer Virus®.

Biological weapons are deliberately indiscriminate. Even a nuke is targeted, but weapons like Covid-19 are designed to kill without mercy or reason.

Since 1945, the world has found ways to avoid nuclear war. But in 2019 a biological attack - deliberate or inadvertent - was launched against the world.
Conspiracy theory on steroids. The Chinese lost population due to Covid also.
Abusing steroids would explain a lot of his behavior. Ask him if he's growing breasts. That would be three of the symptoms noted below. Acne is another symptom.

Paranoia is a good psychological symptom. Conspiracy theorists certainly qualify.
Drastic mood swings and “roid rage” are common red flags of prolonged steroid abuse. Steroid abuse can also result in dramatic personality changes over time.

Other common side effects and signs of anabolic steroid abuse include:

  • Acne
  • Rapid muscle/weight gain
  • Enlarged breasts (in men)
  • Paranoia
  • Hyperactivity
...Steroid abuse can also lead to significant psychiatric and behavioral issues. One of the most common issues documented in long-term steroid users is violent behavior. Domestic violence, armed robbery and even murder have been linked to steroid use.
It looks like you think might makes right.

Looks like you think slavery is admirable.

I know you hate America, but the enemy of America is not always your friend. Imperial Japan was not a nice place for captured people.

Also, aren't you a MAJOR war monger for conflict in Ukraine? I know your party loves war.
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Pretty much. The accuracy of weapons at the time left little choice about that, and it was accepted as necessary.

Nagasaki was the production hub of the Japanese fleet. It was very much a military target.

Kyoto was the original choice rather than Hiroshima, and had a larger munitions manufacturing footprint - but also had vastly greater air defenses. Gen. Marshall picked Hiroshima as the likelihood of a successful strike was greater while still dealing a devastating blow to the Japanese war machine.
Wrong. My premise was the USAAF wanted to bomb enemy targets as efficiently as possible. They also didn't want to just indiscriminately bomb cities or anything else. Thus, they chose to employ weapons that minimized own casualties while doing maximum damage to enemy targets. In bombing Japan it wasn't practical to target just a factory as much of the production in that nation was decentralized simply by the nature of society there. Unlike in the US or Germany, factories in Japan relied on a vast number of small shops making often a single part that went into something the factory made. All the factory did was assemble the parts. Factories themselves were smaller and often crammed into residential areas or mixed in with other use structures.
Thus, to take out production, the US had to flatten the city rather than bomb a small group of buildings within it. That made atomic bombs the perfect weapon for the job. One plane, one bomb, one city.

WW2 was the first war that civilians were deliberately attacked. People were no longer been as collateral damage, but military targets.
WW2 was the first war that civilians were deliberately attacked. People were no longer been as collateral damage, but military targets.

That's not correct. The Germans used Zeppelins to bomb London in WWI.

Lincoln let Sherman use Scorched Earth tactics across the South, most famously burning Atlanta, resulting in the direct deaths of civilians or their eventual starvation or death from the elements.

Such barbarity was common in the past. What changed was the tech enabling more efficient mass murder.
WW2 was the first war that civilians were deliberately attacked. People were no longer been as collateral damage, but military targets.

Not true either. WW 1 targeted civilians, particularly done by Germany...


That's the Paris Gun. Germany built several and bombarded Paris with them. There was no military target involved. The Germans also bombed Paris by air regularly.


The Germans also sent Zeppelins to attack London and other cities in England.

Then there was the U-boat war. That started out only targeting shipping in a manner that avoided civilian casualties, but Allied--British in particular--countermeasures forced Germany into going to no warning attacks on shipping. Remember the Lusitania?

So, civilians were military targets in a sense. The intent of those city raids was to lower enemy morale and potentially force the enemy into capitulation through terrorizing their civilian population.

In wars previous, civilian targets were attacked by various nations. The Mongols of the 12th and 13th Century took great delight in slaughtering the population of some city then razing it to the ground. The Mongols saw doing this as eliminating potential enemies on the battlefield.
That's not correct. The Germans used Zeppelins to bomb London in WWI.

Lincoln let Sherman use Scorched Earth tactics across the South, most famously burning Atlanta, resulting in the direct deaths of civilians or their eventual starvation or death from the elements.

Such barbarity was common in the past. What changed was the tech enabling more efficient mass murder.

