America committed the worst terrorist acts in world history

A good reason not to have them unless absolutely necessary. It's also why veterans should be in positions to declare war or not rather than a bunch of rich chickenhawks.
No minority class, not even veterans, shall be so privileged as to determine anything for the entirety of We the People. And before you reply with your text "should be in positions to declare or or not" in large, bold text ... as if you were only suggesting they be consulted or something, ... no, that's not what you meant.
No minority class, not even veterans, shall be so privileged as to determine anything for the entirety of We the People. And before you reply with your text "should be in positions to declare or or not" in large, bold text ... as if you were only suggesting they be consulted or something, ... no, that's not what you meant.
I love it when you go all nutty, Sybil.

Do you drink or take drugs?
Collateral damage is, indeed, damage done but not targeted. The civilians are clearly targeted with Scorched Earth tactics.
“This Union and its Government must be sustained, at any and every cost,” explained one of Sherman’s subordinates. “To sustain it, we must war upon and destroy the organized rebel forces,–must cut off their supplies, destroy their communications…and produce among the people of Georgia a thorough conviction of the personal misery which attends war, and the utter helplessness and inability of their ‘rulers’ to protect them…If that terror and grief and even want shall help to paralyze their husbands and fathers who are fighting us…it is mercy in the end.”

In fact, scorched earth was to make sure the Confederates would not be re-equipped or fed. It is good not to worry about your rear flanks.
In fact, scorched earth was to make sure the Confederates would not be re-equipped or fed. It is good not to worry about your rear flanks.

Killing and starving the civilians helps accomplish that task. Look at the Russians in Ukraine.
I am saying clearly that Georgia citizens died in Sherman's march, due to lack of food. They were not targeted. They were collateral damage. That is not the same thing as making civilians deliberate targets. They would have had to have soldiers deliberately shooting and killing them to be the same thing.[/QUO

They didn't die because of Sherman's March to the sea!
They died because the CSA powers that be,didn't surrender! The South had no chance to win after Sherman took Atlanta and Lincoln was re-elected!
They had nothing left to stop Sherman,hardly anything to slow him down!
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And I say this as someone who loves America.

But I don't love parts of our history.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a shameful chapter in our history. No one should ever try to justify these horrific acts by arguing how many might have died in a land war, or using other justifications.

Civilians are never to be targeted in war. Never. Never. Never.

What do you think about the Blitz?
Brilliant military tactic for the time.

While Hitler obviously had his flaws he also had some genius ideas.

The same as any psycho I imagine.

How much of this came from him though is up for debate. It's never really been settled.

but but but, they attacked civilians.

What do you think about the Holodymor...or the cultural revolution?