Lincoln let? In fact, Georgians watched as the Northern troops arrived. To support the troops, Sherman's troops took livestock and food. They were not slaughtering the people. It is not the same. Did some people suffer as a result? Sure, but the civilians were not targeted.
Zepplins in WW1? OK. That was a civilian slaughterhouse.
Lincoln let? In fact, Georgians watched as the Northern troops arrived. To support the troops, Sherman's troops took livestock and food. They were not slaughtering the people. It is not the same. Did some people suffer as a result? Sure, but the civilians were not targeted.
Zepplins in WW1? OK. That was a civilian slaughterhouse.

At one point the Confederates started planting crude landmines to kill Union soldiers during that march. Sherman used civilians or POW's driven ahead of his troops to find them. The Confederates quickly reconsidered that action.

Rape of women was generally overlooked, as was wholesale pillaging. While outright murder was generally punished, anything short of it was generally overlooked.

The Confederates used terrorists / spies to plant "coal bombs" on Union vessels, particularly on the Mississippi, with the intent of destroying ships. These were indiscriminate about the resulting casualties.

The quick reference for that:
And I say this as someone who loves America.

But I don't love parts of our history.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a shameful chapter in our history. No one should ever try to justify these horrific acts by arguing how many might have died in a land war, or using other justifications.

Civilians are never to be targeted in war. Never. Never. Never.

Lets be clear whether you like it or not those bombs DID saves lives so stop whining. That isnt an excuse for what was done, its an explanation. Thank God America wasnt like it is now in 1945
That's not correct. The Germans used Zeppelins to bomb London in WWI.

Lincoln let Sherman use Scorched Earth tactics across the South, most famously burning Atlanta, resulting in the direct deaths of civilians or their eventual starvation or death from the elements.

Such barbarity was common in the past. What changed was the tech enabling more efficient mass murder.

War is Hell
Lincoln let? In fact, Georgians watched as the Northern troops arrived. To support the troops, Sherman's troops took livestock and food. They were not slaughtering the people. It is not the same. Did some people suffer as a result? Sure, but the civilians were not targeted.
Zepplins in WW1? OK. That was a civilian slaughterhouse.

Are you saying Lincoln and Sherman didn't anticipate that civilians would be killed or die from the results of their actions? What happens when an invading army either takes or destroys all the food, Nordberg? Is it really that difficult to anticipate the results?

Why do you think "Scorched Earth" tactics are a war crime?
Sheridan’s Scorched Earth Campaign — The Union Army’s Forgotten War Crime
Are you saying Lincoln and Sherman didn't anticipate that civilians would be killed or die from the results of their actions? What happens when an invading army either takes or destroys all the food, Nordberg? Is it really that difficult to anticipate the results?

Why do you think "Scorched Earth" tactics are a war crime?
Sheridan’s Scorched Earth Campaign — The Union Army’s Forgotten War Crime

I am saying clearly that Georgia citizens died in Sherman's march, due to lack of food. They were not targeted. They were collateral damage. That is not the same thing as making civilians deliberate targets. They would have had to have soldiers deliberately shooting and killing them to be the same thing.

WW2 was the first war that civilians were deliberately attacked.
Nordberg, Nordberg, Nordberg ... you have stupid down to an art. All tribal warfare, which was practically all warfare, on whatever continent, targeted civilian females for rape and civilian males for either slavery or execution. Ask guno, it's entirely what the Isrealites/Jews/Hebrews did whenever they won a war. Ask guno what "vassals" means. Ask guno why it was so important that David defeated Goliath. They wanted more slaves. The Israelites might very well have been the very first DNC.

People were no longer been as collateral damage, but military targets.
Nordberg, please learn English. Your poor delivery ("bad delivery" for Concart) detracts from the otherwise natural hilarity of your posts.

Nordberg, I'm sure you are too familiar with the saying "If you think and education is expensive, try ignorance." Your parents should have seized the opportunity to name you Semper Tabula Rasa. Every single one of your posts is a mere regurgitation of the stupidest crap available on the internet.
I am saying clearly that Georgia citizens died in Sherman's march, due to lack of food. They were not targeted. They were collateral damage. That is not the same thing as making civilians deliberate targets. They would have had to have soldiers deliberately shooting and killing them to be the same thing.
Collateral damage is, indeed, damage done but not targeted. The civilians are clearly targeted with Scorched Earth tactics.
“This Union and its Government must be sustained, at any and every cost,” explained one of Sherman’s subordinates. “To sustain it, we must war upon and destroy the organized rebel forces,–must cut off their supplies, destroy their communications…and produce among the people of Georgia a thorough conviction of the personal misery which attends war, and the utter helplessness and inability of their ‘rulers’ to protect them…If that terror and grief and even want shall help to paralyze their husbands and fathers who are fighting us…it is mercy in the end.”